- ExtGpu::PxParticleAttachmentBuffer
Holds user-defined attachment data to attach particles to other bodies.
- ExtGpu::PxParticleClothBufferHelper
Helper class to manage PxParticleClothDesc buffers used for communicating particle based cloths to PxParticleClothBuffer .
- ExtGpu::PxParticleClothCooker
- ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidBufferHelper
Helper class to manage PxParticleRigidDesc buffers used for communicating particle based rigids to PxPaticleSystem.
- ExtGpu::PxParticleVolumeBufferHelper
Helper class to manage communicating PxParticleVolumes data to PxParticleBuffer .
- OmniPvdFileReadStream
Used to abstract a file read stream.
- OmniPvdFileWriteStream
Used to abstract a file write stream.
- OmniPvdMemoryStream
Used to abstract a memory read/write stream.
- OmniPvdReadStream
Used to abstract a memory read stream.
- OmniPvdReader
Used to read debug information from an OmniPvdReadStream .
- OmniPvdWriteStream
Used to abstract a memory write stream.
- OmniPvdWriter
Used to write debug information to an OmniPvdWriteStream .
- PxAABBManager
High-level broadphase API.
- PxActor
PxActor is the base class for the main simulation objects in the physics SDK.
- PxAggregate
Class to aggregate actors into a single broad-phase entry.
- PxAlignedAllocator
Allocator, which is used to access the global PxAllocatorCallback instance (used for dynamic data types template instantiation), which can align memory.
- PxAllocationListener
Abstract listener class that listens to allocation and deallocation events from the foundation memory system.
- PxAllocator
Allocator used to access the global PxAllocatorCallback instance without providing additional information.
- PxAllocatorCallback
Abstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that can be used by the Nv library.
- PxAnisotropyCallback
Default implementation of a particle system callback to trigger anisotropy calculations.
- PxAnisotropyGenerator
Computes anisotropy information for a particle system to improve rendering quality.
- PxArrayConverter
Utility class to convert gpu arrays to a different memory layout.
- PxArticulationAttachment
Defines a spatial tendon attachment point on a link.
- PxArticulationCache
Data structure used to read and write internal articulation data.
- PxArticulationCacheFlag
These flags determine what data is read or written to the internal articulation data via cache.
- PxArticulationFixedTendon
A fixed tendon that can be used to link multiple degrees of freedom of multiple articulation joints via length and limit constraints.
- PxArticulationGPUAPIComputeType
This flag specifies the type of operation to perform when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::computeArticulationData .
- PxArticulationGPUAPIReadType
This flag specifies the type of data to get when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::getArticulationData() .
- PxArticulationGPUAPIWriteType
This flag specifies the type of data to set when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::setArticulationData() .
- PxArticulationGpuDataType
A description of the types of articulation data that may be directly written to and read from the GPU using the functions PxScene::copyArticulationData() and PxScene::applyArticulationData() .
- PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate
A joint between two links in an articulation.
- PxArticulationLink
A component of an articulation that represents a rigid body.
- PxArticulationMimicJoint
A mimic joint enforces a linear relationship between the positions of two joints of the same articulation instance.
- PxArticulationReducedCoordinate
A tree structure of bodies connected by joints that is treated as a unit by the dynamics solver.
- PxArticulationSpatialTendon
A spatial tendon that attaches to an articulation.
- PxArticulationTendon
Common API base class shared by PxArticulationSpatialTendon and PxArticulationFixedTendon .
- PxArticulationTendonJoint
Defines a fixed-tendon joint on an articulation joint degree of freedom.
- PxArticulationTendonLimit
Defines the low/high limits of the length of a tendon.
Class representing a bounding volume hierarchy.
- PxBVH33TriangleMesh
A triangle mesh containing the PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH33 structure.
- PxBVH34TriangleMesh
A triangle mesh containing the PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH34 structure.
- PxBVHDesc
Descriptor class for PxBVH .
- PxBase
Base class for objects that can be members of a PxCollection .
- PxBaseMaterial
Base material class.
- PxBaseTask
Base class of all task types.
- PxBatchQueryExt
- PxBinaryConverter
Binary converter for serialized streams.
- PxBitAndDataT
- PxBitMapBase
- PxBounds3
Class representing 3D range or axis aligned bounding box.
- PxBoxController
Box character controller.
- PxBoxControllerDesc
Descriptor for a box character controller.
- PxBoxGeometry
Class representing the geometry of a box.
- PxBoxObstacle
A box obstacle.
- PxBroadPhase
Low-level broadphase API.
- PxBroadPhaseCallback
Broad-phase callback to receive broad-phase related events.
- PxBroadPhaseDesc
Broadphase descriptor.
- PxBroadPhaseExt
- PxBroadPhaseRegions
Broadphase regions.
- PxBroadPhaseUpdateData
Broadphase data update structure.
- PxBroadcast
Broadcast class implementation, registering listeners.
- PxBroadcastingAllocator
Abstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that allows an external listener to audit the memory allocations.
