Class Hierarchy
- namespace aos
namespace ExtGpu
- struct PxParticleAndDiffuseBufferDesc
- struct PxParticleBufferDesc
- struct PxParticleClothConstraint
- struct PxParticleRigidDesc
- struct PxParticleVolumeMesh
- class PxParticleAttachmentBuffer
- class PxParticleClothBufferHelper
- class PxParticleClothCooker
- class PxParticleRigidBufferHelper
- class PxParticleVolumeBufferHelper
- struct Interpolation
- struct OmniPvdCommandEnum
- struct OmniPvdDataTypeEnum
- struct Px1DConstraint
- struct Px1DConstraintFlag
- struct PxActorCacheFlag
- struct PxActorFlag
- struct PxActorShape
- struct PxActorType
- struct PxActorTypeFlag
- struct PxAggregateType
- template struct PxAllocatorTraits
- struct PxArticulationAxis
- struct PxArticulationDataRC
- struct PxArticulationDrive
- struct PxArticulationDriveType
- struct PxArticulationFlag
- struct PxArticulationJointDataRC
- struct PxArticulationJointType
- struct PxArticulationKinematicFlag
- struct PxArticulationLimit
- struct PxArticulationLinkCookie
- struct PxArticulationLinkDataRC
- struct PxArticulationLinkDerivedDataRC
- struct PxArticulationLinkHandle
- struct PxArticulationLinkMutableDataRC
- struct PxArticulationMotion
- struct PxArticulationRootLinkData
- struct PxArticulationSensorFlag
- struct PxBaseFlag
- struct PxBatchQueryStatus
- struct PxBoundedData
- struct PxBroadPhaseCaps
- struct PxBroadPhasePair
- struct PxBroadPhaseRegion
- struct PxBroadPhaseRegionInfo
- struct PxBroadPhaseResults
- struct PxBroadPhaseType
- struct PxBufferType
- struct PxBVH33MidphaseDesc
- struct PxBVH34BuildStrategy
- struct PxBVH34MidphaseDesc
- struct PxBVHBuildStrategy
- struct PxBVHInternalData
- struct PxCache
- struct PxCapsuleClimbingMode
- struct PxCombineMode
- struct PxConcreteType
- struct PxConeLimitedConstraint
- struct PxConeLimitParams
- struct PxConstraintBatchHeader
- struct PxConstraintExtIDs
- struct PxConstraintFlag
- struct PxConstraintInfo
- struct PxConstraintInvMassScale
- struct PxConstraintShaderTable
- struct PxConstraintSolveHint
- struct PxConstraintVisualizationFlag
- struct PxContact
- struct PxContactPair
- struct PxContactPairExtraDataItem
- struct PxContactPairExtraDataIterator
- struct PxContactPairExtraDataType
- struct PxContactPairFlag
- struct PxContactPairHeader
- struct PxContactPairHeaderFlag
- struct PxContactPairIndex
- struct PxContactPairPoint
- struct PxContactPairPose
- struct PxContactPairVelocity
- struct PxContactPatch
- struct PxContactPoint
- struct PxContactStreamIterator
- struct PxControllerBehaviorFlag
- struct PxControllerCollisionFlag
- struct PxControllerDebugRenderFlag
- struct PxControllerHit
- struct PxControllerNonWalkableMode
- struct PxControllerObstacleHit
- struct PxControllerShapeHit
- struct PxControllerShapeType
- struct PxControllersHit
- struct PxControllerState
- struct PxControllerStats
- struct PxConverterReportMode
- struct PxConvexFlag
- struct PxConvexMeshCookingResult
- struct PxConvexMeshCookingType
- struct PxConvexMeshGeometryFlag
- struct PxCookingParams
- struct PxCounterFrequencyToTensOfNanos
- struct PxCreateArticulationLinkCookie
- struct PxCudaInteropMode
- struct PxCudaInteropRegisterFlag
- struct PxCudaKernelParam
- template struct PxCUenum
- struct PxD6Axis
- struct PxD6Drive
- struct PxD6JointDriveFlag
- struct PxD6Motion
- struct PxDataAccessFlag
- struct PxDebugArc
- struct PxDebugArrow
- struct PxDebugBasis
- struct PxDebugBox
- struct PxDebugCircle
- struct PxDebugColor
- struct PxDebugLine
- struct PxDebugPoint
- struct PxDebugText
- struct PxDebugTriangle
- struct PxDefaultCpuDispatcherWaitForWorkMode
- struct PxDeletionEventFlag
- struct PxDim3
- struct PxDistanceJointFlag
- struct PxDominanceGroupPair
- struct PxDynamicTreeSecondaryPruner
- template struct PxEqual
- struct PxErrorCode
- struct PxExtendedContact
- struct PxExtendedVec3
- struct PxFEMClothData
- struct PxFEMClothFlag
- struct PxFEMParameters
- struct PxFilterData
- struct PxFilterFlag
- struct PxFilterObjectFlag
- struct PxFilterObjectType
- struct PxFilterOp
- struct PxForceMode
- struct PxFrictionType
- struct PxgDynamicsMemoryConfig
- struct PxGeometryQueryFlag
- struct PxGeometryType
- struct PxGeomIndexPair
- struct PxGeomOverlapHit
- struct PxGeomRaycastHit
- struct PxGeomSweepHit
- struct PxGpuActorPair
- struct PxGpuBodyData
- struct PxGpuContactPair
- template struct PxGpuMirroredPointer
- struct PxGpuParticleBufferIndexPair
- struct PxGpuParticleData
- template struct PxGreater
- struct PxHairSystemData
- struct PxHairSystemFlag
- template struct PxHash
- template struct PxHash< const char * >
- struct PxHeightFieldFlag
- struct PxHeightFieldFormat
- struct PxHeightFieldMaterial
- struct PxHeightFieldSample
- struct PxHeightFieldTessFlag
- template struct PxHitBuffer
- template struct PxHitCallback
- struct PxHitFlag
- struct PxHullPolygon
- struct PxImmediateConstraint
- struct PxIndexDataPair
- struct PxJacobianRow
- struct PxJointActorIndex
- struct PxJointConcreteType
- struct PxKernelIndex
- template struct PxLess
- struct PxLocationHit
- template struct PxLogTwo
- template struct PxLogTwo< 1 >
- struct PxMassModificationProps
- struct PxMaterialFlag
- struct PxMeshCookingHint
- struct PxMeshFlag
- struct PxMeshGeometryFlag
- struct PxMeshMeshQueryFlag
- struct PxMeshMidPhase
- struct PxMeshPreprocessingFlag
- struct PxMetaDataEntry
- struct PxMetaDataFlag
- struct PxModifiableContact
- struct PxMPMCuttingFlag
- struct PxMPMMaterialModel
- struct PxMPMSurfaceType
- template struct PxOverlapBufferN
- struct PxOverlapHit
- struct PxPackValidation
- template struct PxPadding
- struct PxPairFilteringMode
- struct PxPairFlag
- struct PxParticleBufferFlag
- struct PxParticleCloth
- struct PxParticleClothDesc
- struct PxParticleFlag
- struct PxParticlePhaseFlag
- struct PxParticleRigidAttachment
- struct PxParticleRigidFilterPair
- struct PxParticleSolverType
- struct PxParticleSpring
- struct PxParticleVolume
- struct PxPartitionedParticleCloth
- struct PxPrismaticJointFlag
- struct PxPruningStructureType
- struct PxPvdInstrumentationFlag
- struct PxPvdSceneFlag
- struct PxPvdUpdateType
- struct PxQueryCache
- struct PxQueryFilterData
- struct PxQueryFlag
- struct PxQueryHit
- struct PxQueryHitType
- struct PxQueryThreadContext
- template struct PxRaycastBufferN
- struct PxRaycastHit
- struct PxRepXInstantiationArgs
- struct PxRepXObject
- struct PxRevoluteJointFlag
- struct PxRigidBodyData
- struct PxRigidBodyFlag
- struct PxRigidDynamicLockFlag
- struct PxSceneFlag
- struct PxSceneQueryUpdateMode
- struct PxShapeFlag
- struct PxSListImpl
- struct PxSoftBodyData
- struct PxSoftBodyFlag
- struct PxSolverBody
- struct PxSolverBodyData
- struct PxSolverConstraintDesc
- struct PxSolverConstraintPrepDesc
- struct PxSolverConstraintPrepDescBase
- struct PxSolverContactDesc
- struct PxSolverType
- struct PxSparseGridParams
- struct PxsParticleMaterialData
- struct PxSpatialForce
- struct PxSpatialVector
- struct PxSpatialVelocity
- struct PxSphericalJointFlag
- struct PxStridedData
- template struct PxSweepBufferN
- struct PxSweepHit
- struct PxTaskType
- struct PxTetrahedronMeshFlag
- struct PxTGSSolverBodyData
- struct PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia
- struct PxTGSSolverBodyVel
- struct PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDesc
- struct PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDescBase
- struct PxTGSSolverContactDesc
- struct PxThreadPriority
- struct PxTransformPadded
- struct PxTriangleMeshCookingResult
- struct PxTriangleMeshFlag
- struct PxTriangleMeshInternalData
- struct PxTriggerPair
- struct PxTriggerPairFlag
- template struct PxTypedStridedData
- template struct PxTypeInfo
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxActor >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxAggregate >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxArticulationLink >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxArticulationReducedCoordinate >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxBase >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxBVH33TriangleMesh >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxBVH34TriangleMesh >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxConstraint >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxConvexMesh >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxCustomMaterial >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxCustomParticleSystem >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxFEMCloth >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxFEMClothMaterial >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxFEMSoftBodyMaterial >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxFLIPMaterial >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxFLIPParticleSystem >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxHairSystem >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxHeightField >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxMaterial >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxMPMMaterial >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxMPMParticleSystem >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxParticleAndDiffuseBuffer >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxParticleBuffer >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxParticleClothBuffer >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxParticleRigidBuffer >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxParticleSystem >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxPBDMaterial >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxPBDParticleSystem >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxPruningStructure >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxRigidActor >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxRigidBody >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxRigidDynamic >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxRigidStatic >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxShape >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxSoftBody >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxTetrahedronMesh >
- template struct PxTypeInfo< PxTriangleMesh >
- template struct PxUnConst
- template struct PxUnConst< const T >
- struct PxVehicleAckermannParams
- struct PxVehicleAntiRollForceParams
- struct PxVehicleAntiRollTorque
- template struct PxVehicleArrayData
- struct PxVehicleAutoboxParams
- struct PxVehicleAutoboxState
- struct PxVehicleAxes
- struct PxVehicleAxleDescription
- struct PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams
- struct PxVehicleClutchAccuracyMode
- struct PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseParams
- struct PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseState
- struct PxVehicleClutchParams
- struct PxVehicleClutchSlipState
- struct PxVehicleCommandResponseParams
- struct PxVehicleCommandState
- struct PxVehicleCommandValueResponseTable
- struct PxVehicleComponentSequence
- struct PxVehicleComponentSequenceLimits
- struct PxVehicleDifferentialState
- struct PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseParams
- struct PxVehicleDirectDriveTransmissionCommandState
- struct PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseState
- struct PxVehicleEngineDriveTransmissionCommandState
- struct PxVehicleEngineParams
- struct PxVehicleEngineState
- struct PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialLegacyParams
- struct PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams
- struct PxVehicleFrame
- struct PxVehicleGearboxParams
- struct PxVehicleGearboxState
- struct PxVehicleLimits
- struct PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams
- struct PxVehiclePhysXActor
- struct PxVehiclePhysXActorUpdateMode
- struct PxVehiclePhysXConstraintLimits
- struct PxVehiclePhysXConstraints
- struct PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState
- struct PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFriction
- struct PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFrictionParams
- struct PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryParams
- struct PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryState
- struct PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryType
- struct PxVehiclePhysXSimulationContext
- struct PxVehiclePhysXSteerState
- struct PxVehiclePhysXSuspensionLimitConstraintParams
- struct PxVehiclePvdContext
- struct PxVehicleRigidBodyParams
- struct PxVehicleRigidBodyState
- struct PxVehicleRoadGeometryState
- struct PxVehicleScale
- struct PxVehicleSimulationContext
- struct PxVehicleSimulationContextType
