Defined in include/vehicle2/braking/PxVehicleBrakingFunctions.h
- inline void PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseUpdate(
- const PxReal *brakeCommands,
- const PxU32 nbBrakeCommands,
- const PxReal longitudinalSpeed,
- const PxU32 wheelId,
- const PxVehicleSizedArrayData<const PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams> &brakeResponseParams,
- PxReal &brakeResponseState,
Compute the brake torque response to an array of brake commands.
commands.brakes[i] and brakeResponseParams[i] are treated as pairs of brake command and brake command response.
- Parameters:
brakeCommands – [in] is the array of input brake commands to be applied to the vehicle.
nbBrakeCommands – [in] is the number of input brake commands to be applied to the vehicle.
longitudinalSpeed – [in] is the longitudinal speed of the vehicle.
wheelId – [in] specifies the wheel that is to have its brake response computed.
brakeResponseParams – [in] specifies the per wheel brake torque response to each brake command as a nonlinear function of brake command and longitudinal speed.
brakeResponseState – [out] is the brake torque response to the input brake command.