- PxBroadcastingErrorCallback
Abstract base class for an application defined error callback that allows an external listener to report errors.
- PxCCDContactModifyCallback
An interface class that the user can implement in order to modify CCD contact constraints.
- PxCacheAllocator
A callback class to allocate memory to cache information used in contact generation.
- PxCapsuleController
A capsule character controller.
- PxCapsuleControllerDesc
A descriptor for a capsule character controller.
- PxCapsuleGeometry
Class representing the geometry of a capsule.
- PxCapsuleObstacle
A capsule obstacle.
- PxCoalescedHashMap
- PxCoalescedHashSet
- PxCollection
Collection class for serialization.
- PxCollectionExt
- PxCollisionMeshMappingData
Contains information about how to update the collision mesh's vertices given a deformed simulation tetmesh.
- PxCollisionTetrahedronMeshData
Conbines PxTetrahedronMeshData and PxDeformableVolumeCollisionData .
- PxConstraint
A plugin class for implementing constraints.
- PxConstraintAllocator
- PxConstraintConnector
This class connects a custom constraint to the SDK.
- PxConstraintVisualizer
API used to visualize details about a constraint.
- PxContactBuffer
- PxContactJoint
PxContactJoint is best viewed as a helper function for the inverse dynamics of articulations. The expected use case is to use PxContactJoint::getConstraint() in conjunction with PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::addLoopJoint() .
- PxContactModifyCallback
An interface class that the user can implement in order to modify contact constraints.
- PxContactModifyPair
An array of instances of this class is passed to PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify() .
- PxContactRecorder
Callback class to record contact points produced by immediate::PxGenerateContacts.
- PxContactSet
An array of contact points, as passed to contact modification.
- PxController
Base class for character controllers.
- PxControllerBehaviorCallback
User behavior callback.
- PxControllerDesc
Descriptor class for a character controller.
- PxControllerFilterCallback
Dedicated filtering callback for CCT vs CCT.
- PxControllerFilters
Filtering data for "move" call.
- PxControllerManager
Manages an array of character controllers.
- PxConvexCore
Pre-authored cores for convex core geometry.
- PxConvexCoreExt
Convex geometry helpers.
- PxConvexCoreGeometry
Convex core geometry class.
- PxConvexMesh
A convex mesh.
- PxConvexMeshDesc
Descriptor class for PxConvexMesh .
- PxConvexMeshGeometry
Convex mesh geometry class.
- PxCpuDispatcher
A CpuDispatcher is responsible for scheduling the execution of tasks passed to it by the SDK.
- PxCudaContext
Cuda Context.
- PxCudaContextManager
Manages thread locks, and task scheduling for a CUDA context.
- PxCudaContextManagerDesc
Descriptor used to create a PxCudaContextManager .
- PxCustomGeometry
Custom geometry class.
- PxCustomGeometryExt
Pre-made custom geometry callbacks implementations.
- PxCustomSceneQuerySystem
A custom scene query system.
- PxCustomSceneQuerySystemAdapter
An adapter class to customize the object-to-pruner mapping.
- PxD6Joint
A D6 joint is a general constraint between two actors.
- PxD6JointDrive
parameters for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
- PxDefaultAllocator
default implementation of the allocator interface required by the SDK
- PxDefaultCpuDispatcher
A default implementation for a CPU task dispatcher.
- PxDefaultErrorCallback
default implementation of the error callback
- PxDefaultFileInputData
default implementation of a file read stream
- PxDefaultFileOutputStream
default implementation of a file write stream
- PxDefaultMemoryInputData
default implementation of a memory read stream
- PxDefaultMemoryOutputStream
default implementation of a memory write stream
- PxDeformableAttachment
PxDeformableAttachment class representing an attachment for deformable actors.
- PxDeformableBody
Represents a deformable body, a base class for deformable actors.
- PxDeformableElementFilter
PxDeformableElementFilter class representing an element level collision filter for deformable actors.
- PxDeformableMaterial
Material class to represent a set of deformable material properties.
- PxDeformableSkinning
Abstract base class for deformable skinning operations.
- PxDeformableSkinningExt
Utility functions for deformable surface and volume skinning.
- PxDeformableSurface
Represents a deformable surface.
- PxDeformableSurfaceExt
Utility functions for use with PxDeformableSurface .
- PxDeformableSurfaceMaterial
Material class to represent surface deformable material properties.
- PxDeformableVolume
Represents a deformable volume.
- PxDeformableVolumeAuxData
A data container providing mass, rest pose and other information required for deformable simulation.
- PxDeformableVolumeCollisionData
Stores data to accelerate collision detection of a tetrahedral mesh.
- PxDeformableVolumeExt
Utility functions for use with PxDeformableVolume and subclasses.
- PxDeformableVolumeMaterial
Material class to represent a set of deformable volume material properties.
- PxDeformableVolumeMesh
A deformable volume mesh, containing structures to store collision shape, simulation shape and deformation state.
- PxDeformableVolumeSimulationData
Stores data to compute and store the state of a deformed tetrahedral mesh.