- template struct PxVehicleSizedArrayData
- struct PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams
- struct PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceParams
- struct PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState
- struct PxVehicleSuspensionForce
- struct PxVehicleSuspensionForceLegacyParams
- struct PxVehicleSuspensionForceParams
- struct PxVehicleSuspensionJounceCalculationType
- struct PxVehicleSuspensionParams
- struct PxVehicleSuspensionState
- struct PxVehicleSuspensionStateCalculationParams
- struct PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialParams
- struct PxVehicleTankDriveTransmissionCommandState
- struct PxVehicleTireAxisStickyParams
- struct PxVehicleTireCamberAngleState
- struct PxVehicleTireDirectionModes
- struct PxVehicleTireDirectionState
- struct PxVehicleTireForce
- struct PxVehicleTireForceParams
- struct PxVehicleTireGripState
- struct PxVehicleTireSlipParams
- struct PxVehicleTireSlipState
- struct PxVehicleTireSpeedState
- struct PxVehicleTireStickyParams
- struct PxVehicleTireStickyState
- struct PxVehicleWheelActuationState
- struct PxVehicleWheelConstraintGroupState
- struct PxVehicleWheelLocalPose
- struct PxVehicleWheelParams
- struct PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState
- struct PxVisualizationParameter
- class OmniPvdFileReadStream
- class OmniPvdFileWriteStream
- class OmniPvdMemoryStream
- class OmniPvdReader
- class OmniPvdReadStream
- class OmniPvdWriter
- class OmniPvdWriteStream
- class PxAABBManager
- class PxActor
- class PxAggregate
- template class PxAlignedAllocator
- class PxAllocationListener
- class PxAllocator
- class PxAllocatorCallback
- class PxArticulationAttachment
- class PxArticulationCache
- class PxArticulationCacheFlag
- class PxArticulationFixedTendon
- class PxArticulationGpuDataType
- class PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate
- class PxArticulationLink
- class PxArticulationReducedCoordinate
- class PxArticulationSensor
- class PxArticulationSpatialTendon
- class PxArticulationTendon
- class PxArticulationTendonJoint
- class PxArticulationTendonLimit
- class PxAssertHandler
- class PxBase
- class PxBaseMaterial
- class PxBaseTask
- class PxBatchQueryExt
- class PxBinaryConverter
- template class PxBitAndDataT
- template class PxBitMapBase
- class PxBounds3
- class PxBoxController
- class PxBoxControllerDesc
- class PxBoxGeometry
- class PxBoxObstacle
- template class PxBroadcast
- class PxBroadcastingAllocator
- class PxBroadcastingErrorCallback
- class PxBroadPhase
- class PxBroadPhaseCallback
- class PxBroadPhaseDesc
- class PxBroadPhaseExt
- class PxBroadPhaseRegions
- class PxBroadPhaseUpdateData
- class PxBuffer
- class PxBVH
- class PxBVH33TriangleMesh
- class PxBVH34TriangleMesh
- class PxBVHDesc
- class PxCacheAllocator
- class PxCapsuleController
- class PxCapsuleControllerDesc
- class PxCapsuleGeometry
- class PxCapsuleObstacle
- class PxCCDContactModifyCallback
- template class PxCoalescedHashMap
- template class PxCoalescedHashSet
- class PxCollection
- class PxCollectionExt
- class PxCollisionMeshMappingData
- class PxCollisionTetrahedronMeshData
- class PxConstraint
- class PxConstraintAllocator
- class PxConstraintConnector
- class PxConstraintVisualizer
- class PxContactBuffer
- class PxContactJoint
- class PxContactModifyCallback
- class PxContactModifyPair
- class PxContactRecorder
- class PxContactSet
- class PxController
- class PxControllerBehaviorCallback
- class PxControllerDesc
- class PxControllerFilterCallback
- class PxControllerFilters
- class PxControllerManager
- class PxConvexMesh
- class PxConvexMeshDesc
- class PxConvexMeshGeometry
- class PxCooking
- class PxCpuDispatcher
- class PxCudaContext
- class PxCudaContextManager
- class PxCudaContextManagerDesc
- class PxCustomGeometry
- class PxCustomGeometryExt
- class PxCustomMaterial
- class PxCustomParticleSystemSolverCallback
- class PxCustomSceneQuerySystem
- class PxCustomSceneQuerySystemAdapter
- class PxD6Joint
- class PxD6JointDrive
- class PxDefaultAllocator
- class PxDefaultCpuDispatcher
- class PxDefaultErrorCallback
- class PxDefaultFileInputData
- class PxDefaultFileOutputStream
- class PxDefaultMemoryInputData
- class PxDefaultMemoryOutputStream
- class PxDelayLoadHook
- class PxDeletionListener
- class PxDeserializationContext
- class PxDeviceAllocatorCallback
- class PxDiffuseParticleParams
- class PxDistanceJoint
- template class PxDynamicArrayReportCallback
- class PxErrorCallback
- template class PxExternalStorageReportCallback
- class PxFEMClothMaterial
- class PxFEMMaterial
- class PxFEMSoftBodyMaterial
- class PxFileBuf
- class PxFixedJoint
- template class PxFixedSizeLookupTable
- template class PxFlags
- class PxFLIPMaterial
- class PxFoundation
- class PxFPUGuard
- class PxGearJoint
- class PxGeometry
- class PxGeometryHolder
- class PxGeometryQuery
- class PxGjkQuery
- class PxGjkQueryExt
- class PxGpuFixedTendonData
- class PxGpuLoadHook
- class PxGpuParticleSystem
- class PxGpuSpatialTendonData
- class PxGpuTendonAttachmentData
- class PxGpuTendonJointCoefficientData
- class PxGroupsMask
- class PxHairSystemGeometry
- template class PxHashBase
- template class PxHashMap
- template class PxHashMapBase
- template class PxHashSet
- template class PxHashSetBase
- class PxHeightField
- class PxHeightFieldDesc
- class PxHeightFieldGeometry
- template class PxInlineAllocator
- template class PxInlineArray
- class PxInputData
- class PxInputStream
- class PxInsertionCallback
- class PxJoint
- class PxJointAngularLimitPair
- class PxJointLimitCone
- class PxJointLimitParameters
- class PxJointLimitPyramid
- class PxJointLinearLimit
- class PxJointLinearLimitPair
- class PxLightCpuTask
- template class PxLocalStorageReportCallback
- class PxLockedData
- class PxMassProperties
- class PxMat33Padded
- template class PxMat33T
- class PxMat34Padded
- template class PxMat34T
- template class PxMat44T
- class PxMaterial
- class PxMeshOverlapUtil
- class PxMeshQuery
- class PxMeshScale
- class PxMidphaseDesc
- class PxMPMMaterial
- class PxMutexImpl
- template class PxMutexT
- class PxNeighborhoodIterator
- class PxNodeIndex
- class PxObstacle
- class PxObstacleContext
- class PxOmniPvd
- class PxOutputStream
- template class PxPair
- class PxParticleAndDiffuseBuffer
- class PxParticleBuffer
- class PxParticleClothBuffer
- class PxParticleClothPreProcessor
- class PxParticleMaterial
- class PxParticleRigidBuffer
- class PxParticleSystem
- class PxParticleSystemCallback
- class PxParticleSystemGeometry
- class PxPBDMaterial
- class PxPBDParticleSystem
- class PxPhysics
- class PxPlane
- class PxPlaneGeometry
- class PxPoissonSampler
- class PxPrismaticJoint
- class PxProcessPxBaseCallback
- class PxProfilerCallback
- class PxProfileScoped
- class PxPruningStructure
- class PxPvd
- class PxPvdSceneClient
- class PxPvdTransport
- template class PxQuatT
- class PxQueryFilterCallback
- class PxRackAndPinionJoint
- class PxRawAllocator
- class PxReadWriteLock
- class PxRefCounted
- template class PxReflectionAllocator
- template class PxRegularReportCallback
- class PxRemeshingExt
- class PxRenderBuffer
- class PxRenderOutput
- template class PxReportCallback
- class PxRepXSerializer
- class PxRevoluteJoint
- class PxRigidActor
- class PxRigidActorExt
- class PxRigidBody
- class PxRigidBodyExt
- class PxRigidDynamic
- class PxRigidStatic
- class PxRunnable
- class PxSamplingExt
- class PxScene
- class PxSceneDesc
- class PxSceneLimits
- class PxSceneQueryDesc
- class PxSceneQueryExt
- class PxSceneQuerySystem
- class PxSceneQuerySystemBase
- class PxSceneReadLock
- class PxSceneSQSystem
- class PxSceneWriteLock
- class PxScopedCudaLock
- template class PxScopedPointer
- class PxSdfBitsPerSubgridPixel
- class PxSDFDesc
- class PxSerialization
- class PxSerializationContext
- class PxSerializationRegistry
- class PxSerializer
- template class PxSerializerDefaultAdapter
- class PxShape
- class PxShapeExt
- class PxSIMDGuard
- class PxSimpleTriangleMesh
- class PxSimulationEventCallback
- class PxSimulationFilterCallback
- class PxSimulationStatistics
- class PxSimulationTetrahedronMeshData
- class PxSListEntry
- template class PxSListT
- class PxSocket
- class PxSoftBody
- class PxSoftBodyAuxData
- class PxSoftBodyCollisionData
- class PxSoftBodyDataFlag
- class PxSoftBodyExt
- class PxSoftBodyMesh
- class PxSoftBodySimulationData
- class PxSoftBodySimulationDataDesc
- class PxSphereGeometry
- class PxSphericalJoint
- class PxSpring
- template class PxStack
- template class PxStrideIterator
- class PxStringTable
- class PxStringTableExt
- class PxSyncImpl
- template class PxSyncT
- class PxTask
- class PxTaskManager
- class PxTempAllocator
- class PxTetMaker
- class PxTetrahedron
- class PxTetrahedronMesh
- class PxTetrahedronMeshAnalysisResult
- class PxTetrahedronMeshData
- class PxTetrahedronMeshDesc
- class PxTetrahedronMeshExt
- class PxTetrahedronMeshGeometry
- class PxThreadImpl
- template class PxThreadT
- class PxTime
- class PxTolerancesScale
- template class PxTransformT
- class PxTriangle
- class PxTriangleMesh
- class PxTriangleMeshAnalysisResult
- class PxTriangleMeshDesc
- class PxTriangleMeshGeometry
- class PxTriangleMeshPoissonSampler
- class PxTrianglePadded
- class PxUserAllocated
- class PxUserControllerHitReport
- template class PxVec2T
- class PxVec3Padded
- template class PxVec3T
- template class PxVec4T
- class PxVehicleCommandNonLinearResponseParams
- class PxVehicleComponent
- class PxVehicleConstraintConnector
- class PxVehicleDirectDriveActuationStateComponent
- class PxVehicleDirectDriveCommandResponseComponent
- class PxVehicleDirectDrivetrainComponent
- class PxVehicleEngineDriveActuationStateComponent
- class PxVehicleEngineDriveCommandResponseComponent
- class PxVehicleEngineDrivetrainComponent
- template class PxVehicleFixedSizeLookupTable
- class PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent
- class PxVehicleLegacyFourWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent
- class PxVehicleLegacySuspensionComponent
- class PxVehicleLegacyTireComponent
- class PxVehicleMatrix33Solver
- class PxVehicleMatrixNGaussSeidelSolver
- class PxVehicleMatrixNN
- class PxVehicleMatrixNNLUSolver
- class PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent
- class PxVehiclePhysXActorBeginComponent
- class PxVehiclePhysXActorEndComponent
- class PxVehiclePhysXConstraintComponent
- class PxVehiclePhysXRigidActorParams
- class PxVehiclePhysXRigidActorShapeParams
- class PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometrySceneQueryComponent
- class PxVehiclePhysXWheelParams
- class PxVehiclePhysXWheelShapeParams
- class PxVehiclePVDComponent
- class PxVehicleRigidBodyComponent
- class PxVehicleSuspensionComponent
- class PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialStateComponent
- class PxVehicleTireComponent
- class PxVehicleVectorN
- class PxVehicleWheelComponent
- class PxVirtualAllocator
- class PxVirtualAllocatorCallback
- class RaycastCCDManager
- enum PxEMPTY
- enum PxScenePrunerIndex
- enum PxZERO
- union PxTempAllocatorChunk
File Hierarchy
Directory include
Directory characterkinematic
- File PxBoxController.h
- File PxCapsuleController.h
- File PxController.h
- File PxControllerBehavior.h
- File PxControllerManager.h
- File PxControllerObstacles.h
- File PxExtended.h
Directory collision
- File PxCollisionDefs.h
Directory common
- Directory windows
- File PxBase.h
- File PxCollection.h
- File PxCoreUtilityTypes.h
- File PxInsertionCallback.h
- File PxMetaData.h
- File PxMetaDataFlags.h
- File PxPhysXCommonConfig.h
- File PxProfileZone.h
- File PxRenderBuffer.h
- File PxRenderOutput.h
- File PxSerialFramework.h
- File PxSerializer.h
- File PxStringTable.h
- File PxTolerancesScale.h
- File PxTypeInfo.h
Directory cooking
- File PxBVH33MidphaseDesc.h
- File PxBVH34MidphaseDesc.h
- File PxBVHDesc.h
- File Pxc.h
- File PxConvexMeshDesc.h
- File PxCooking.h
- File PxCookingInternal.h
- File PxMidphaseDesc.h
- File PxSDFDesc.h
- File PxTetrahedronMeshDesc.h
- File PxTriangleMeshDesc.h
Directory cudamanager
- File PxCudaContext.h
- File PxCudaContextManager.h
- File PxCudaTypes.h
Directory extensions
- File PxBinaryConverter.h
- File PxBroadPhaseExt.h
- File PxCollectionExt.h
- File PxConstraintExt.h
- File PxContactJoint.h
- File PxConvexMeshExt.h
- File PxCustomGeometryExt.h
- File PxCustomSceneQuerySystem.h
- File PxD6Joint.h
- File PxD6JointCreate.h
- File PxDefaultAllocator.h
- File PxDefaultCpuDispatcher.h
- File PxDefaultErrorCallback.h
- File PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader.h
- File PxDefaultStreams.h
