Defined in include/foundation/PxBroadcast.h
class PxAllocationListener#
Abstract listener class that listens to allocation and deallocation events from the foundation memory system.
Threading: All methods of this class should be thread safe as it can be called from the user thread or the physics processing thread(s).
Public Functions
- virtual void onAllocation(
- size_t size,
- const char *typeName,
- const char *filename,
- int line,
- void *allocatedMemory,
callback when memory is allocated.
- Parameters:
size – Size of the allocation in bytes.
typeName – Type this data is being allocated for.
filename – File the allocation came from.
line – the allocation came from.
allocatedMemory – memory that will be returned from the allocation.
virtual void onDeallocation(void *allocatedMemory) = 0#
callback when memory is deallocated.
- Parameters:
allocatedMemory – memory just before allocation.
Protected Functions
inline virtual ~PxAllocationListener()#