- PxDeformableVolumeSimulationDataDesc
Descriptor class for PxDeformableVolumeMesh (contains only additional data used for deformable volume simulation).
- PxDelayLoadHook
- PxDeletionListener
interface to get notification on object deletion
- PxDeserializationContext
Binary deserialization context class.
- PxDeviceAllocatorCallback
An interface class that the user can implement in order for PhysX to use a user-defined device memory allocator.
- PxDiffuseParticleParams
Parameters to configure the behavior of diffuse particles.
- PxDirectGPUAPI
PxDirectGPUAPI exposes an API that enables batched direct access to GPU data for a PxScene .
- PxDistanceJoint
a joint that maintains an upper or lower bound (or both) on the distance between two points on different objects
- PxDynamicArrayReportCallback
Dynamic array report callback.
- PxErrorCallback
User defined interface class.
- PxExternalStorageReportCallback
External storage report callback.
- PxFPUGuard
- PxFileBuf
Callback class for data serialization.
- PxFixedJoint
A fixed joint permits no relative movement between two bodies.
- PxFixedSizeLookupTable
- PxFlags
Container for bitfield flag variables associated with a specific enum type.
- PxFoundation
Foundation SDK singleton class.
- PxFrictionAnchorStreamIterator
A class to iterate over a friction anchor stream.
- PxGearJoint
A joint that connects two existing revolute joints and constrains their relative angular velocity and position with respect to each other.
- PxGeometry
A geometry object.
- PxGeometryHolder
Geometry holder class.
- PxGeometryQuery
Collection of geometry object queries (sweeps, raycasts, overlaps, …).
- PxGjkQuery
Collection of GJK query functions (sweeps, raycasts, overlaps, …).
- PxGjkQueryExt
Pre-made support mapping for built-in convex geometry types.
- PxGpuFixedTendonData
- PxGpuLoadHook
- PxGpuParticleSystem
Container class for a GPU particle system.
- PxGpuSpatialTendonData
- PxGpuTendonAttachmentData
- PxGpuTendonJointCoefficientData
- PxGroupsMask
64-bit mask used for collision filtering.
- PxHashBase
- PxHashMap
- PxHashMapBase
- PxHashSet
- PxHashSetBase
- PxHeightField
A height field class.
- PxHeightFieldDesc
Descriptor class for PxHeightField .
- PxHeightFieldGeometry
Height field geometry class.
- PxInlineAllocator
- PxInlineArray
- PxInputData
Input data class for I/O which provides random read access.
- PxInputStream
Input stream class for I/O.
- PxInsertionCallback
Callback interface that permits TriangleMesh, Heightfield, ConvexMesh or BVH to be used directly without the need to store the cooking results into a stream.
- PxIsosurfaceCallback
Default implementation of a particle system callback to trigger the isosurface extraction.
- PxIsosurfaceExtractor
Base class for isosurface extractors.
- PxJoint
a base interface providing common functionality for PhysX joints
- PxJointAngularLimitPair
- PxJointLimitCone
Describes an elliptical conical joint limit.
- PxJointLimitParameters
Describes the parameters for a joint limit.
- PxJointLimitPyramid
Describes a pyramidal joint limit.
- PxJointLinearLimit
Describes a one-sided linear limit.
- PxJointLinearLimitPair
Describes a two-sided limit.
- PxLightCpuTask
A PxBaseTask implementation with immediate execution and simple dependencies.
- PxLocalStorageReportCallback
Local storage report callback.
- PxLockedData
Parent class for bulk data that is shared between the SDK and the application.
- PxMassProperties
Utility class to compute and manipulate mass and inertia tensor properties.
- PxMat33Padded
A padded version of PxMat33, to safely load its data using SIMD.
- PxMat33T
3x3 matrix class
- PxMat34Padded
A padded version of PxMat34, to safely load its data using SIMD.
- PxMat34T
- PxMat44T
4x4 matrix class
- PxMaterial
Material class to represent a set of surface properties.
- PxMeshOverlapUtil
Utility class to find mesh triangles touched by a specified geometry object.
- PxMeshQuery
- PxMeshScale
A class expressing a nonuniform scaling transformation.
- PxMidphaseDesc
Structure describing parameters affecting midphase mesh structure.
- PxMultiCallback
Special callback that forwards calls to arbitrarily many sub-callbacks.
- PxMutexImpl
- PxMutexT
- PxNeighborhoodIterator
An iterator class to iterate over the neighbors of a particle during particle system simulation.
- PxNodeIndex
- PxObstacle
Base class for obstacles.
- PxObstacleContext
Context class for obstacles.
- PxOmniPvd
- PxOutputStream
Output stream class for I/O.
- PxPBDMaterial
Material class to represent a set of PBD particle material properties.
- PxPBDParticleSystem
A particle system that uses the position based dynamics(PBD) solver.
- PxPair
- PxParticleAndDiffuseBuffer
A particle buffer used to simulate diffuse particles.
- PxParticleBuffer
The shared base class for all particle buffers, can be instantiated directly to simulate granular and fluid particles.