- File PxDistanceJoint.h
- File PxExtensionsAPI.h
- File PxFixedJoint.h
- File PxGearJoint.h
- File PxGjkQueryExt.h
- File PxJoint.h
- File PxJointLimit.h
- File PxMassProperties.h
- File PxParticleClothCooker.h
- File PxParticleExt.h
- File PxPrismaticJoint.h
- File PxRackAndPinionJoint.h
- File PxRaycastCCD.h
- File PxRemeshingExt.h
- File PxRepXSerializer.h
- File PxRepXSimpleType.h
- File PxRevoluteJoint.h
- File PxRigidActorExt.h
- File PxRigidBodyExt.h
- File PxSamplingExt.h
- File PxSceneQueryExt.h
- File PxSceneQuerySystemExt.h
- File PxSerialization.h
- File PxShapeExt.h
- File PxSimpleFactory.h
- File PxSmoothNormals.h
- File PxSoftBodyExt.h
- File PxSphericalJoint.h
- File PxStringTableExt.h
- File PxTetMakerExt.h
- File PxTetrahedronMeshAnalysisResult.h
- File PxTetrahedronMeshExt.h
- File PxTriangleMeshAnalysisResult.h
- File PxTriangleMeshExt.h
Directory filebuf
- File PxFileBuf.h
Directory foundation
- File Px.h
- File PxAlignedMalloc.h
- File PxAlloca.h
- File PxAllocator.h
- File PxAllocatorCallback.h
- File PxAoS.h
- File PxAssert.h
- File PxAtomic.h
- File PxBasicTemplates.h
- File PxBitAndData.h
- File PxBitMap.h
- File PxBitUtils.h
- File PxBounds3.h
- File PxBroadcast.h
- File PxErrorCallback.h
- File PxErrors.h
- File PxFlags.h
- File PxFoundation.h
- File PxFoundationConfig.h
- File PxFPU.h
- File PxHash.h
- File PxHashInternals.h
- File PxHashMap.h
- File PxHashSet.h
- File PxInlineAllocator.h
- File PxInlineAoS.h
- File PxInlineArray.h
- File PxIntrinsics.h
- File PxIO.h
- File PxMat33.h
- File PxMat34.h
- File PxMat44.h
- File PxMath.h
- File PxMathIntrinsics.h
- File PxMathUtils.h
- File PxMemory.h
- File PxMutex.h
- File PxPhysicsVersion.h
- File PxPinnedArray.h
- File PxPlane.h
- File PxPreprocessor.h
- File PxProfiler.h
- File PxQuat.h
- File PxSIMDHelpers.h
- File PxSimpleTypes.h
- File PxSList.h
- File PxSocket.h
- File PxSort.h
- File PxSortInternals.h
- File PxStrideIterator.h
- File PxString.h
- File PxSync.h
- File PxTempAllocator.h
- File PxThread.h
- File PxTime.h
- File PxTransform.h
- File PxUnionCast.h
- File PxUserAllocated.h
- File PxUtilities.h
- File PxVec2.h
- File PxVec3.h
- File PxVec4.h
- File PxVecMath.h
- File PxVecMathAoSScalar.h
- File PxVecMathAoSScalarInline.h
- File PxVecMathSSE.h
- File PxVecQuat.h
- File PxVecTransform.h
Directory geometry
- File PxBoxGeometry.h
- File PxBVH.h
- File PxBVHBuildStrategy.h
- File PxCapsuleGeometry.h
- File PxConvexMesh.h
- File PxConvexMeshGeometry.h
- File PxCustomGeometry.h
- File PxGeometry.h
- File PxGeometryHelpers.h
- File PxGeometryHit.h
- File PxGeometryInternal.h
- File PxGeometryQuery.h
- File PxGeometryQueryContext.h
- File PxGeometryQueryFlags.h
- File PxGjkQuery.h
- File PxHairSystemDesc.h
- File PxHairSystemGeometry.h
- File PxHeightField.h
- File PxHeightFieldDesc.h
- File PxHeightFieldFlag.h
- File PxHeightFieldGeometry.h
- File PxHeightFieldSample.h
- File PxMeshQuery.h
- File PxMeshScale.h
- File PxParticleSystemGeometry.h
- File PxPlaneGeometry.h
- File PxReportCallback.h
- File PxSimpleTriangleMesh.h
- File PxSphereGeometry.h
- File PxTetrahedron.h
- File PxTetrahedronMesh.h
- File PxTetrahedronMeshGeometry.h
- File PxTriangle.h
- File PxTriangleMesh.h
- File PxTriangleMeshGeometry.h
Directory geomutils
- File PxContactBuffer.h
- File PxContactPoint.h
Directory gpu
- File PxGpu.h
Directory omnipvd
- File PxOmniPvd.h
Directory pvd
- File PxPvd.h
- File PxPvdSceneClient.h
- File PxPvdTransport.h
Directory solver
- File PxSolverDefs.h
Directory task
- File PxCpuDispatcher.h
- File PxTask.h
- File PxTaskManager.h
Directory vehicle2
- Directory braking
- Directory commands
- Directory drivetrain
- Directory physxActor
- Directory physxConstraints
- Directory physxRoadGeometry
Directory pvd
- File PxVehiclePvdComponents.h
- File PxVehiclePvdFunctions.h
- File PxVehiclePvdHelpers.h
- Directory rigidBody
- Directory roadGeometry
- Directory steering
- Directory suspension
Directory tire
- File PxVehicleTireComponents.h
- File PxVehicleTireFunctions.h
- File PxVehicleTireHelpers.h
- File PxVehicleTireParams.h
- File PxVehicleTireStates.h
- Directory wheel
- File PxVehicleAPI.h
- File PxVehicleComponent.h
- File PxVehicleComponentSequence.h
- File PxVehicleFunctions.h
- File PxVehicleLimits.h
- File PxVehicleMaths.h
- File PxVehicleParams.h
- File PxActor.h
- File PxActorData.h
- File PxAggregate.h
- File PxArticulationFlag.h
- File PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate.h
- File PxArticulationLink.h
- File PxArticulationReducedCoordinate.h
- File PxArticulationTendon.h
- File PxArticulationTendonData.h
- File PxAttachment.h
- File PxBaseMaterial.h
- File PxBroadPhase.h
- File PxBuffer.h
- File PxClient.h
- File PxConeLimitedConstraint.h
- File PxConstraint.h
- File PxConstraintDesc.h
- File PxContact.h
- File PxContactModifyCallback.h
- File PxCustomParticleSystemSolverCallback.h
- File PxDeletionListener.h
- File PxFEMClothFlags.h
- File PxFEMClothMaterial.h
- File PxFEMMaterial.h
- File PxFEMParameter.h
- File PxFEMSoftBodyMaterial.h
- File PxFiltering.h
- File PxFLIPMaterial.h
- File PxForceMode.h
- File PxHairSystemFlag.h
- File PxImmediateMode.h
- File PxLockedData.h
- File PxMaterial.h
- File PxMPMMaterial.h
- File PxNodeIndex.h
- File PxParticleBuffer.h
- File PxParticleGpu.h
- File PxParticleMaterial.h
- File PxParticleSolverType.h
- File PxParticleSystem.h
- File PxParticleSystemFlag.h
- File PxPBDMaterial.h
- File PxPBDParticleSystem.h
- File PxPhysics.h
- File PxPhysicsAPI.h
- File PxPhysicsSerialization.h
- File PxPhysXConfig.h
- File PxPruningStructure.h
- File PxQueryFiltering.h
- File PxQueryReport.h
- File PxRigidActor.h
- File PxRigidBody.h
- File PxRigidDynamic.h
- File PxRigidStatic.h
- File PxScene.h
- File PxSceneDesc.h
- File PxSceneLock.h
- File PxSceneQueryDesc.h
- File PxSceneQuerySystem.h
- File PxShape.h
- File PxSimulationEventCallback.h
- File PxSimulationStatistics.h
- File PxSoftBody.h
- File PxSoftBodyFlag.h
- File PxSparseGridParams.h
- File PxVisualizationParameter.h
Directory characterkinematic
Directory pvdruntime
Directory include
- File OmniPvdCommands.h
- File OmniPvdDefines.h
- File OmniPvdFileReadStream.h
- File OmniPvdFileWriteStream.h
- File OmniPvdLibraryFunctions.h
- File OmniPvdMemoryStream.h
- File OmniPvdReader.h
- File OmniPvdReadStream.h
- File OmniPvdWriter.h
- File OmniPvdWriteStream.h
Directory include
Directory include
Classes and Structs
ExtGpu::PxParticleAndDiffuseBufferDesc: Structure to define user-defined particle state when constructing a new particle system that includes diffuse particles.
ExtGpu::PxParticleBufferDesc: Structure to define user-defined particle state when constructing a new particle system.
ExtGpu::PxParticleClothConstraint: Holds all the information for a particle cloth constraint used in the ExtGpu::PxParticleClothCooker.
ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidDesc: Structure to define user-defined particle state when constructing a new particle system that includes shape-matched rigid bodies.
ExtGpu::PxParticleVolumeMesh: Helper struct that holds information about a specific mesh in a ExtGpu::PxParticleVolumeBufferHelper.
Px1DConstraint: A one-dimensional constraint.
Px1DConstraintFlag: Constraint row flags.
PxActorCacheFlag: Identifies each type of information for retrieving from actor.
PxActorFlag: Flags which control the behavior of an actor.
PxActorShape: Combines a shape pointer and the actor the shape belongs to into one memory location.
PxActorType: Identifies each type of actor.
PxActorTypeFlag: Identifies each type of actor for retrieving actors from a scene.
PxArticulationDrive: Data structure for articulation joint drive configuration.
PxArticulationKinematicFlag: Flag that configures articulation-state updates by PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::updateKinematic.
PxArticulationLimit: Data structure to set articulation joint limits.
PxArticulationRootLinkData: Data structure used to access the root link state and acceleration.
PxArticulationSensorFlag: Flags to configure the forces reported by articulation link sensors.
PxBaseFlag: Flags for PxBase.
PxBroadPhaseCaps: Caps class for broad phase.
PxBroadPhasePair: Broadphase pair.
PxBroadPhaseRegion: “Region of interest” for the broad-phase.
PxBroadPhaseRegionInfo: Information & stats structure for a region.
PxBroadPhaseResults: Broadphase results.
PxBroadPhaseType: Broad phase algorithm used in the simulation.
PxBufferType: Specifies memory space for a PxBuffer instance.
PxBVH33MidphaseDesc: Structure describing parameters affecting BVH33 midphase mesh structure.
PxBVH34BuildStrategy: Desired build strategy for PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH34.
PxBVH34MidphaseDesc: Structure describing parameters affecting BVH34 midphase mesh structure.
PxBVHBuildStrategy: Desired build strategy for bounding-volume hierarchies.
PxCache: A structure to cache contact information produced by low-level contact generation functions.
PxCombineMode: Enumeration that determines the way in which two material properties will be combined to yield a friction or restitution coefficient for a collision.
PxConcreteType: an enumeration of concrete classes inheriting from PxBase
PxConeLimitedConstraint: A constraint descriptor for limiting movement to a conical region.
PxConeLimitParams: Compressed form of cone limit parameters.
PxConstraintBatchHeader: A header that defines the size of a specific batch of constraints (of same type and without dependencies)
PxConstraintExtIDs: Unique identifiers for extensions classes which implement a constraint based on PxConstraint.
PxConstraintFlag: constraint flags
PxConstraintInfo: Descriptor for a broken constraint.
PxConstraintInvMassScale: Struct for specifying mass scaling for a pair of rigids.
PxConstraintShaderTable: a table of function pointers for a constraint
PxConstraintSolveHint: Constraint type hints which the solver uses to optimize constraint handling.
PxConstraintVisualizationFlag: Flags for determining which components of the constraint should be visualized.
PxContact: Contact point data.
PxContactPair: Contact report pair information.
PxContactPairExtraDataItem: Base class for items in the extra data stream of contact pairs.
PxContactPairExtraDataIterator: A class to iterate over a contact pair extra data stream.
PxContactPairExtraDataType: Extra data item types for contact pairs.
PxContactPairFlag: Collection of flags providing information on contact report pairs.
PxContactPairHeader: An Instance of this class is passed to PxSimulationEventCallback.onContact().
PxContactPairHeaderFlag: Collection of flags providing information on contact report pairs.
PxContactPairIndex: Marker for the beginning of a new item set in the extra data stream.
PxContactPairPoint: A contact point as used by contact notification.
PxContactPairPose: World space actor poses of the contact pair rigid bodies.
PxContactPairVelocity: Velocities of the contact pair rigid bodies.
PxContactPatch: Header for a contact patch where all points share same material and normal.
PxContactStreamIterator: A class to iterate over a compressed contact stream.
PxControllerBehaviorFlag: specifies controller behavior
PxControllerCollisionFlag: specifies which sides a character is colliding with.
PxControllerDebugRenderFlag: specifies debug-rendering flags
PxControllerHit: Describes a generic CCT hit.
PxControllerNonWalkableMode: specifies how a CCT interacts with non-walkable parts.
PxControllerObstacleHit: Describes a hit between a CCT and a user-defined obstacle.
PxControllerShapeHit: Describes a hit between a CCT and a shape.
PxControllerShapeType: The type of controller, eg box, sphere or capsule.
PxControllersHit: Describes a hit between a CCT and another CCT.
PxControllerState: Describes a controller’s internal state.
PxControllerStats: Describes a controller’s internal statistics.
PxConvexFlag: Flags which describe the format and behavior of a convex mesh.
PxConvexMeshCookingResult: Result from convex cooking.
PxConvexMeshCookingType: Enumeration for convex mesh cooking algorithms.
PxConvexMeshGeometryFlag: Flags controlling the simulated behavior of the convex mesh geometry.
PxCookingParams: Structure describing parameters affecting mesh cooking.
PxCudaInteropMode: Possible graphic/CUDA interoperability modes for context.
PxD6Axis: Used to specify one of the degrees of freedom of a D6 joint.
PxD6Drive: Used to specify which axes of a D6 joint are driven.
PxD6JointDriveFlag: flags for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
PxD6Motion: Used to specify the range of motions allowed for a degree of freedom in a D6 joint.
