Defined in include/extensions/PxD6JointCreate.h
- PxJoint *PxD6JointCreate_Pyramid(
- PxPhysics &physics,
- PxRigidActor *actor0,
- const PxVec3 &localPos0,
- PxRigidActor *actor1,
- const PxVec3 &localPos1,
- const PxVec3 &axis,
- float minLimit1,
- float maxLimit1,
- float minLimit2,
- float maxLimit2,
Helper function to create a D6 joint with pyramidal swing limits.
This function supports a pyramid limit shape, defined by two pairs of angular limit values. This can be used to create an asymmetric pyramid. If the angular limit values are symmetric (i.e. minLimit1=-maxLimit1 and minLimit2=-maxLimit2) then the pyramid axis is the X axis in actor0’s space. By default minLimit1/maxLimit1 are limits around the joint’s Y axis, and minLimit2/maxLimit2 are limits around the joint’s Z axis.
The function creates hard limits, and uses PhysX’s default contact distance parameter.
Limits are expressed in radians. Allowed range is ]-PI;PI[.
The pyramid axis is equivalent to the twist axis for the D6 joint. The twist motion is not limited.
See also
- Parameters:
physics – [in] The physics SDK
actor0 – [in] An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
localPos0 – [in] The position of the joint relative to actor0
actor1 – [in] An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
localPos1 – [in] The position of the joint relative to actor1
axis – [in] The pyramid axis, expressed in the actors’ local space
minLimit1 – [in] Min angular limit along the joint frame’s second axis (first axis = pyramid axis)
maxLimit1 – [in] Max angular limit along the joint frame’s second axis (first axis = pyramid axis)
minLimit2 – [in] Min angular limit along the joint frame’s third axis (first axis = pyramid axis)
maxLimit2 – [in] Max angular limit along the joint frame’s third axis (first axis = pyramid axis)
- Returns:
The created joint.