- PxParticleClothBuffer
A particle buffer used to simulate particle cloth.
- PxParticleClothPreProcessor
Preprocessor to prepare particle cloths for simulation.
- PxParticleNeighborhoodProvider
Computes neighborhood information for a point cloud.
- PxParticleRigidBuffer
A particle buffer used to simulate rigid bodies using shape matching with particles.
- PxParticleSystemCallback
Particle system callback base class to schedule work that should be done before, while or after the particle system updates.
- PxParticleSystemGeometry
Particle system geometry class.
- PxPhysics
Abstract singleton factory class used for instancing objects in the Physics SDK.
- PxPhysicsGpu
- PxPinnedAllocator
- PxPlane
Representation of a plane.
- PxPlaneGeometry
Class describing a plane geometry.
- PxPoissonSampler
Sampler to generate Poisson Samples locally on a triangle mesh or a shape.
- PxPostSolveCallback
Abstract base class for post-solve callback functionality.
- PxPrismaticJoint
A prismatic joint permits relative translational movement between two bodies along an axis, but no relative rotational movement.
- PxProcessPxBaseCallback
Callback class used to process PxBase objects.
- PxProfileScoped
- PxProfilerCallback
The pure virtual callback interface for general purpose instrumentation and profiling of GameWorks modules as well as applications.
- PxPruningStructure
A precomputed pruning structure to accelerate scene queries against newly added actors.
- PxPvd
PxPvd is the top-level class for the PVD framework, and the main customer interface for PVD configuration.It is a singleton class, instantiated and owned by the application.
- PxPvdSceneClient
Special client for PxScene .
- PxPvdTransport
PxPvdTransport is an interface representing the data transport mechanism.
- PxQuatT
This is a quaternion class.
- PxQueryFilterCallback
Scene query filtering callbacks.
- PxRackAndPinionJoint
A joint that connects an existing revolute joint to an existing prismatic joint, and constrains their relative angular/linear velocity and position with respect to each other.
- PxRawAllocator
Bootstrap allocator using malloc/free.
- PxReadWriteLock
- PxRefCounted
Base class for ref-counted objects.
- PxReflectionAllocator
Allocator used to access the global PxAllocatorCallback instance using a static name derived from T.
- PxRegularReportCallback
Regular report callback.
- PxRemeshingExt
Provides methods to adjust the tessellation of meshes.
- PxRenderBuffer
Interface for points, lines, triangles, and text buffer.
- PxRenderOutput
Output stream to fill RenderBuffer.
- PxRepXSerializer
Serializer interface for RepX (Xml) serialization.
- PxReportCallback
Base class for callback reporting an unknown number of items to users.
- PxRevoluteJoint
A joint which behaves in a similar way to a hinge or axle.
- PxRigidActor
PxRigidActor represents a base class shared between dynamic and static rigid bodies in the physics SDK.
- PxRigidActorExt
utility functions for use with PxRigidActor and subclasses
- PxRigidBody
PxRigidBody is a base class shared between dynamic rigid body objects.
- PxRigidBodyExt
utility functions for use with PxRigidBody and subclasses
- PxRigidDynamic
PxRigidDynamic represents a dynamic rigid simulation object in the physics SDK.
- PxRigidDynamicGPUAPIReadType
This flag specifies the type of data to get when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::getRigidDynamicData() .
- PxRigidDynamicGPUAPIWriteType
This flag specifies the type of data to set when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::setRigidDynamicData() .
- PxRigidStatic
PxRigidStatic represents a static rigid body simulation object in the physics SDK.
- PxRunnable
- PxSDFBuilder
Utility class to compute an SDF on the GPU.
- PxSDFDesc
A structure describing signed distance fields (SDF) for triangle meshes.
- PxSIMDGuard
- PxSListEntry
- PxSListT
- PxSamplingExt
utility functions to sample vertices on or inside a triangle mesh or other geometries
- PxScene
A scene is a collection of bodies and constraints which can interact.
- PxSceneDesc
Descriptor class for scenes.
- PxSceneLimits
Class used to retrieve limits(e.g.
- PxSceneQueryDesc
Descriptor class for scene query system.
- PxSceneQueryExt
Utility functions for use with PxScene , related to scene queries.
- PxSceneQuerySystem
Scene-queries external sub-system for PxScene-based objects.
- PxSceneQuerySystemBase
Base class for the scene-query system.
- PxSceneReadLock
RAII wrapper for the PxScene read lock.
- PxSceneSQSystem
Traditional SQ system for PxScene .
- PxSceneWriteLock
RAII wrapper for the PxScene write lock.
- PxScopedCudaLock
Convenience class for holding CUDA lock within a scope.
- PxScopedPointer
- PxSdfBitsPerSubgridPixel
Defines the number of bits per subgrid pixel.
- PxSerialization
Utility functions for serialization.
- PxSerializationContext
Binary serialization context class.
- PxSerializationRegistry
Class serving as a registry for XML (RepX) and binary serializable types.
- PxSerializer
Serialization interface class.
- PxSerializerDefaultAdapter
Default PxSerializer implementation.