PxDebugColor: Default color values used for debug rendering.
PxDebugLine: Used to store a single line and colour for debug rendering.
PxDebugPoint: Used to store a single point and colour for debug rendering.
PxDebugText: Used to store a text for debug rendering.
PxDebugTriangle: Used to store a single triangle and colour for debug rendering.
PxDefaultCpuDispatcherWaitForWorkMode: If a thread ends up waiting for work it will find itself in a spin-wait loop until work becomes available.
PxDeletionEventFlag: Flags specifying deletion event types.
PxDim3: A helper structure to define dimensions in 3D.
PxDistanceJointFlag: flags for configuring the drive of a PxDistanceJoint
PxDominanceGroupPair: Expresses the dominance relationship of a contact.
PxDynamicTreeSecondaryPruner: Secondary pruning structure used for newly added objects in dynamic trees.
PxErrorCode: Error codes.
PxExtendedContact: Contact point data with additional target and max impulse values.
PxFEMClothData: Identifies input and output buffers for PxFEMCloth.
PxFEMParameters: Set of parameters to control the sleeping and collision behavior of FEM based objects.
PxFilterData: PxFilterData is user-definable data which gets passed into the collision filtering shader and/or callback.
PxFilterFlag: Collection of flags describing the filter actions to take for a collision pair.
PxFilterObjectType: Identifies each type of filter object.
PxFilterOp: Collision filtering operations.
PxForceMode: Parameter to addForce() and addTorque() calls, determines the exact operation that is carried out.
PxFrictionType: Enum for selecting the friction algorithm used for simulation.
PxgDynamicsMemoryConfig: Sizes of pre-allocated buffers use for GPU dynamics.
PxGeometryQueryFlag: Geometry-level query flags.
PxGeometryType: A geometry type.
PxGeomIndexPair: Pair of indices, typically either object or triangle indices.
PxGeomOverlapHit: Stores results of overlap queries.
PxGeomRaycastHit: Stores results of raycast queries.
PxGeomSweepHit: Stores results of sweep queries.
PxGpuActorPair: Pair correspondence used for matching array indices with body node indices.
PxGpuBodyData: State of a body used when interfacing with the GPU rigid body pipeline.
PxGpuContactPair: Contains contact information for a contact reported by the direct-GPU contact report API.
PxGpuMirroredPointer: Container to hold a pair of corresponding device and host pointers.
PxGpuParticleBufferIndexPair: A pair of particle buffer unique id and GPU particle system index.
PxGpuParticleData: Structure that holds simulation parameters of a PxGpuParticleSystem.
PxHairSystemData: Identifies input and output buffers for PxHairSystem.
PxHairSystemFlag: Binary settings for hair system simulation.
PxHeightFieldFlag: Enum with flag values to be used in PxHeightFieldDesc.flags.
PxHeightFieldFormat: Describes the format of height field samples.
PxHeightFieldMaterial: Special material index values for height field samples.
PxHeightFieldSample: Heightfield sample format.
PxHeightFieldTessFlag: Determines the tessellation of height field cells.
PxHitBuffer: Returns scene query hits (intersections) to the user in a preallocated buffer.
PxHitCallback: This callback class facilitates reporting scene query hits (intersections) to the user.
PxHitFlag: Scene query and geometry query behavior flags.
PxHullPolygon: Polygon data.
PxIndexDataPair: Maps numeric index to a data pointer.
PxJacobianRow: a joint that maintains an upper or lower bound (or both) on the distance between two points on different objects
PxJointActorIndex: an enumeration for specifying one or other of the actors referenced by a joint
PxJointConcreteType: an enumeration of PhysX’ built-in joint types
PxKernelIndex: A cuda kernel index providing an index to the cuda module and the function name.
PxLocationHit: Scene query hit information for raycasts and sweeps returning hit position and normal information.
PxMassModificationProps: Struct for specifying mass modification for a pair of rigids.
PxMaterialFlag: Flags which control the behavior of a material.
PxMeshCookingHint: Enumeration for mesh cooking hints.
PxMeshFlag: Enum with flag values to be used in PxSimpleTriangleMesh::flags.
PxMeshGeometryFlag: Flags controlling the simulated behavior of the triangle mesh geometry.
PxMeshMidPhase: Mesh midphase structure.
PxMeshPreprocessingFlag: Enum for the set of mesh pre-processing parameters.
PxMetaDataEntry: Struct to store meta data definitions.
PxMetaDataFlag: Flags used to configure binary meta data entries, typically set through PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA defines.
PxModifiableContact: A modifiable contact point.
PxMPMCuttingFlag: Optional MPM modes that improve the quality of fracture and/or cutting.
PxMPMMaterialModel: MPM material models.
PxMPMSurfaceType: MPM surface types that influence interaction between particles and obstacles.
PxOverlapBufferN: Returns touching overlap hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class.
PxPairFlag: Collection of flags describing the actions to take for a collision pair.
PxParticleBufferFlag: Identifies dirty particle buffers that need to be updated in the particle system.
PxParticleCloth: Particle cloth structure.
PxParticleClothDesc: Structure to describe the set of particle cloths in the same PxParticleClothBuffer.
PxParticleFlag: Flags which control the behaviour of a particle system.
PxParticlePhaseFlag: Identifies per-particle behavior for a PxParticleSystem.
PxParticleRigidAttachment: Struct to specify attachment between a particle/vertex and a rigid.
PxParticleRigidFilterPair: Struct for storing a particle/vertex - rigid filter pair with comparison operators.
PxParticleSolverType: Identifies the solver to use for a particle system.
PxParticleSpring: Holds all the information for a spring constraint between two particles.
PxParticleVolume: Particle volume structure.
PxPartitionedParticleCloth: Structure to describe the output of the particle cloth preprocessing.
PxPrismaticJointFlag: Flags specific to the prismatic joint.
PxPruningStructureType: Pruning structure used to accelerate scene queries.
PxPvdInstrumentationFlag: types of instrumentation that PVD can do.
PxPvdSceneFlag: PVD scene Flags.
PxPvdUpdateType: Flags for determining how PVD should serialize a constraint update.
PxQueryCache: single hit cache for scene queries.
PxQueryFilterData: Scene query filtering data.
PxQueryFlag: Filtering flags for scene queries.
PxQueryHit: collection of set bits defined in PxHitFlag.
PxQueryHitType: Classification of scene query hits (intersections).
PxQueryThreadContext: A per-thread context passed to low-level query functions.
PxRaycastBufferN: Returns touching raycast hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class.
PxRepXInstantiationArgs: Arguments required to instantiate a serializable object from RepX.
PxRepXObject: Helper class containing the mapping of id to object, and type name.
PxRevoluteJointFlag: Flags specific to the Revolute Joint.
PxRigidBodyData: Structure to store rigid body properties.
PxRigidBodyFlag: Collection of flags describing the behavior of a rigid body.
PxRigidDynamicLockFlag: Collection of flags providing a mechanism to lock motion along/around a specific axis.
PxSceneFlag: flags for configuring properties of the scene
PxSceneQueryUpdateMode: Scene query update mode.
PxShapeFlag: Flags which affect the behavior of PxShapes.
PxSoftBodyData: Identifies input and output buffers for PxSoftBody.
PxSoftBodyFlag: Flags to enable or disable special modes of a SoftBody.
PxSolverBody: Struct that the solver uses to store velocity updates for a body.
PxSolverBodyData: Struct that the solver uses to store the state and other properties of a body.
PxSolverConstraintDesc: Constraint descriptor used inside the solver.
PxSolverConstraintPrepDesc: Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
PxSolverConstraintPrepDescBase: Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
PxSolverContactDesc: Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
PxSolverType: Enum for selecting the type of solver used for the simulation.
PxSparseGridParams: Parameters to define the sparse grid settings like grid spacing, maximal number of subgrids etc.
PxsParticleMaterialData: Common material properties for particles.
PxSpatialForce: Data structure to represent spatial forces.
PxSpatialVector: Structure to store linear and angular components of spatial vector.
PxSpatialVelocity: Data structure to represent spatial velocities.
PxSphericalJointFlag: Flags specific to the spherical joint.
PxSweepBufferN: Returns touching sweep hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class.
PxTaskType: Identifies the type of each heavyweight PxTask object.
PxTransformPadded: A generic padded & aligned transform class.
PxTriangleMeshCookingResult: Result from triangle mesh cooking.
PxTriangleMeshFlag: Flags for the mesh geometry properties.
PxTriggerPair: Descriptor for a trigger pair.
PxTriggerPairFlag: Collection of flags providing information on trigger report pairs.
PxTypeInfo: a structure containing per-type information for types inheriting from PxBase
PxVehicleAckermannParams: A description of a single axle that is to be affected by Ackermann steer correction.
PxVehicleAntiRollForceParams: The purpose of the anti-roll bar is to generate a torque to apply to the vehicle’s rigid body that will reduce the jounce difference arising between any pair of chosen wheels.
PxVehicleAntiRollTorque: The anti-roll torque of all anti-roll bars accumulates in a single torque to apply to the vehicle’s rigid body.
PxVehicleArrayData: Helper struct to pass array type data to vehice components and functions.
PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams: Distribute a brake response to the wheels of a vehicle.
PxVehicleClutchAccuracyMode: Choose between a potentially more expensive but more accurate solution to the clutch model or a potentially cheaper but less accurate solution.
PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseParams: Specifies the maximum clutch strength that occurs when the clutch pedal is fully disengaged and the clutch is fully engaged.
PxVehicleClutchParams: The clutch connects two plates together.
PxVehicleClutchSlipState: The clutch is modelled as two spinning plates with one connected to the wheels through the gearing and the other connected to the engine.
PxVehicleCommandResponseParams: A description of the per wheel response to an input command.
PxVehicleCommandState: A description of the state of commands that are applied to the vehicle.
PxVehicleCommandValueResponseTable: Each command value may be associated with a table specifying a normalized response as a function of longitudinal speed.
PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseParams: Distribute a throttle response to the wheels of a direct drive vehicle.
PxVehicleDirectDriveTransmissionCommandState: A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with direct drive.
PxVehicleEngineDriveTransmissionCommandState: A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with engine drive.
PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams: PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams specifies the wheels that are to receive drive torque from the differential and the division of torque between the wheels that are connected to the differential.
PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams: PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams specifies the wheels that are to receive drive torque from the differential and the division of torque between the wheels that are connected to the differential.
PxVehiclePhysXActor: A description of the PhysX actor and shapes that represent the vehicle in an associated PxScene.
PxVehiclePhysXActorUpdateMode: Determine whether the PhysX actor associated with a vehicle is to be updated with a velocity change or an acceleration change.
PxVehiclePhysXConstraintLimits: A description of the number of PxConstraintConnector instances per vehicle required to maintain suspension limit and sticky tire instances.
PxVehiclePhysXConstraints: A mapping between constraint state data and the associated PxConstraint instances.
PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState: PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState is a data structure used to write constraint data to the internal state of the associated PxScene.
PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFriction: A mapping between PxMaterial and a friction value to be used by the tire model.
PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFrictionParams: A mappping between PxMaterial instance and friction for multiple PxMaterial intances.
PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryParams: A description of type of PhysX scene query and the filter data to apply to the query.
PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryType: PhysX scene queries may be raycasts or sweeps.
PxVehiclePhysXSteerState: A description of the previous steer command applied to the vehicle.
PxVehiclePhysXSuspensionLimitConstraintParams: A description of the PhysX models employed to resolve suspension limit constraints.
PxVehiclePvdContext: Structure to support Omni PVD, the PhysX Visual Debugger.
PxVehicleRigidBodyParams: The properties of the rigid body.
PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams: Distribute a steer response to the wheels of a vehicle.
PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceParams: Compliance describes how toe and camber angle and force application points are affected by suspension compression.
PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState: The effect of suspension compliance on toe and camber angle and on the tire and suspension force application points.
PxVehicleSuspensionForce: The force and torque for a single suspension to apply to the vehicle’s rigid body.
PxVehicleSuspensionForceLegacyParams: Suspension force is computed by converting suspenson state to suspension force under the assumption of a linear spring.
PxVehicleSuspensionForceParams: Suspension force is computed by converting suspenson state to suspension force under the assumption of a linear spring.
PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialParams: A description of a tank differential.
PxVehicleTankDriveTransmissionCommandState: A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with tank drive.
PxVehicleTireAxisStickyParams: The low speed regime often presents numerical difficulties for the tire model due to the potential for divide-by-zero errors.
PxVehicleTireCamberAngleState: Camber angle of the tire relative to the ground plane.
PxVehicleTireDirectionModes: Tires have two important directions for the purposes of tire force computation: longitudinal and lateral.
PxVehicleTireDirectionState: PxVehicleTireDirectionState stores the world frame lateral and longtidinal axes of the tire after projecting the wheel pose in the world frame onto the road geometry plane (also in the world frame).
PxVehicleTireForce: The longitudinal/lateral forces/torques that develop on the tire.
PxVehicleTireGripState: The load and friction experienced by a tire.
PxVehicleTireSlipParams: Tire slip values are computed using ratios with potential for divide-by-zero errors.
PxVehicleTireSlipState: The lateral and longitudinal tire slips.
PxVehicleTireSpeedState: PxVehicleTireSpeedState stores the components of the instantaneous velocity of the rigid body at the tire contact point projected along the lateral and longitudinal axes of the tire.
PxVehicleTireStickyParams: For each tire, the forces of the tire model may be replaced by velocity constraints when the tire enters the “sticky tire” regime.
