Migrating From PhysX SDK 5.4 to 5.5#

  • This guide highlights all significant parts of the API that have changed in the last release. An application with a working integration of the older version of PhysX should be able to easily migrate to the newer version by following these pointers.

Deformable Volumes#

The API for the deformable feature has been reworked. Generally a “Soft Body” is now refered to as “Deformable Volume”. A new “Deformable Surface” feature has been added for the simulation of cloth, shells or sheats. The new actor type hierarchy looks like this:


Here is a list of APIs that have been deprecated and should be replaced.

  • PxSoftBody, use PxDeformableVolume instead

  • PxSoftBodyFlag and PxSoftBodyFlags, use PxDeformableVolumeFlag and PxDeformableVolumeFlags instead

  • PxSoftBodyDataFlag and PxSoftBodyDataFlags, use PxDeformableVolumeDataFlag and PxDeformableVolumeDataFlags instead

  • PxFEMSoftBodyMaterial, use PxDeformableVolumeMaterial instead

  • PxSoftBodyMesh, use PxDeformableVolumeMesh instead

  • PxSoftBodyAuxData, use PxDeformableVolumeAuxData instead

  • PxFEMMaterial, use PxDeformableMaterial instead.

  • PxFEMParameters::velocityDamping, use PxDeformableBody::setLinearDamping instead

  • PxFEMParameters::settlingThreshold, use PxDeformableBody::setSettlingThreshold instead

  • PxFEMParameters::sleepThreshold, use PxDeformableBody::setSleepThreshold instead

  • PxFEMParameters::sleepDamping, use PxDeformableBody::setSettlingDamping instead

  • PxFEMParameters::selfCollisionFilterDistance, use PxDeformableBody::setSelfCollisionFilterDistance instead

  • PxFEMParameters::selfCollisionStressTolerance, use PxDeformableVolume::setSelfCollisionStressTolerance instead

  • PxSoftBodyFlag::eDISABLE_SELF_COLLISION, use PxDeformableBodyFlag::eDISABLE_SELF_COLLISION instead

  • PxSoftBodyFlag::eENABLE_CCD, use PxDeformableBodyFlag::eENABLE_SPECULATIVE_CCD instead

  • PxSoftBodyFlag::eKINEMATIC, use PxDeformableBodyFlag::eKINEMATIC instead

  • PxSoftBody::setKinematicTargetBufferD(const PxVec4* positions, PxDeformableVolumeFlags flags), use setKinematicTargetBufferD(const PxVec4* positions) instead. Note that the kinematic flags of the deformable volume (PxDeformableBodyFlag::eKINEMATIC and PxDeformableVolumeFlag::ePARTIALLY_KINEMATIC) are not raised or cleared automatically, but instead have to be set by the application via PxDeformableVolume::setDeformableVolumeFlag and PxDeformableBody::setDeformableBodyFlag.

  • PxSoftBodyExt, use PxDeformableVolumeExt instead.

  • PxPhysics::createSoftBody(), use createDeformableVolume() instead.

  • PxPhysics::createFEMSoftBodyMaterial(), use createDeformableVolumeMaterial() instead.

  • PxPhysics::getNbFEMSoftBodyMaterials(), use getNbDeformableVolumeMaterials() instead.

  • PxPhysics::getFEMSoftBodyMaterials(), use getDeformableVolumeMaterials() instead.

  • PxScene::getNbSoftBodies(), use getNbDeformableVolumes() instead.

  • PxScene::getSoftBodies(), use getDeformableVolumes() instead.

  • DampingScale (get and set) in PxDeformableMaterial, adjust the elasticity damping to get a similar effect

  • Damping (get and set) in PxDeformableMaterial, use ElasticityDamping instead.

The classes have been renamed and replaced with typedefs for backwards compatibility. Note that sometimes compile errors can occur in application code due to forward class definitions. Redundant class definitions should be removed. Either the code needs to be completely upgraded, including APIs and include files, or the forward class definitions need to be replaced by typedefs. E.g.:

namespace physx { class PxSoftBody; }


namespace physx { typedef PxDeformableVolume PxSoftBody; }

The following APIs have been removed completely

  • PxFEMMaterialTableIndex has been replaced with PxDeformableMaterialTableIndex

  • PxDeformableVolumeExt::commit has been removed. Please use PxDeformableVolumeExt::copyToDevice instead.