- PxShape
Abstract class for collision shapes.
- PxShapeExt
utility functions for use with PxShape
- PxSimpleTriangleMesh
A structure describing a triangle mesh.
- PxSimulationEventCallback
An interface class that the user can implement in order to receive simulation events.
- PxSimulationFilterCallback
Filter callback to specify handling of collision pairs.
- PxSimulationStatistics
Class used to retrieve statistics for a simulation step.
- PxSimulationTetrahedronMeshData
Conbines PxTetrahedronMeshData and PxDeformableVolumeSimulationData .
- PxSmoothedPositionCallback
Default implementation of a particle system callback to trigger smoothed position calculations.
- PxSmoothedPositionGenerator
Ccomputes smoothed positions for a particle system to improve rendering quality.
- PxSocket
Socket abstraction API.
- PxSoftBodyGpuDataFlag
These flags determine what data is read or written when using PxScene::copySoftBodyData() or PxScene::applySoftBodyData .
- PxSparseGridIsosurfaceExtractor
Base class for sparse grid based isosurface extractors.
- PxSphereGeometry
A class representing the geometry of a sphere.
- PxSphericalJoint
A joint which behaves in a similar way to a ball and socket.
- PxSpring
- PxStack
- PxStrideIterator
Iterator class for iterating over arrays of data that may be interleaved with other data.
- PxStringTable
a table to manage strings.
- PxStringTableExt
a factory class for creating PxStringTable with a specific allocator.
- PxSyncImpl
- PxSyncT
- PxTask
A PxBaseTask implementation with deferred execution and full dependencies.
- PxTaskManager
The PxTaskManager interface.
- PxTempAllocator
- PxTetMaker
Provides functionality to create a tetrahedral mesh from a triangle mesh.
- PxTetrahedron
Tetrahedron class.
- PxTetrahedronMesh
A tetramedron mesh, also called a 'tetrahedron soup'.
- PxTetrahedronMeshAnalysisResult
These flags indicate what kind of deficiencies a tetrahedron mesh has and describe if the mesh is considered ok, problematic or invalid for deformable volume cooking.
- PxTetrahedronMeshData
Contains raw geometry information describing the tetmesh's vertices and its elements (tetrahedra)
- PxTetrahedronMeshDesc
Descriptor class for PxTetrahedronMesh (contains only pure geometric data).
- PxTetrahedronMeshExt
utility functions for use with PxTetrahedronMesh and subclasses
- PxTetrahedronMeshGeometry
Tetrahedron mesh geometry class.
- PxThreadImpl
- PxThreadT
Thread abstraction API.
- PxTime
- PxTolerancesScale
Class to define the scale at which simulation runs.
- PxTransformT
class representing a rigid euclidean transform as a quaternion and a vector
- PxTriangle
Triangle class.
- PxTriangleMesh
A triangle mesh, also called a 'polygon soup'.
- PxTriangleMeshAnalysisResult
These flags indicate what kind of deficiencies a triangle mesh has and describe if the mesh is considered ok, problematic or invalid for tetmeshing.
- PxTriangleMeshDesc
Descriptor class for PxTriangleMesh .
- PxTriangleMeshGeometry
Triangle mesh geometry class.
- PxTriangleMeshPoissonSampler
Sampler to generate Poisson Samples on a triangle mesh.
- PxTrianglePadded
A padded version of PxTriangle , to safely load its data using SIMD.
- PxUserAllocated
Provides new and delete using a UserAllocator.
- PxUserControllerHitReport
User callback class for character controller events.
- PxVec2T
2 Element vector class.
- PxVec3Padded
A padded version of PxVec3, to safely load its data using SIMD.
- PxVec3T
3 Element vector class.
- PxVec4T
4 Element vector class.
- PxVehicleCommandNonLinearResponseParams
- PxVehicleComponent
- PxVehicleConstraintConnector
- PxVehicleDirectDriveActuationStateComponent
Determine the actuation state for each wheel of a direct drive vehicle.
- PxVehicleDirectDriveCommandResponseComponent
Forward the applicable set of control values for a direct drive vehicle to a command response state for each applicable control value.
- PxVehicleDirectDrivetrainComponent
Forward integrate the angular speed of each wheel on a vehicle by integrating the brake and drive torque applied to each wheel and the torque that develops on the tire as a response to the longitudinal tire force.
- PxVehicleEngineDriveActuationStateComponent
Determine the actuation state for each wheel for a vehicle propelled by engine torque.
- PxVehicleEngineDriveCommandResponseComponent
Forward the applicable set of control values for a vehicle driven by an engine to a command response state for each applicable control value.
- PxVehicleEngineDrivetrainComponent
Forward integrate the angular speed of each wheel and of the engine, accounting for the state of the clutch, gearbox and differential.
- PxVehicleFixedSizeLookupTable
Express a function as a sequence of points {(x, y)} that form a piecewise polynomial.
- PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent
Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a differential delivering torque to multiple wheels with limited slip applied to specified wheel pairs.
- PxVehicleLegacyFourWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent
Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a four wheel drive differential.
- PxVehicleLegacySuspensionComponent
- PxVehicleLegacyTireComponent
- PxVehicleMatrix33Solver
- PxVehicleMatrixNGaussSeidelSolver
- PxVehicleMatrixNN
- PxVehicleMatrixNNLUSolver
- PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent
Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a multi-wheel drive differential.
- PxVehiclePVDComponent
- PxVehiclePhysXActorBeginComponent
Work items at the beginning of an update step for a PhysX actor based vehicle.
- PxVehiclePhysXActorEndComponent
Work items at the end of an update step for a PhysX actor based vehicle.
- PxVehiclePhysXConstraintComponent
- PxVehiclePhysXRigidActorParams
- PxVehiclePhysXRigidActorShapeParams
- PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometrySceneQueryComponent
- PxVehiclePhysXWheelParams
- PxVehiclePhysXWheelShapeParams
- PxVehicleRigidBodyComponent
Forward integrate the momentum and pose of the vehicle's rigid body after applying forces and torques from the suspension, tires and anti-roll bars.
- PxVehicleSuspensionComponent
- PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialStateComponent
Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a tank drive differential.
- PxVehicleTireComponent
- PxVehicleVectorN
- PxVehicleWheelComponent
- PxVirtualAllocator
Virtual allocator to be used by foundation types to provide run-time defined allocators.
- PxVirtualAllocatorCallback
Virtual allocator callback used to provide run-time defined allocators to foundation types like Array or Bitmap.
- RaycastCCDManager
Raycast-CCD manager.
- physx::Ext::PxCudaHelpersExt
- ExtGpu::PxParticleAndDiffuseBufferDesc
Structure to define user-defined particle state when constructing a new particle system that includes diffuse particles.
- ExtGpu::PxParticleBufferDesc
Structure to define user-defined particle state when constructing a new particle system.
- ExtGpu::PxParticleClothConstraint
Holds all the information for a particle cloth constraint used in the PxParticleClothCooker .
- ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidDesc
Structure to define user-defined particle state when constructing a new particle system that includes shape-matched rigid bodies.
- ExtGpu::PxParticleVolumeMesh
Helper struct that holds information about a specific mesh in a PxParticleVolumeBufferHelper .
- OmniPvdCommand
- OmniPvdDataType
- OmniPvdWriterStatusFlag
Flags which report the status of an OmniPvdWriter .
- Px1DConstraint
A one-dimensional constraint that constrains the relative motion of two rigid bodies.
- Px1DConstraintFlag
Constraint row flags.
- PxActorCacheFlag
Identifies each type of information for retrieving from actor.
- PxActorFlag
Flags which control the behavior of an actor.
- PxActorShape
Combines a shape pointer and the actor the shape belongs to into one memory location.
- PxActorType
Identifies each type of actor.
- PxActorTypeFlag
Identifies each type of actor for retrieving actors from a scene.
- PxAggregateType
- PxAllocatorTraits
- PxArticulationAxis
- PxArticulationDataRC
- PxArticulationDrive
Data structure for articulation joint drive configuration.
- PxArticulationDriveType
- PxArticulationFlag
- PxArticulationGPUAPIMaxCounts
Container to hold the results of PxDirectGPUAPI::getArticulationGPUAPIMaxCounts() .
- PxArticulationJointDataRC
- PxArticulationJointType
- PxArticulationKinematicFlag
Flag that configures articulation-state updates by PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::updateKinematic .
- PxArticulationLimit
Data structure to set articulation joint limits.
- PxArticulationLinkCookie
- PxArticulationLinkDataRC
- PxArticulationLinkDerivedDataRC
- PxArticulationLinkHandle
- PxArticulationLinkMutableDataRC
- PxArticulationMotion
- PxArticulationRootLinkData
Data structure used to access the root link state and acceleration.
- PxBVH33MidphaseDesc
Structure describing parameters affecting BVH33 midphase mesh structure.
- PxBVH34BuildStrategy
Desired build strategy for PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH34 .
- PxBVH34MidphaseDesc
Structure describing parameters affecting BVH34 midphase mesh structure.
- PxBVHBuildStrategy
Desired build strategy for bounding-volume hierarchies.
- PxBVHInternalData
- PxBaseFlag
Flags for PxBase .
- PxBatchQueryStatus
- PxBoundedData
- PxBroadPhaseCaps
Caps class for broad phase.
- PxBroadPhasePair
Broadphase pair.
- PxBroadPhaseRegion
"Region of interest" for the broad-phase.
- PxBroadPhaseRegionInfo
Information & stats structure for a region.
- PxBroadPhaseResults
Broadphase results.
- PxBroadPhaseType
Broad phase algorithm used in the simulation.
- PxCUenum
- PxCache
A structure to cache contact information produced by low-level contact generation functions.
- PxCapsuleClimbingMode
- PxCombineMode
Enumeration that determines the way in which two material properties will be combined to yield a friction or restitution coefficient for a collision.