PxVehicleTireStickyState: Prolonged low speeds in the lateral and longitudinal directions may be handled with “sticky” velocity constraints that activate after a speed below a threshold has been recorded for a threshold time.
PxVehicleWheelActuationState: It is useful to know if a brake or drive torque is to be applied to a wheel.
PxVehicleWheelConstraintGroupState: Specify groups of wheels that are to be constrained to have pre-determined angular velocity relationship.
PxVisualizationParameter: Debug visualization parameters.
ExtGpu::PxParticleAttachmentBuffer: Holds user-defined attachment data to attach particles to other bodies.
ExtGpu::PxParticleClothBufferHelper: Helper class to manage PxParticleClothDesc buffers used for communicating particle based cloths to PxParticleClothBuffer.
ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidBufferHelper: Helper class to manage ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidDesc buffers used for communicating particle based rigids to PxPaticleSystem.
ExtGpu::PxParticleVolumeBufferHelper: Helper class to manage communicating PxParticleVolumes data to PxParticleBuffer.
OmniPvdFileReadStream: Used to abstract a file read stream.
OmniPvdFileWriteStream: Used to abstract a file write stream.
OmniPvdMemoryStream: Used to abstract a memory read/write stream.
OmniPvdReader: Used to read debug information from an OmniPvdReadStream.
OmniPvdReadStream: Used to abstract a memory read stream.
OmniPvdWriter: Used to write debug information to an OmniPvdWriteStream.
OmniPvdWriteStream: Used to abstract a memory write stream.
PxAABBManager: High-level broadphase API.
PxActor: PxActor is the base class for the main simulation objects in the physics SDK.
PxAggregate: Class to aggregate actors into a single broad-phase entry.
PxAlignedAllocator: Allocator, which is used to access the global PxAllocatorCallback instance (used for dynamic data types template instantiation), which can align memory.
PxAllocationListener: Abstract listener class that listens to allocation and deallocation events from the foundation memory system.
PxAllocator: Allocator used to access the global PxAllocatorCallback instance without providing additional information.
PxAllocatorCallback: Abstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that can be used by the Nv library.
PxArticulationAttachment: Defines a spatial tendon attachment point on a link.
PxArticulationCache: Data structure used to read and write internal articulation data.
PxArticulationCacheFlag: These flags determine what data is read or written to the internal articulation data via cache.
PxArticulationFixedTendon: A fixed tendon that can be used to link multiple degrees of freedom of multiple articulation joints via length and limit constraints.
PxArticulationGpuDataType: A description of the types of articulation data that may be directly written to and read from the GPU using the functions PxScene::copyArticulationData() and PxScene::applyArticulationData().
PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate: A joint between two links in an articulation.
PxArticulationLink: A component of an articulation that represents a rigid body.
PxArticulationReducedCoordinate: A tree structure of bodies connected by joints that is treated as a unit by the dynamics solver.
PxArticulationSensor: A force sensor that can be attached to articulation links to measure spatial force.
PxArticulationSpatialTendon: A spatial tendon that attaches to an articulation.
PxArticulationTendon: Common API base class shared by PxArticulationSpatialTendon and PxArticulationFixedTendon.
PxArticulationTendonJoint: Defines a fixed-tendon joint on an articulation joint degree of freedom.
PxArticulationTendonLimit: Defines the low/high limits of the length of a tendon.
PxAssertHandler: Base class to handle assert failures.
PxBase: Base class for objects that can be members of a PxCollection.
PxBaseMaterial: Base material class.
PxBaseTask: Base class of all task types.
PxBinaryConverter: Binary converter for serialized streams.
PxBounds3: Class representing 3D range or axis aligned bounding box.
PxBoxController: Box character controller.
PxBoxControllerDesc: Descriptor for a box character controller.
PxBoxGeometry: Class representing the geometry of a box.
PxBoxObstacle: A box obstacle.
PxBroadcast: Broadcast class implementation, registering listeners.
PxBroadcastingAllocator: Abstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that allows an external listener to audit the memory allocations.
PxBroadcastingErrorCallback: Abstract base class for an application defined error callback that allows an external listener to report errors.
PxBroadPhase: Low-level broadphase API.
PxBroadPhaseCallback: Broad-phase callback to receive broad-phase related events.
PxBroadPhaseDesc: Broadphase descriptor.
PxBroadPhaseRegions: Broadphase regions.
PxBroadPhaseUpdateData: Broadphase data update structure.
PxBuffer: Buffer for delayed bulk read and write operations supporting host and GPU device memory spaces.
PxBVH: Class representing a bounding volume hierarchy.
PxBVH33TriangleMesh: A triangle mesh containing the PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH33 structure.
PxBVH34TriangleMesh: A triangle mesh containing the PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH34 structure.
PxCacheAllocator: A callback class to allocate memory to cache information used in contact generation.
PxCapsuleController: A capsule character controller.
PxCapsuleControllerDesc: A descriptor for a capsule character controller.
PxCapsuleGeometry: Class representing the geometry of a capsule.
PxCapsuleObstacle: A capsule obstacle.
PxCCDContactModifyCallback: An interface class that the user can implement in order to modify CCD contact constraints.
PxCollection: Collection class for serialization.
PxCollisionMeshMappingData: Contains information about how to update the collision mesh’s vertices given a deformed simulation tetmesh.
PxCollisionTetrahedronMeshData: Conbines PxTetrahedronMeshData and PxSoftBodyCollisionData.
PxConstraint: A plugin class for implementing constraints.
PxConstraintConnector: This class connects a custom constraint to the SDK.
PxConstraintVisualizer: API used to visualize details about a constraint.
PxContactJoint: a joint that maintains an upper or lower bound (or both) on the distance between two points on different objects
PxContactModifyCallback: An interface class that the user can implement in order to modify contact constraints.
PxContactModifyPair: An array of instances of this class is passed to PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify().
PxContactRecorder: Callback class to record contact points produced by immediate::PxGenerateContacts.
PxContactSet: An array of contact points, as passed to contact modification.
PxController: Base class for character controllers.
PxControllerBehaviorCallback: User behavior callback.
PxControllerDesc: Descriptor class for a character controller.
PxControllerFilterCallback: Dedicated filtering callback for CCT vs CCT.
PxControllerFilters: Filtering data for “move” call.
PxControllerManager: Manages an array of character controllers.
PxConvexMesh: A convex mesh.
PxConvexMeshDesc: Descriptor class for PxConvexMesh.
PxConvexMeshGeometry: Convex mesh geometry class.
PxCooking: Provides methods to cook (where cooking means to prepare the data and convert it to the right format potentially including the construction of acceleration structures and other support data) all kind of simulation data.
PxCpuDispatcher: A CpuDispatcher is responsible for scheduling the execution of tasks passed to it by the SDK.
PxCudaContext: Cuda Context.
PxCudaContextManager: Manages thread locks, and task scheduling for a CUDA context.
PxCudaContextManagerDesc: Descriptor used to create a PxCudaContextManager.
PxCustomGeometry: Custom geometry class.
PxCustomGeometryExt: Pre-made custom geometry callbacks implementations.
PxCustomSceneQuerySystem: A custom scene query system.
PxCustomSceneQuerySystemAdapter: An adapter class to customize the object-to-pruner mapping.
PxD6Joint: A D6 joint is a general constraint between two actors.
PxD6JointDrive: parameters for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
PxDefaultAllocator: default implementation of the allocator interface required by the SDK
PxDefaultCpuDispatcher: A default implementation for a CPU task dispatcher.
PxDefaultErrorCallback: default implementation of the error callback
PxDefaultFileInputData: default implementation of a file read stream
PxDefaultFileOutputStream: default implementation of a file write stream
PxDefaultMemoryInputData: default implementation of a memory read stream
PxDefaultMemoryOutputStream: default implementation of a memory write stream
PxDeletionListener: interface to get notification on object deletion
PxDeserializationContext: Binary deserialization context class.
PxDeviceAllocatorCallback: An interface class that the user can implement in order for PhysX to use a user-defined device memory allocator.
PxDiffuseParticleParams: Parameters to configure the behavior of diffuse particles.
PxDistanceJoint: a joint that maintains an upper or lower bound (or both) on the distance between two points on different objects
PxDynamicArrayReportCallback: Dynamic array report callback.
PxErrorCallback: User defined interface class.
PxExternalStorageReportCallback: External storage report callback.
PxFEMClothMaterial: Material class to represent a set of FEM material properties.
PxFEMMaterial: Material class to represent a set of FEM material properties.
PxFEMSoftBodyMaterial: Material class to represent a set of softbody FEM material properties.
PxFileBuf: Callback class for data serialization.
PxFixedJoint: A fixed joint permits no relative movement between two bodies.
PxFlags: Container for bitfield flag variables associated with a specific enum type.
PxFLIPMaterial: Material class to represent a set of FLIP particle material properties.
PxFoundation: Foundation SDK singleton class.
PxGearJoint: A joint that connects two existing revolute joints and constrains their relative angular velocity and position with respect to each other.
PxGeometry: A geometry object.
PxGeometryHolder: Geometry holder class.
PxGeometryQuery: Collection of geometry object queries (sweeps, raycasts, overlaps, …).
PxGjkQuery: Collection of GJK query functions (sweeps, raycasts, overlaps, …).
PxGjkQueryExt: Pre-made support mapping for built-in convex geometry types.
PxGpuParticleSystem: Container class for a GPU particle system.
PxGpuTendonJointCoefficientData: PxGpuTendonJointCoefficientData.
PxGroupsMask: 64-bit mask used for collision filtering.
PxHairSystemGeometry: Hair system geometry class.
PxHeightField: A height field class.
PxHeightFieldDesc: Descriptor class for PxHeightField.
PxHeightFieldGeometry: Height field geometry class.
PxInputData: Input data class for I/O which provides random read access.
PxInputStream: Input stream class for I/O.
PxInsertionCallback: Callback interface that permits TriangleMesh, Heightfield, ConvexMesh or BVH to be used directly without the need to store the cooking results into a stream.
PxJoint: a base interface providing common functionality for PhysX joints
PxJointLimitCone: Describes an elliptical conical joint limit.
PxJointLimitParameters: Describes the parameters for a joint limit.
PxJointLimitPyramid: Describes a pyramidal joint limit.
PxJointLinearLimit: Describes a one-sided linear limit.
PxJointLinearLimitPair: Describes a two-sided limit.
PxLightCpuTask: A PxBaseTask implementation with immediate execution and simple dependencies.
PxLocalStorageReportCallback: Local storage report callback.
PxLockedData: Parent class for bulk data that is shared between the SDK and the application.
PxMassProperties: Utility class to compute and manipulate mass and inertia tensor properties.
PxMat33Padded: A padded version of PxMat33, to safely load its data using SIMD.
PxMat33T: 3x3 matrix class
PxMat34Padded: A padded version of PxMat34, to safely load its data using SIMD.
PxMat44T: 4x4 matrix class
PxMaterial: Material class to represent a set of surface properties.
PxMeshOverlapUtil: Utility class to find mesh triangles touched by a specified geometry object.
PxMeshScale: A class expressing a nonuniform scaling transformation.
PxMidphaseDesc: Structure describing parameters affecting midphase mesh structure.
PxMPMMaterial: Material class to represent a set of MPM particle material properties.
PxNeighborhoodIterator: An iterator class to iterate over the neighbors of a particle during particle system simulation.
PxObstacle: Base class for obstacles.
PxObstacleContext: Context class for obstacles.
PxOutputStream: Output stream class for I/O.
PxParticleAndDiffuseBuffer: A particle buffer used to simulate diffuse particles.
PxParticleBuffer: The shared base class for all particle buffers, can be instantiated directly to simulate granular and fluid particles.
PxParticleClothBuffer: A particle buffer used to simulate particle cloth.
PxParticleClothPreProcessor: Preprocessor to prepare particle cloths for simulation.
PxParticleMaterial: Material class to represent a set of particle material properties.
PxParticleRigidBuffer: A particle buffer used to simulate rigid bodies using shape matching with particles.
PxParticleSystem: The shared base class for all particle systems.
PxParticleSystemCallback: Particle system callback base class to schedule work that should be done before, while or after the particle system updates.
PxParticleSystemGeometry: Particle system geometry class.
PxPBDMaterial: Material class to represent a set of PBD particle material properties.
PxPBDParticleSystem: A particle system that uses the position based dynamics(PBD) solver.
PxPhysics: Abstract singleton factory class used for instancing objects in the Physics SDK.
PxPlane: Representation of a plane.
PxPlaneGeometry: Class describing a plane geometry.
PxPoissonSampler: Sampler to generate Poisson Samples locally on a triangle mesh or a shape.
PxPrismaticJoint: A prismatic joint permits relative translational movement between two bodies along an axis, but no relative rotational movement.
PxProcessPxBaseCallback: Callback class used to process PxBase objects.
PxProfilerCallback: The pure virtual callback interface for general purpose instrumentation and profiling of GameWorks modules as well as applications.
PxPruningStructure: A precomputed pruning structure to accelerate scene queries against newly added actors.
PxPvd: PxPvd is the top-level class for the PVD framework, and the main customer interface for PVD configuration.It is a singleton class, instantiated and owned by the application.
PxPvdSceneClient: Special client for PxScene.
PxPvdTransport: PxPvdTransport is an interface representing the data transport mechanism.
PxQuatT: This is a quaternion class.
PxQueryFilterCallback: Scene query filtering callbacks.
PxRackAndPinionJoint: A joint that connects an existing revolute joint to an existing prismatic joint, and constrains their relative angular/linear velocity and position with respect to each other.
PxRefCounted: Base class for ref-counted objects.
