Defined in include/foundation/Px.h
template<class Type>
class PxQuatT This is a quaternion class.
For more information on quaternion mathematics consult a mathematics source on complex numbers.
Public Functions
inline PxQuatT()
Default constructor, does not do any initialization.
inline PxQuatT(PxIDENTITY)
identity constructor
inline explicit PxQuatT(Type r)
Constructor from a scalar: sets the real part w to the scalar value, and the imaginary parts (x,y,z) to zero.
inline PxQuatT(Type nx, Type ny, Type nz, Type nw)
Take note of the order of the elements!
inline PxQuatT(Type angleRadians, const PxVec3T<Type> &unitAxis)
Creates from angle-axis representation.
Axis must be normalized!
Angle is in radians!
Unit: Radians
inline explicit PxQuatT(const PxMat33T<Type> &m)
Creates from orientation matrix.
- Parameters
m – [in] Rotation matrix to extract quaternion from.
inline bool isIdentity() const
returns true if quat is identity
inline bool isFinite() const
returns true if all elements are finite (not NAN or INF, etc.)
inline bool isUnit() const
returns true if finite and magnitude is close to unit
inline bool isSane() const
returns true if finite and magnitude is reasonably close to unit to allow for some accumulation of error vs isValid
inline bool operator==(const PxQuatT &q) const
returns true if the two quaternions are exactly equal
inline void toRadiansAndUnitAxis(Type &angle, PxVec3T<Type> &axis) const
converts this quaternion to angle-axis representation
inline Type getAngle() const
Gets the angle between this quat and the identity quaternion.
Unit: Radians
inline Type getAngle(const PxQuatT &q) const
Gets the angle between this quat and the argument.
Unit: Radians
inline Type magnitudeSquared() const
This is the squared 4D vector length, should be 1 for unit quaternions.
inline const PxVec3T<Type> rotate(const PxVec3T<Type> &v) const
rotates passed vec by this (assumed unitary)
inline PxQuatT()