- PxConcreteType
an enumeration of concrete classes inheriting from PxBase
- PxConeLimitParams
Compressed form of cone limit parameters.
- PxConeLimitedConstraint
A constraint descriptor for limiting movement to a conical region.
- PxConstraintBatchHeader
A header that defines the size of a specific batch of constraints (of same type and without dependencies)
- PxConstraintExtIDs
Unique identifiers for extensions classes which implement a constraint based on PxConstraint .
- PxConstraintFlag
constraint flags
- PxConstraintInfo
Descriptor for a broken constraint.
- PxConstraintInvMassScale
Struct for specifying mass scaling for a pair of rigids.
- PxConstraintResidual
Structure representing residual values for a constraint.
- PxConstraintShaderTable
a table of function pointers for a constraint
- PxConstraintSolveHint
Constraint type hints which the solver uses to optimize constraint handling.
- PxConstraintVisualizationFlag
Flags for determining which components of the constraint should be visualized.
- PxContact
Contact point data.
- PxContactPair
Contact report pair information.
- PxContactPairExtraDataItem
Base class for items in the extra data stream of contact pairs.
- PxContactPairExtraDataIterator
A class to iterate over a contact pair extra data stream.
- PxContactPairExtraDataType
Extra data item types for contact pairs.
- PxContactPairFlag
Collection of flags providing information on contact report pairs.
- PxContactPairFrictionAnchor
A friction anchor as used by contact notification.
- PxContactPairHeader
An Instance of this class is passed to PxSimulationEventCallback.onContact() .
- PxContactPairHeaderFlag
Collection of flags providing information on contact report pairs.
- PxContactPairIndex
Marker for the beginning of a new item set in the extra data stream.
- PxContactPairPoint
A contact point as used by contact notification.
- PxContactPairPose
World space actor poses of the contact pair rigid bodies.
- PxContactPairVelocity
Velocities of the contact pair rigid bodies.
- PxContactPatch
Header for a contact patch where all points share same material and normal.
- PxContactPoint
- PxContactStreamIterator
A class to iterate over a compressed contact stream.
- PxControllerBehaviorFlag
specifies controller behavior
- PxControllerCollisionFlag
specifies which sides a character is colliding with.
- PxControllerDebugRenderFlag
specifies debug-rendering flags
- PxControllerHit
Describes a generic CCT hit.
- PxControllerNonWalkableMode
specifies how a CCT interacts with non-walkable parts.
- PxControllerObstacleHit
Describes a hit between a CCT and a user-defined obstacle.
- PxControllerShapeHit
Describes a hit between a CCT and a shape.
- PxControllerShapeType
The type of controller, eg box, sphere or capsule.
- PxControllerState
Describes a controller's internal state.
- PxControllerStats
Describes a controller's internal statistics.
- PxControllersHit
Describes a hit between a CCT and another CCT.
- PxConverterReportMode
- PxConvexFlag
Flags which describe the format and behavior of a convex mesh.
- PxConvexMeshCookingResult
Result from convex cooking.
- PxConvexMeshCookingType
Enumeration for convex mesh cooking algorithms.
- PxConvexMeshGeometryFlag
Flags controlling the simulated behavior of the convex mesh geometry.
- PxCookingParams
Structure describing parameters affecting mesh cooking.
- PxCounterFrequencyToTensOfNanos
- PxCreateArticulationLinkCookie
- PxCudaInteropRegisterFlag
- PxCudaKernelParam
- PxD6Axis
Used to specify one of the degrees of freedom of a D6 joint.
- PxD6Drive
Used to specify which axes of a D6 joint are driven.
- PxD6JointDriveFlag
flags for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
- PxD6Motion
Used to specify the range of motions allowed for a degree of freedom in a D6 joint.
- PxDataAccessFlag
- PxDebugArc
- PxDebugArrow
- PxDebugBasis
- PxDebugBox
- PxDebugCircle
- PxDebugColor
Default color values used for debug rendering.
- PxDebugLine
Used to store a single line and colour for debug rendering.
- PxDebugPoint
Used to store a single point and colour for debug rendering.
- PxDebugText
Used to store a text for debug rendering.
- PxDebugTriangle
Used to store a single triangle and colour for debug rendering.
- PxDefaultCpuDispatcherWaitForWorkMode
If a thread ends up waiting for work it will find itself in a spin-wait loop until work becomes available.
- PxDeformableAttachmentData
Attachment data for a pair of actors where one of the actors must be a deformable.
- PxDeformableAttachmentTargetType
Identifies the attachment target type for an actor involved in an attachment.
- PxDeformableBodyFlag
Flags to enable or disable special modes of a PxDeformableBody instance.
- PxDeformableElementFilterData
Element filter data for a pair of actors where one of the actors must be a deformable.
- PxDeformableSurfaceDataFlag
Identifies input and output buffers for PxDeformableSurface .
- PxDeformableSurfaceFlag
- PxDeformableVolumeDataFlag
Identifies the buffers of a PxDeformableVolume instance.
- PxDeformableVolumeFlag
Flags to enable or disable special modes of a PxDeformableVolume instance.