PxReflectionAllocator: Allocator used to access the global PxAllocatorCallback instance using a static name derived from T.
PxRegularReportCallback: Regular report callback.
PxRemeshingExt: Provides methods to adjust the tessellation of meshes.
PxRenderBuffer: Interface for points, lines, triangles, and text buffer.
PxRenderOutput: Output stream to fill RenderBuffer.
PxReportCallback: Base class for callback reporting an unknown number of items to users.
PxRepXSerializer: Serializer interface for RepX (Xml) serialization.
PxRevoluteJoint: A joint which behaves in a similar way to a hinge or axle.
PxRigidActor: PxRigidActor represents a base class shared between dynamic and static rigid bodies in the physics SDK.
PxRigidActorExt: utility functions for use with PxRigidActor and subclasses
PxRigidBody: PxRigidBody is a base class shared between dynamic rigid body objects.
PxRigidBodyExt: utility functions for use with PxRigidBody and subclasses
PxRigidDynamic: PxRigidDynamic represents a dynamic rigid simulation object in the physics SDK.
PxRigidStatic: PxRigidStatic represents a static rigid body simulation object in the physics SDK.
PxSamplingExt: utility functions to sample vertices on or inside a triangle mesh or other geometries
PxScene: A scene is a collection of bodies and constraints which can interact.
PxSceneDesc: Descriptor class for scenes.
PxSceneLimits: Class used to retrieve limits(e.g.
PxSceneQueryDesc: Descriptor class for scene query system.
PxSceneQueryExt: utility functions for use with PxScene, related to scene queries.
PxSceneQuerySystem: Scene-queries external sub-system for PxScene-based objects.
PxSceneQuerySystemBase: Base class for the scene-query system.
PxSceneReadLock: RAII wrapper for the PxScene read lock.
PxSceneSQSystem: Traditional SQ system for PxScene.
PxSceneWriteLock: RAII wrapper for the PxScene write lock.
PxScopedCudaLock: Convenience class for holding CUDA lock within a scope.
PxSdfBitsPerSubgridPixel: Defines the number of bits per subgrid pixel.
PxSDFDesc: A structure describing signed distance field for mesh.
PxSerialization: Utility functions for serialization.
PxSerializationContext: Binary serialization context class.
PxSerializationRegistry: Class serving as a registry for XML (RepX) and binary serializable types.
PxSerializer: Serialization interface class.
PxSerializerDefaultAdapter: Default PxSerializer implementation.
PxShape: Abstract class for collision shapes.
PxShapeExt: utility functions for use with PxShape
PxSimpleTriangleMesh: A structure describing a triangle mesh.
PxSimulationEventCallback: An interface class that the user can implement in order to receive simulation events.
PxSimulationFilterCallback: Filter callback to specify handling of collision pairs.
PxSimulationStatistics: Class used to retrieve statistics for a simulation step.
PxSimulationTetrahedronMeshData: Conbines PxTetrahedronMeshData and PxSoftBodyCollisionData.
PxSocket: Socket abstraction API.
PxSoftBody: Represents a FEM softbody including everything to calculate its definition like geometry and material properties.
PxSoftBodyAuxData: A data container providing mass, rest pose and other information required for softbody simulation.
PxSoftBodyCollisionData: Stores data to accelerate collision detection of a tetrahedral mesh.
PxSoftBodyDataFlag: These flags determine what data is read or written to the gpu softbody.
PxSoftBodyExt: utility functions for use with PxSoftBody and subclasses
PxSoftBodyMesh: A softbody mesh, containing structures to store collision shape, simulation shape and deformation state.
PxSoftBodySimulationData: Stores data to compute and store the state of a deformed tetrahedral mesh.
PxSphereGeometry: A class representing the geometry of a sphere.
PxSphericalJoint: A joint which behaves in a similar way to a ball and socket.
PxStrideIterator: Iterator class for iterating over arrays of data that may be interleaved with other data.
PxStringTable: a table to manage strings.
PxStringTableExt: a factory class for creating PxStringTable with a specific allocator.
PxTask: A PxBaseTask implementation with deferred execution and full dependencies.
PxTaskManager: The PxTaskManager interface.
PxTetMaker: Provides functionality to create a tetrahedral mesh from a triangle mesh.
PxTetrahedron: Tetrahedron class.
PxTetrahedronMesh: A tetramedron mesh, also called a ‘tetrahedron soup’.
PxTetrahedronMeshAnalysisResult: These flags indicate what kind of deficiencies a tetrahedron mesh has and describe if the mesh is considered ok, problematic or invalid for softbody cooking.
PxTetrahedronMeshData: Contains raw geometry information describing the tetmesh’s vertices and its elements (tetrahedra)
PxTetrahedronMeshDesc: Descriptor class for PxTetrahedronMesh (contains only pure geometric data).
PxTetrahedronMeshExt: utility functions for use with PxTetrahedronMesh and subclasses
PxTetrahedronMeshGeometry: Tetrahedron mesh geometry class.
PxThreadT: Thread abstraction API.
PxTolerancesScale: Class to define the scale at which simulation runs.
PxTransformT: class representing a rigid euclidean transform as a quaternion and a vector
PxTriangle: Triangle class.
PxTriangleMesh: A triangle mesh, also called a ‘polygon soup’.
PxTriangleMeshAnalysisResult: These flags indicate what kind of deficiencies a triangle mesh has and describe if the mesh is considered ok, problematic or invalid for tetmeshing.
PxTriangleMeshDesc: Descriptor class for PxTriangleMesh.
PxTriangleMeshGeometry: Triangle mesh geometry class.
PxTriangleMeshPoissonSampler: Sampler to generate Poisson Samples on a triangle mesh.
PxTrianglePadded: A padded version of PxTriangle, to safely load its data using SIMD.
PxUserAllocated: Provides new and delete using a UserAllocator.
PxUserControllerHitReport: User callback class for character controller events.
PxVec2T: 2 Element vector class.
PxVec3Padded: A padded version of PxVec3, to safely load its data using SIMD.
PxVec3T: 3 Element vector class.
PxVec4T: 4 Element vector class.
PxVehicleDirectDriveActuationStateComponent: Determine the actuation state for each wheel of a direct drive vehicle.
PxVehicleDirectDriveCommandResponseComponent: Forward the applicable set of control values for a direct drive vehicle to a command response state for each applicable control value.
PxVehicleDirectDrivetrainComponent: Forward integrate the angular speed of each wheel on a vehicle by integrating the brake and drive torque applied to each wheel and the torque that develops on the tire as a response to the longitudinal tire force.
PxVehicleEngineDriveActuationStateComponent: Determine the actuation state for each wheel for a vehicle propelled by engine torque.
PxVehicleEngineDriveCommandResponseComponent: Forward the applicable set of control values for a vehicle driven by an engine to a command response state for each applicable control value.
PxVehicleEngineDrivetrainComponent: Forward integrate the angular speed of each wheel and of the engine, accounting for the state of the clutch, gearbox and differential.
PxVehicleFixedSizeLookupTable: Express a function as a sequence of points {(x, y)} that form a piecewise polynomial.
PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent: Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a differential delivering torque to multiple wheels with limited slip applied to specified wheel pairs.
PxVehicleLegacyFourWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent: Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a four wheel drive differential.
PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent: Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a multi-wheel drive differential.
PxVehiclePhysXActorBeginComponent: Work items at the beginning of an update step for a PhysX actor based vehicle.
PxVehiclePhysXActorEndComponent: Work items at the end of an update step for a PhysX actor based vehicle.
PxVehicleRigidBodyComponent: Forward integrate the momentum and pose of the vehicle’s rigid body after applying forces and torques from the suspension, tires and anti-roll bars.
PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialStateComponent: Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a tank drive differential.
RaycastCCDManager: Raycast-CCD manager.
PxEMPTY: enum for empty constructor tag
PxIDENTITY: enum for identity constructor flag for quaternions, transforms, and matrices
PxScenePrunerIndex: Built-in enum for default PxScene pruners.
PxZERO: enum for zero constructor tag for vectors and matrices
operator*: Multiply a*b, a is extended.
operator+: Addition operator.
PxAbs: abs returns the absolute value of its argument.
PxAbs: abs returns the absolute value of its argument.
PxAbs: abs returns the absolute value of its argument.
PxAcos: Arccosine.
PxAcos: Arccosine.
PxAddArticulationLink: Add a link to the articulation.
PxApplyArticulationCache: Apply the user defined data in the cache to the articulation system.
PxAsin: Arcsine.
PxAsin: Arcsine.
PxAtan: ArcTangent.
PxAtan: ArcTangent.
PxAtan2: Arctangent of (x/y) with correct sign.
PxAtan2: Arctangent of (x/y) with correct sign.
PxBatchConstraints: Groups together sets of independent PxSolverConstraintDesc objects to be solved using SIMD SOA approach.
PxBatchConstraintsTGS: Groups together sets of independent PxSolverConstraintDesc objects to be solved using SIMD SOA approach.
PxBeginCreateArticulationRC: Begin creation of an immediate-mode reduced-coordinate articulation.
PxBuildSmoothNormals: Builds smooth vertex normals over a mesh.
PxClamp: Clamps v to the range [hi,lo].
PxCloneDynamic: create a dynamic body by copying attributes from an existing body
PxCloneShape: create a shape by copying attributes from another shape
PxCloneStatic: create a static body by copying attributes from another rigid actor
PxCloseExtensions: Shut down the PhysXExtensions library.
PxCloseVehicleExtension: Shut down the PhysX Vehicle library.
PxComputeAngle: Compute the angle between two non-unit vectors.
PxComputeBasisVectors: Compute two normalized vectors (right and up) that are perpendicular to an input normalized vector (dir).
PxComputeBasisVectors: Compute three normalized vectors (dir, right and up) that are parallel to (dir) and perpendicular to (right, up) the normalized direction vector (p1 - p0)/||p1 - p0||.
PxComputeHeightFieldPenetration: Computes an approximate minimum translational distance (MTD) between a geometry object and a heightfield.
PxComputeTriangleMeshPenetration: Computes an approximate minimum translational distance (MTD) between a geometry object and a mesh.
PxComputeUnconstrainedVelocities: Computes unconstrained velocities for a given articulation.
PxComputeUnconstrainedVelocitiesTGS: Computes unconstrained velocities for a given articulation.
PxConstructSolverBodies: Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure based on rigid body properties.
PxConstructSolverBodiesTGS: Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure based on rigid body properties.
PxConstructStaticSolverBody: Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure for a static body at a given pose.
PxConstructStaticSolverBodyTGS: Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure for a static body at a given pose.
PxContactJointCreate: Create a distance Joint.
PxCopyInternalStateToArticulationCache: Copy the internal data of the articulation to the cache.
PxCos: Cosine of an angle (Unit: Radians)
PxCos: Cosine of an angle (Unit: Radians)
PxCreateAABBManager: AABB manager factory function.
PxCreateArticulationCache: Creates an articulation cache.
PxCreateBasePhysics: Creates an instance of the physics SDK with minimal additional components registered.
PxCreateBatchQueryExt: Create a PxBatchQueryExt without the need for pre-allocated result or touch buffers.
PxCreateBatchQueryExt: Create a PxBatchQueryExt with user-supplied result and touch buffers.
PxCreateBroadPhase: Broadphase factory function.
PxCreateCollection: Creates a collection object.
PxCreateContactConstraints: Creates a set of contact constraint blocks.
PxCreateContactConstraintsTGS: Creates a set of contact constraint blocks.
PxCreateControllerManager: Creates the controller manager.
PxCreateCooking: Create an instance of the cooking interface.
PxCreateCudaContextManager: Allocate a CUDA Context manager, complete with heaps.
PxCreateCustomSceneQuerySystem: Creates a custom scene query system.
PxCreateDynamic: simple method to create a PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.
PxCreateDynamic: simple method to create a PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.
PxCreateExternalSceneQuerySystem: Creates an external scene query system.
PxCreateFoundation: Creates an instance of the foundation class.
PxCreateJointConstraints: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsTGS: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithImmediateShaders: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithImmediateShadersTGS: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithShaders: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithShadersTGS: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateKinematic: simple method to create a kinematic PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.
PxCreateKinematic: simple method to create a kinematic PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.
PxCreateOmniPvd: Creates an instance of the OmniPvd object.
PxCreateParticleClothCooker: Creates a PxParticleClothCooker.
PxCreateParticleClothPreProcessor: Create a particle cloth preprocessor.
PxCreatePhysics: Creates an instance of the physics SDK.
PxCreatePlane: create a plane actor.
PxCreatePvd: Create a pvd instance.
PxCreateRepXObject: Inline helper template function to create PxRepXObject from TDataType type supporting PxTypeInfo<TDataType>::name.
PxCreateRepXObject: Inline helper function to create PxRepXObject from a PxBase instance.
PxCreateRepXObject: Inline helper template function to create PxRepXObject form TDataType type using inType pointer as a PxSerialObjectId id.
PxCreateShapeSampler: Creates a shape sampler.
PxCreateStatic: simple method to create a PxRigidStatic actor with a single PxShape.
PxCreateStatic: simple method to create a PxRigidStatic actor with a single PxShape.
PxCreateTriangleMeshSampler: Creates a triangle mesh sampler.
PxCudaRegisterFatBinary: Internally used callback to register cuda modules at load time.
PxCudaRegisterFunction: Internally used callback to register function names of cuda kernels.
PxD6JointCreate: Create a D6 joint.
PxD6JointCreate_Distance: Helper function to create a distance joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxDistanceJoint.
