Defined in include/extensions/PxSimpleFactory.h
- PxRigidDynamic *PxCloneDynamic(
- PxPhysics &physicsSDK,
- const PxTransform &transform,
- const PxRigidDynamic &body,
create a dynamic body by copying attributes from an existing body
The following properties are copied:
actor flags, rigidDynamic flags and rigidDynamic lock flags
mass, moment of inertia, and center of mass frame
linear and angular velocity
linear and angular damping
maximum linear velocity
maximum angular velocity
position and velocity solver iterations
maximum depenetration velocity
sleep threshold
contact report threshold
dominance group
owner client and client behavior bits
name pointer
kinematic target
The following are not copied and retain their default values:
joints or observers
aggregate or scene membership
sleep timer
user data
Transforms are not copied with bit-exact accuracy.
- Parameters:
physicsSDK – [in] PxPhysics - the physics SDK used to allocate the rigid static
body – [in] the rigid dynamic to clone.
transform – [in] the transform of the new dynamic
- Returns:
the newly-created rigid static