In directory: extensions/authoring
Source file: extensions/authoring/NvBlastExtAuthoringFractureTool.h
Defines the API for the NvBlastExtAuthoring blast sdk extension’s FractureTool.
Nv::Blast::FractureTool: FractureTool class provides methods to fracture provided mesh and generate Blast asset data.
Nv::Blast::RandomGeneratorBase: Abstract base class for user-defined random value generator.
Nv::Blast::VoronoiSitesGenerator: Class for voronoi sites generation inside supplied mesh.
Nv: FractureTool has requirements to input meshes to fracture them successfully: 1) Mesh should be closed (watertight) 2) There should not be self-intersections and open-edges.
Nv::Blast::CutoutConfiguration: Cutout fracturing configuration.