PxD6JointCreate_Fixed: Helper function to create a fixed joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxFixedJoint.
PxD6JointCreate_GenericCone: Helper function to create a spherical joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxSphericalJoint.
PxD6JointCreate_Prismatic: Helper function to create a prismatic joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxPrismaticJoint.
PxD6JointCreate_Pyramid: Helper function to create a D6 joint with pyramidal swing limits.
PxD6JointCreate_Revolute: Helper function to create a revolute joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxRevoluteJoint.
PxD6JointCreate_Spherical: Helper function to create a spherical joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxSphericalJoint.
PxDecFoundationRefCount: Decrement the ref count of PxFoundation.
PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate: Create default dispatcher, extensions SDK needs to be initialized first.
PxDefaultPvdFileTransportCreate: Create a default file transport.
PxDefaultPvdSocketTransportCreate: Create a default socket transport.
PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader: Implementation of a simple filter shader that emulates PhysX 2.8.x filtering.
PxDegToRad: Converts degrees to radians.
PxDisableFPExceptions: Disables floating point exceptions for the scalar and SIMD unit.
PxDistanceJointCreate: Create a distance Joint.
PxEllipseClamp: Compute the closest point on an 2d ellipse to a given 2d point.
PxEnableFPExceptions: Enables floating point exceptions for the scalar and SIMD unit.
PxEndCreateArticulationRC: End creation of an immediate-mode reduced-coordinate articulation.
PxExp: Compute the exponent of a PxVec3.
PxExtractIsosurfaceFromSDF: Extracts an isosurface from the SDF of a mesh if it the SDF is available.
PxFilterObjectIsKinematic: Specifies whether the collision object belongs to a kinematic rigid body.
PxFilterObjectIsTrigger: Specifies whether the collision object is a trigger shape.
PxFindFaceIndex: Computes closest polygon of the convex hull geometry for a given impact point and impact direction.
PxFindOverlap: BVH-vs-BVH overlap test.
PxFixedJointCreate: Create a fixed joint.
PxGearJointCreate: Create a gear Joint.
PxGenerateContacts: Performs contact generation for a given pair of geometries at the specified poses.
PxGetAllLinkData: Retrieves non-mutable link data from an articulation handle (all links).
PxGetAllocatorCallback: Get the allocator callback.
PxGetBroadcastAllocator: Get the broadcasting allocator callback.
PxGetBroadcastError: Get the broadcasting error callback.
PxGetBroadPhaseDynamicFilterGroup: Retrieves a filter group for dynamic objects.
PxGetBroadPhaseKinematicFilterGroup: Retrieves a filter group for kinematic objects.
PxGetBroadPhaseStaticFilterGroup: Retrieves the filter group for static objects.
PxGetCudaFunctionTable: Access to the loaded cuda functions (kernels)
PxGetCudaFunctionTableSize: Number of loaded cuda functions (kernels)
PxGetCudaModuleTable: Access to the registered cuda modules.
PxGetCudaModuleTableSize: Number of registered cuda modules.
PxGetErrorCallback: Get the error callback.
PxGetFilterBool: Retrieves filtering’s boolean value.
PxGetFilterConstants: Gets filtering constant K0 and K1.
PxGetFilterObjectType: Extract filter object type from the filter attributes of a collision pair object.
PxGetFilterOps: Retrieves filtering operation.
PxGetFoundation: Retrieves the Foundation SDK after it has been created.
PxGetGroup: Retrieves the value set with PxSetGroup
PxGetGroupCollisionFlag: Determines if collision detection is performed between a pair of groups.
PxGetGroupsMask: Gets 64-bit mask used for collision filtering.
PxGetJointData: Retrieves joint data from a link handle.
PxGetLinkData: Retrieves non-mutable link data from a link handle.
PxGetMutableLinkData: Retrieves mutable link data from a link handle.
PxGetNextIndex3: Compute (i+1)%3.
PxGetPhysics: Retrieves the Physics SDK after it has been created.
PxGetProfilerCallback: Get the callback that will be used for all profiling.
PxGetSuggestedCudaDeviceOrdinal: Ask the NVIDIA control panel which GPU has been selected for use by PhysX.
PxGetWarnOnceTimeStamp: Get the warn once timestamp.
PxIncFoundationRefCount: Increment the ref count of PxFoundation.
PxInitExtensions: Initialize the PhysXExtensions library.
PxInitVehicleExtension: Initialize the PhysX Vehicle library.
PxIntegrateSolverBodies: Integrates a rigid body, returning the new velocities and transforms.
PxIntegrateSolverBodiesTGS: Integrates a rigid body, returning the new velocities and transforms.
PxIntegrateTransform: integrate transform.
PxIsFinite: returns true if the passed number is a finite floating point number as opposed to INF, NAN, etc.
PxIsFinite: returns true if the passed number is a finite floating point number as opposed to INF, NAN, etc.
PxLargestAxis: return Returns 0 if v.x is largest element of v, 1 if v.y is largest element, 2 if v.z is largest element.
PxLog: return Returns the log of a PxQuat
PxMakeIterator: Stride iterator factory function which infers the iterator type.
PxMakeIterator: Stride iterator factory function which infers the iterator type.
PxMarkSerializedMemory: Mark a specified amount of memory with 0xcd pattern.
PxMax: The return value is the greater of the two specified values.
PxMax: overload for float to use fsel on xbox
PxMemCopy: Copies the bytes of one memory block to another.
PxMemMove: Copies the bytes of one memory block to another.
PxMemSet: Sets the bytes of the provided buffer to the specified value.
PxMemZero: Sets the bytes of the provided buffer to zero.
PxMin: The return value is the lesser of the two specified values.
PxMin: overload for float to use fsel on xbox
PxOptimizeBoundingBox: computes a oriented bounding box around the scaled basis.
PxPlaneEquationFromTransform: creates a plane equation from a transform, such as the actor transform for a PxPlaneGeometry
PxPrintString: Prints the string literally (does not consume % specifier), trying to make sure it’s visible to the app programmer.
PxPrismaticJointCreate: Create a prismatic joint.
PxRackAndPinionJointCreate: Create a rack & pinion Joint.
PxRecipSqrt: reciprocal square root.
PxRecipSqrt: reciprocal square root.
PxRegisterArticulationsReducedCoordinate: Enables the usage of the reduced coordinate articulations feature.
PxRegisterHeightFields: Enables the usage of the heightfield feature.
PxRegisterImmediateArticulations: Register articulation-related solver functions.
PxReleaseArticulation: Releases an immediate-mode reduced-coordinate articulation.
PxReleaseArticulationCache: Release an articulation cache.
PxRevoluteJointCreate: Create a revolute joint.
PxScaleRigidActor: scale a rigid actor by a uniform scale
PxSeparateSwingTwist: Compute from an input quaternion q a pair of quaternions (swing, twist) such that q = swing * twist with the caveats that swing.x = twist.y = twist.z = 0.
PxSetFilterBool: Setups filtering’s boolean value.
PxSetFilterConstants: Setups filtering’s K0 and K1 value.
PxSetFilterOps: Setups filtering operations.
PxSetGroup: Sets which collision group this actor is part of.
PxSetGroupCollisionFlag: Specifies if collision should be performed by a pair of groups.
PxSetGroupsMask: Sets 64-bit mask used for collision filtering.
PxSetJointData: Sets joint data for given link.
PxSetJointGlobalFrame: Helper function to setup a joint’s global frame.
PxSetMutableLinkData: Sets mutable link data for given link.
PxSetPhysXCommonDelayLoadHook: Sets delay load hook instance for PhysXCommon dll.
PxSetPhysXCookingDelayLoadHook: Sets delay load hook instance for PhysXCooking dll.
PxSetPhysXDelayLoadHook: Sets delay load hook instance for PhysX dll.
PxSetPhysXGpuLoadHook: Sets GPU load hook instance for PhysX dll.
PxSetPhysXGpuProfilerCallback: Sets profiler callback to PhysX GPU.
PxSetProfilerCallback: Set the callback that will be used for all profiling.
PxShortestRotation: finds the shortest rotation between two vectors.
PxSin: trigonometry all angles are in radians.
PxSin: Sine of an angle ( Unit: Radians )
PxSinCos: compute sine and cosine at the same time
PxSinCos: compute sine and cosine at the same time
PxSlerp: Spherical linear interpolation of two quaternions.
PxSolveConstraints: Iteratively solves the set of constraints defined by the provided PxConstraintBatchHeader and PxSolverConstraintDesc structures.
PxSolveConstraintsTGS: Iteratively solves the set of constraints defined by the provided PxConstraintBatchHeader and PxSolverConstraintDesc structures.
PxSort: Sorts an array of objects in ascending order, assuming that the predicate implements the < operator:
PxSphericalJointCreate: Create a spherical joint.
PxSqr: square of the argument
PxSqrt: Square root.
PxSqrt: Square root.
PxTan: Tangent of an angle.
PxTan: Tangent of an angle.
PxTanHalf: Compute tan(theta/2) given sin(theta) and cos(theta) as inputs.
PxTransformFromPlaneEquation: creates a transform from a plane equation, suitable for an actor transform for a PxPlaneGeometry
PxTransformFromSegment: creates a transform from the endpoints of a segment, suitable for an actor transform for a PxCapsuleGeometry
PxUpdateArticulationBodies: Updates bodies for a given articulation.
PxUpdateArticulationBodiesTGS: Updates bodies for a given articulation.
PxVehicleAccelerationIntentCompute: Compute the intention to accelerate by inspecting the actuation states of the wheels of a powered vehicle.
PxVehicleAckermannSteerUpdate: Account for Ackermann correction by modifying the per wheel steer response multipliers to engineer an asymmetric steer response across axles.
PxVehicleAntiRollForceUpdate: Compute the accumulated anti-roll torque to apply to the vehicle’s rigid body.
PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseUpdate: Compute the brake torque response to an array of brake commands.
PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseLinearUpdate: Propagate the input clutch command to the clutch response state.
PxVehicleClutchStrengthCompute: Compute the coupling strength of the clutch.
PxVehicleComputeSprungMasses: Compute the sprung masses of the suspension springs given (i) the number of sprung masses, (ii) coordinates of the sprung masses in the rigid body frame, (iii) the center of mass offset of the rigid body, (iv) the total mass of the rigid body, and (v) the direction of gravity.
PxVehicleComputeSuspensionDirection: Compute suspension travel direction in the world frame.
PxVehicleComputeSuspensionRaycast: Compute the start point, direction and length of a suspension scene raycast.
PxVehicleComputeSuspensionSweep: Compute the start pose, direction and length of a suspension scene sweep.
PxVehicleComputeWheelLocalOrientation: Compute the quaternion of a wheel in the rigid body frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelLocalPose: Compute the pose of the wheel in the rigid body frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelLocalPose: Compute the pose of the wheel in the rigid body frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelOrientation: Compute the quaternion of a wheel in the world frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelPose: Compute the pose of the wheel in the world frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelPose: Compute the pose of the wheel in the world frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelPoseForSuspensionQuery: Compute the start pose of a suspension query.
PxVehicleConstraintsCreate: Instantiate the PhysX custom constraints.
PxVehicleConstraintsDestroy: Destroy the PhysX custom constraints.
PxVehicleConstraintsDirtyStateUpdate: To ensure the constraints are processed by the PhysX scene they are marked as dirty prior to each simulate step.
PxVehicleDifferentialStateUpdate: Compute the fraction of available torque to be delivered to each wheel and gather a list of all wheels connected to the differential.
PxVehicleDifferentialStateUpdate: Compute the fraction of available torque to be delivered to each wheel and gather a list of all wheels connected to the differential.
PxVehicleDifferentialStateUpdate: Compute the fraction of available torque to be delivered to each wheel and gather a list of all wheels connected to the differential.
PxVehicleDifferentialStateUpdate: Compute the fraction of available torque to be delivered to each wheel and gather a list of all wheels connected to the differential.
PxVehicleDirectDriveActuationStateUpdate: Determine the actuation state of a wheel given the brake torque, handbrake torque and drive torque applied to it.
PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseUpdate: Compute the drive torque response to a throttle command.
PxVehicleDirectDriveUpdate: Forward integrate the angular speed of a wheel given the brake and drive torque applied to it.
PxVehicleEngineDampingRateCompute: Compute the damping rate of the engine.
PxVehicleEngineDriveActuationStateUpdate: Determine the actuation state of all wheels on a vehicle.
PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseLinearUpdate: Propagate the input throttle command to the throttle response state.
PxVehicleEngineDriveTorqueCompute: Compute the drive torque to deliver to the engine.
PxVehicleEngineDrivetrainUpdate: Forward integrate the angular speed of the vehicle’s wheels and engine, given the state of clutch, differential and gearbox.
PxVehicleGearboxUpdate: Update the current gear of the gearbox.
PxVehicleGearCommandResponseUpdate: Propagate input gear commands to the gearbox state.
PxVehicleGearRatioCompute: Compute the gear ratio delivered by the gearbox in the current gear.
PxVehicleIsWheelOnGround: Check if the suspension could place the wheel on the ground or not.
PxVehicleLegacyDifferentialTorqueRatiosCompute: Compute the fraction of available torque that is delivered to each wheel through the differential.
PxVehicleLegacyDifferentialWheelSpeedContributionsCompute: Compute the contribution that each wheel makes to the averaged wheel speed at the clutch plate connected to the wheels driven by the differential.
PxVehicleLinearResponseCompute: Compute the linear response to a command.
PxVehicleNonLinearResponseCompute: Compute the non-linear response to a command.
