
Defined in include/vehicle2/pvd/PxVehiclePvdFunctions.h

void PxVehiclePvdEngineDrivetrainRegister(const PxVehicleCommandState *commandState, const PxVehicleEngineDriveTransmissionCommandState *transmissionCommandState, const PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseParams *clutchResponseParams, const PxVehicleClutchParams *clutchParams, const PxVehicleEngineParams *engineParams, const PxVehicleGearboxParams *gearboxParams, const PxVehicleAutoboxParams *autoboxParams, const PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams *multiWheelDiffParams, const PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams *fourWheelDiffPrams, const PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseState *clutchResponseState, const PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseState *throttleResponseState, const PxVehicleEngineState *engineState, const PxVehicleGearboxState *gearboxState, const PxVehicleAutoboxState *autoboxState, const PxVehicleDifferentialState *diffState, const PxVehicleClutchSlipState *clutchSlipState, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles *objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter *omniWriter)

Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the engine drivetrain of a vehicle instance.


If any pointer is NULL, the corresponding data will not be reflected in omnipvd.


objectHandles must be non-NULL


omniWriter must be non-NULL

  • commandState[in] describes the control values applied to the vehicle.

  • transmissionCommandState[in] describes the state of the engine drive transmission.

  • clutchResponseParams[in] describes the vehicle’s response to a clutch command.

  • clutchParams[in] describes the vehicle’s clutch.

  • engineParams[in] describes the engine.

  • gearboxParams[in] describes the gearbox.

  • autoboxParams[in] describes the automatic gearbox.

  • multiWheelDiffParams[in] describes a multiwheel differential without limited slip compensation.

  • fourWheelDiffPrams[in] describes a differential that delivers torque to four drive wheels with limited slip compensation.

  • clutchResponseState[in] is the instantaneous reponse of the clutch to a clutch command.

  • throttleResponseState[in] is the instantaneous response to a throttle command.

  • engineState[in] is the instantaneous state of the engine.

  • gearboxState[in] is the instantaneous state of the gearbox.

  • autoboxState[in] is the instantaneous state of the automatic gearbox.

  • diffState[in] is the instantaneous state of the differential.

  • clutchSlipState[in] is the instantaneous slip recorded at the clutch.

  • attributeHandles[in] contains a general description of vehicle parameters and states that will be reflected in omnipvd.

  • objectHandles[in] contains unique handles for the parameters and states of each vehicle instance.

  • omniWriter[in] is an OmniPvdWriter instance used to communicate state and parameter data to omnipvd.