Defined in pvdruntime/include/OmniPvdReader.h
class OmniPvdReader
Used to read debug information from an OmniPvdReadStream.
Using the getNextCommand function in a while loop for example one can traverse the stream one command after another. Given the command, different functions below will be available.
Using the OmniPvdCommandEnum one can determine the type of command and like that use the appropriate get functions to extract the payload from the command.
Public Functions
inline virtual ~OmniPvdReader()
virtual void setLogFunction(OmniPvdLogFunction logFunction) = 0
Sets the log function to print the internal debug messages of the OmniPVD Reader instance.
- Parameters
logFunction – The function pointer to receive the log messages
virtual void setReadStream(OmniPvdReadStream *stream) = 0
Sets the read stream that contains the OmniPVD API command stream.
- Parameters
stream – The OmniPvdReadStream that holds the stream of API calls/notifications
virtual bool startReading(OmniPvdVersionType *majorVersion, OmniPvdVersionType *minorVersion, OmniPvdVersionType *patch) = 0
Extracts the versions from the binary file ro read and tests if the file is older or equal to that of the reader.
- Parameters
majorVersion – The major versions of the stream
minorVersion – The minor versions of the stream
patch – The patch number of the stream
- Returns
If the reading was possible to start or not
virtual OmniPvdCommandEnum::Enum getNextCommand() = 0
The heartbeat function of the reader class.
As long as the command that is returned is not equal to OmniPvdCommandEnum::eOmniPvdInvalid, then one can safely extract the data fields from the command.
- Returns
The command enum type
virtual OmniPvdCommandEnum::Enum getCommandType() = 0
Returns the command type as an enumerator of the latest command.
- Returns
The latest command enum type
virtual OmniPvdVersionType getMajorVersion() = 0
Returns the major version of the stream.
- Returns
The major version
virtual OmniPvdVersionType getMinorVersion() = 0
Returns the minor version of the stream.
- Returns
The minor version
virtual OmniPvdVersionType getPatch() = 0
Returns the patch number of the stream.
- Returns
The patch value
virtual OmniPvdContextHandle getContextHandle() = 0
Returns the context handle of the latest commmnd, if it had one, else 0.
- Returns
The context handle of the latest command
virtual OmniPvdObjectHandle getObjectHandle() = 0
Returns the object handle of the latest commmnd, if it had one, else 0.
- Returns
The object handle of the latest command
virtual OmniPvdClassHandle getClassHandle() = 0
Returns the class handle of the latest commmnd, if it had one, else 0.
- Returns
The class handle of the latest command
virtual OmniPvdClassHandle getBaseClassHandle() = 0
Returns the base class handle of the latest commmnd, if it had one, else 0.
- Returns
The base class handle of the latest command
virtual OmniPvdAttributeHandle getAttributeHandle() = 0
Returns the attribute handle of the latest commmnd, if it had one, else 0.
- Returns
The attribute handle of the latest command
virtual char *getClassName() = 0
Returns the class name of the latest commmnd, if it had one, else a null terminated string of length 0.
- Returns
The string containing the class name
virtual char *getAttributeName() = 0
Returns the attribute name of the latest commmnd, if it had one, else a null terminated string of length 0.
- Returns
The string containing the attribute name
virtual char *getObjectName() = 0
Returns the object name of the latest commmnd, if it had one, else a null terminated string of length 0.
- Returns
The string containing the object name
virtual uint8_t *getAttributeDataPointer() = 0
Returns the attribute data pointer, the data is undefined if the last command did not contain attribute data.
- Returns
The array containing the attribute data
virtual OmniPvdAttributeDataType getAttributeDataType() = 0
Returns the attribute data type, the data is undefined if the last command did not contain attribute data.
- Returns
The attribute data type
virtual uint32_t getAttributeDataLength() = 0
Returns the attribute data length, the data length of the last command.
- Returns
The attribute data length
virtual uint32_t getAttributeNumberElements() = 0
Returns the number of elements contained in the last set operation.
- Returns
The number of elements
virtual OmniPvdClassHandle getAttributeClassHandle() = 0
Returns the numberclass handle of the attribute class.
- Returns
The attibute class handle
virtual uint64_t getFrameTimeStart() = 0
Returns the frame start value.
- Returns
The frame ID value
virtual uint64_t getFrameTimeStop() = 0
Returns the frame stop value.
- Returns
The frame ID value
virtual OmniPvdClassHandle getEnumClassHandle() = 0
Returns the class handle containing the enum values.
- Returns
The enum class handle
virtual uint32_t getEnumValue() = 0
Returns the enum value for a specific flag.
- Returns
The enum value
inline virtual ~OmniPvdReader()