PxVehiclePhysXActorConfigure: Configure an actor so that it is ready for vehicle simulation.
PxVehiclePhysXActorCreate: Create a PxRigidDynamic instance, instantiate it with desired properties and populate it with PxShape instances.
PxVehiclePhysXActorDestroy: Release the PxRigidDynamic, PxArticulationReducedCoordinate, PxArticulationLink and PxShape instances instantiated by PxVehiclePhysXActorCreate or PxVehiclePhysXArticulationLinkCreate.
PxVehiclePhysxActorKeepAwakeCheck: Check if the physx actor has to be kept awake.
PxVehiclePhysxActorSleepCheck: Check if the physx actor is sleeping and clear certain vehicle states if it is.
PxVehiclePhysxActorWakeup: Wake up the physx actor if the actor is asleep and the commands signal an intent to change the state of the vehicle.
PxVehiclePhysXArticulationLinkCreate: Create a PxArticulationReducedCoordinate and a single PxArticulationLink, instantiate the PxArticulationLink with desired properties and populate it with PxShape instances.
PxVehiclePhysXConstraintStatesUpdate: Read constraint data from the vehicle’s internal state for a single wheel and write it to a structure that will be read by the associated PxScene and used to impose the constraints during the next PxScene::simulate() step.
PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryUpdate: Compute the plane of the road geometry under a wheel and the tire friction of the contact.
PxVehiclePvdAntiRollsRegister: Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the antiroll bars of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdAntiRollsWrite: Write antiroll data to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdAttributesCreate: Create the attribute handles necessary to reflect vehicles in omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdAttributesRelease: Destory the attribute handles created by PxVehiclePvdAttributesCreate.
PxVehiclePvdCommandResponseRegister: Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the brake and steer command response parameters of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdCommandResponseWrite: Write brake and steer command response parameters to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdDirectDrivetrainRegister: Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the direct drivetrain of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdDirectDrivetrainWrite: Write direct drivetrain data to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdEngineDrivetrainRegister: Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the engine drivetrain of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdEngineDrivetrainWrite: Write engine drivetrain data of a vehicle instance to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdObjectCreate: Create omnipvd objects that will be used to reflect an individual veicle in omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdObjectRelease: Destroy the PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles instance created by PxVehiclePvdObjectCreate.
PxVehiclePvdPhysXRigidActorRegister: Register the PxRigidActor instance that represents the vehicle’s rigid body in a PhysX scene.
PxVehiclePvdPhysXRigidActorWrite: Write the PxRigidActor instance to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdPhysXWheelAttachmentRegister: Register per wheel attachment data that involves the vehicle’s integration with a PhysX scene.
PxVehiclePvdPhysXWheelAttachmentWrite: Write to omnipvd the per wheel attachment data that involves the vehicle’s integration with a PhysX scene.
PxVehiclePvdRigidBodyRegister: Create object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the parameters and state of the rigid body of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdRigidBodyWrite: Write the parameters and state of the rigid body of a vehicle instance to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdSuspensionStateCalculationParamsRegister: Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the suspension state calculation parameters of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdSuspensionStateCalculationParamsWrite: Write the parameters and state of the rigid body of a vehicle instance to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdWheelAttachmentsRegister: Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect wheel attachment data such as tires, suspensions and wheels.
PxVehiclePvdWheelAttachmentsWrite: Write wheel attachment data such as tire, suspension and wheel data to omnipvd.
PxVehicleReadRigidBodyStateFromPhysXActor: Read the rigid body state from a PhysX actor.
PxVehicleRigidBodyUpdate: Forward integrate rigid body state.
PxVehicleShiftOrigin: Shift the origin of a vehicle by the specified vector.
PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseUpdate: Compute the yaw angle response to a steer command.
PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceUpdate: Compute the toe, camber and force application points that are affected by suspension compression.
PxVehicleSuspensionForceUpdate: Compute the suspension force and torque arising from suspension compression and speed.
PxVehicleSuspensionLegacyForceUpdate: Compute the suspension force and torque arising from suspension compression and speed.
PxVehicleSuspensionStateUpdate: Compute the suspension compression and compression speed for a single suspension.
PxVehicleTireCamberAnglesUpdate: Compute the camber angle of the wheel.
PxVehicleTireDirsLegacyUpdate: Compute the longitudinal and lateral tire directions in the ground plane.
PxVehicleTireDirsUpdate: Compute the longitudinal and lateral tire directions in the ground plane.
PxVehicleTireForcesUpdate: Compute the longitudinal and lateral forces in the world frame that develop on the tire as a consequence of the tire’s slip angles, friction and load.
PxVehicleTireGripUpdate: Compute the load and friction experienced by the tire.
PxVehicleTireSlipsAccountingForStickyStatesUpdate: Set the tire longitudinal and lateral slip values to 0.0 in the event that the tire has entred tire sticky state.
PxVehicleTireSlipsLegacyUpdate: Compute a tire’s longitudinal and lateral slip angles.
PxVehicleTireSlipSpeedsUpdate: Project the rigid body velocity at the tire contact point along the tire longitudinal directions.
PxVehicleTireSlipsUpdate: Compute a tire’s longitudinal and lateral slip angles.
PxVehicleTireStickyStateReset: Reset the sticky tire states of an unpowered vehicle if it is in a jointed ensemble of vehicles with at least one powered vehicle.
PxVehicleTireStickyStateUpdate: When a tire has been at a very low speed for a threshold time without application of drive torque, a secondary tire model is applied to bring the tire to rest using velocity constraints that asymptotically approach zero speed along the tire’s lateral and longitudinal directions.
PxVehicleUnitCylinderSweepMeshCreate: Create a cylindrical mesh with unit radius and half-width.
PxVehicleUnitCylinderSweepMeshDestroy: Release the mesh created with PxVehicleUnitCylinderSweepMeshCreate.
PxVehicleWheelRotationAngleUpdate: Forward integrate the rotation angle of a wheel.
PxVehicleWriteRigidBodyStateToPhysXActor: Write the rigid body state to a PhysX actor.
PxVehicleWriteWheelLocalPoseToPhysXWheelShape: Update the local pose of a PxShape that is associated with a wheel.
PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT: The predefined default PxClientID value.
DECLARE_CUSTOM_GEOMETRY_TYPE: Used in pair with IMPLEMENT_CUSTOM_GEOMETRY_TYPE to overwrite Callbacks::getCustomType() callback.
IMPLEMENT_CUSTOM_GEOMETRY_TYPE: Used in pair with DECLARE_CUSTOM_GEOMETRY_TYPE to overwrite Callbacks::getCustomType() callback.
PX_BINARY_SERIAL_VERSION: PX_BINARY_SERIAL_VERSION is used to version the PhysX binary data and meta data.
PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT: General defines.
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_BASE_CLASS: specifies a binary metadata entry for declaring a base class
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_CLASS: specifies a binary metadata entry for a class
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_EXTRA_ALIGN: specifies a binary metadata entry declaring an extra data alignment for a class
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_EXTRA_ARRAY: specifies a binary metadata entry for an array of extra data
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_EXTRA_ITEM: specifies a binary metadata entry for extra data
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_EXTRA_ITEMS: specifies a binary metadata entry for an array of extra data
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_EXTRA_ITEMS_MASKED_CONTROL: specifies a binary metadata entry for an array of extra data additional to PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_EXTRA_ITEMS a mask can be specified to interpret the control value
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_EXTRA_NAME: specifies a binary metadata entry for an string of extra data
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_ITEM: specifies a binary metadata entry for a member variable of a class
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_ITEMS: specifies a binary metadata entry for a member array variable of a class
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_ITEMS_AUTO: specifies a binary metadata entry for a member array variable of a class
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_TYPEDEF: specifies a binary metadata entry for a typedef
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_UNION: specifies a binary metadata entry for a union
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_UNION_TYPE: specifies a binary metadata entry for a particular member type of a union
PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA_VCLASS: specifies a binary metadata entry for a virtual class
PX_DELETE_REPX_SERIALIZER: Preprocessor Macro to simplify RepX serializer delete.
PX_DELETE_SERIALIZER_ADAPTER: Preprocessor Macro to simplify adapter deletion.
PX_DEPRECATED: Alignment macros.
PX_ENABLE_ASSERTS: Assert macro.
PX_FORCE_INLINE: Force inline macro.
PX_GCC_FAMILY: family shortcuts
PX_INLINE: Inline macro.
PX_INVALID_BP_FILTER_GROUP: Invalid broadphase filter group.
PX_LIBCPP: C++ standard library defines.
PX_MAKE_FOURCC: Used to fix multi-byte characters warning from gcc for situations like: PxU32 foo = ‘CCTS’;.
PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE: Maximum sweep distance for scene sweeps.
PX_MAX_TETID: The maximum tetrahedron index supported in the model.
PX_MESH_SCALE_MAX: Maximum allowed absolute magnitude for each of mesh scale’s components (x,y,z).
PX_MESH_SCALE_MIN: Minimum allowed absolute magnitude for each of mesh scale’s components (x,y,z).
PX_NEW_REPX_SERIALIZER: Preprocessor macro for RepX serializer creation.
PX_NEW_SERIALIZER_ADAPTER: Preprocessor Macro to simplify adapter creation.
PX_NOALIAS: Noalias macro.
PX_NOINLINE: Noinline macro.
PX_OVERRIDE: Override macro.
PX_PHYSICS_VERSION: The constant PX_PHYSICS_VERSION is used when creating certain PhysX module objects.
PX_PUSH_PACK_DEFAULT: Calling convention.
PX_RESTRICT: Restrict macro.
PX_SERIAL_ALIGN: Default serialization alignment.
PX_SERIAL_FILE_ALIGN: Serialized input data must be aligned to this value.
PX_SERIAL_OBJECT_ID_INVALID: PxSerialObjectId value for objects that do not have an ID.
PX_SERIAL_REF_KIND_MATERIAL_IDX: Reference kind value for material indices.
PX_SERIAL_REF_KIND_PTR_TYPE_BIT: Bit to mark pointer type references,.
PX_SERIAL_REF_KIND_PXBASE: Reference kind value for PxBase objects.
PX_UNIX_EXPORT: DLL export macros.
PX_VC: Compiler defines, see
PX_VEHICLE_FOUR_WHEEL_DIFFERENTIAL_MAXIMUM_STRENGTH: A special value that indicates instantaneous resolution of a slip that exceeds a differential bias.
PxActorCacheFlags: Collection of set bits defined in PxActorCacheFlag.
PxActorFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxActorFlag.
PxActorTypeFlags: Collection of set bits defined in PxActorTypeFlag.
PxAgain: Describes query behavior after returning a partial query result via a callback.
PxBinaryMetaDataCallback: Callback type for exporting binary meta data for a serializable type.
PxBpFilterGroup: Broadphase filter group.
PxBpIndex: Broadphase index. Indexes bounds, groups and distance arrays.
PxClientID: An ID to identify different clients for multiclient support.
PxConstraintFlags: constraint flags
PxConstraintProject: Solver constraint projection shader.
PxConstraintSolverPrep: Solver constraint generation shader.
PxConstraintVisualize: Solver constraint visualization function.
PxContactPairFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxContactPairFlag.
PxContactPairHeaderFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxContactPairHeaderFlag.
PxControllerBehaviorFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxControllerBehaviorFlag.
PxControllerCollisionFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxControllerCollisionFlag.
PxControllerDebugRenderFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxControllerDebugRenderFlag.
PxConvexFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxConvexFlag.
PxConvexMeshGeometryFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxConvexMeshGeometryFlag.
PxCudaInteropRegisterFlags: collection of set bits defined in NxCudaInteropRegisterFlag.
PxDataAccessFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxDataAccessFlag.
PxDeletionEventFlags: Collection of set bits defined in PxDeletionEventFlag.
PxDominanceGroup: Group index which allows to specify 1- or 2-way interaction.
PxDominanceGroup: Group index which allows to specify 1- or 2-way interaction.
PxFilterFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxFilterFlag.
PxFilterObjectAttributes: Structure which gets passed into the collision filtering shader and/or callback providing additional information on objects of a collision pair.
PxHeightFieldFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxHeightFieldFlag.
PxMaterialFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxMaterialFlag.
PxMeshFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxMeshFlag.
PxMeshGeometryFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxMeshGeometryFlag.
PxOverlapBuffer: Overlap query buffer.
PxOverlapCallback: Overlap query callback.
PxOverlapThreadContext: A per-thread context passed to low-level overlap functions.
PxPairFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPairFlag.
PxPvdInstrumentationFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPvdInstrumentationFlag.
PxPvdSceneFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPvdSceneFlag.
PxQueryFlags: Flags typedef for the set of bits defined in PxQueryFlag.
PxRaycastBuffer: Raycast query buffer.
PxRaycastCallback: Raycast query callback.
PxRaycastThreadContext: A per-thread context passed to low-level raycast functions.
PxRigidBodyFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxRigidBodyFlag.
PxSceneFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxSceneFlag.
PxSerialObjectId: ID type for PxBase objects in a PxCollection.
PxShapeFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxShapeFlag.
PxSimulationFilterShader: Filter method to specify how a pair of potentially colliding objects should be processed.
PxSweepBuffer: Sweep query buffer.
PxSweepCallback: Sweep query callback.
PxSweepThreadContext: A per-thread context passed to low-level sweep functions.
PxTetrahedronMeshFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxTetrahedronMeshFlag.
PxTriangleMeshFlags: collection of set bits defined in PxTriangleMeshFlag.
PxTriggerPairFlags: Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxTriggerPairFlag.
PxU32: files to always include
PxU32: files to always include