- PxDeformableVolumeMaterialModel
- PxDeletionEventFlag
Flags specifying deletion event types.
- PxDim3
A helper structure to define dimensions in 3D.
- PxDistanceJointFlag
flags for configuring the drive of a PxDistanceJoint
- PxDominanceGroupPair
Expresses the dominance relationship of a contact.
- PxDynamicTreeSecondaryPruner
Secondary pruning structure used for newly added objects in dynamic trees.
- PxEqual
- PxErrorCode
Error codes.
- PxExtendedContact
Contact point data with additional target and max impulse values.
- PxFEMParameters
- PxFilterData
PxFilterData is user-definable data which gets passed into the collision filtering shader and/or callback.
- PxFilterFlag
Collection of flags describing the filter actions to take for a collision pair.
- PxFilterObjectFlag
- PxFilterObjectType
Identifies each type of filter object.
- PxFilterOp
Collision filtering operations.
- PxForceMode
Parameter to addForce() and addTorque() calls, determines the exact operation that is carried out.
- PxFrictionPatch
Contact patch friction information.
- PxFrictionType
Enum for selecting the friction algorithm used for simulation.
- PxGeomIndexPair
Pair of indices, typically either object or triangle indices.
- PxGeomOverlapHit
Stores results of overlap queries.
- PxGeomRaycastHit
Stores results of raycast queries.
- PxGeomSweepHit
Stores results of sweep queries.
- PxGeometryQueryFlag
Geometry-level query flags.
- PxGeometryType
A geometry type.
- PxGpuActorPair
Pair correspondence used for matching array indices with body node indices.
- PxGpuBodyData
State of a body used when interfacing with the GPU rigid body pipeline.
- PxGpuContactPair
Contains contact information for a contact reported by the direct-GPU contact report API.
- PxGpuDynamicsMemoryConfig
Sizes of pre-allocated buffers use for GPU dynamics.
- PxGpuDynamicsMemoryConfigStatistics
Structure used to retrieve actual sizes/counts for the configuration parameters provided in PxGpuDynamicsMemoryConfig .
- PxGpuMirroredPointer
Container to hold a pair of corresponding device and host pointers.
- PxGpuParticleBufferIndexPair
A pair of particle buffer unique id and GPU particle system index.
- PxGpuParticleData
Structure that holds simulation parameters of a PxGpuParticleSystem .
- PxGreater
- PxHash
- PxHash< const char * >
- PxHeightFieldFlag
Enum with flag values to be used in PxHeightFieldDesc.flags .
- PxHeightFieldFormat
Describes the format of height field samples.
- PxHeightFieldMaterial
Special material index values for height field samples.
- PxHeightFieldSample
Heightfield sample format.
- PxHeightFieldTessFlag
Determines the tessellation of height field cells.
- PxHitBuffer
Returns scene query hits (intersections) to the user in a preallocated buffer.
- PxHitCallback
This callback class facilitates reporting scene query hits (intersections) to the user.
- PxHitFlag
Scene query and geometry query behavior flags.
- PxHullPolygon
Polygon data.
- PxImmediateConstraint
- PxIndexDataPair
Maps numeric index to a data pointer.
- PxIsosurfaceGridFilteringType
Identifies filter type to be applied on the isosurface grid.
- PxIsosurfaceParams
Parameters to define the isosurface extraction settings like isosurface level, filtering etc.
- PxJacobianRow
- PxJointActorIndex
an enumeration for specifying one or other of the actors referenced by a joint
- PxJointConcreteType
an enumeration of PhysX' built-in joint types
- PxKernelIndex
A cuda kernel index providing an index to the cuda module and the function name.
- PxLess
- PxLocationHit
Scene query hit information for raycasts and sweeps returning hit position and normal information.
- PxLogTwo
- PxLogTwo< 1 >
- PxMaterialFlag
Flags which control the behavior of a material.
- PxMeshCookingHint
Enumeration for mesh cooking hints.
- PxMeshFlag
Enum with flag values to be used in PxSimpleTriangleMesh::flags .
- PxMeshGeometryFlag
Flags controlling the simulated behavior of the triangle mesh geometry.
- PxMeshMeshQueryFlag
- PxMeshMidPhase
Mesh midphase structure.
- PxMeshPreprocessingFlag
Enum for the set of mesh pre-processing parameters.
- PxMetaDataEntry
Struct to store meta data definitions.
- PxMetaDataFlag
Flags used to configure binary meta data entries, typically set through PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA defines.
- PxModifiableContact
A modifiable contact point.
- PxOverlapBufferN
Returns touching overlap hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class.
- PxOverlapHit
- PxPackValidation
- PxPadding
- PxPairFilteringMode
- PxPairFlag
Collection of flags describing the actions to take for a collision pair.
- PxParticleBufferFlag
Identifies dirty particle buffers that need to be updated in the particle system.
- PxParticleCloth
Particle cloth structure.
- PxParticleClothDesc
Structure to describe the set of particle cloths in the same PxParticleClothBuffer .
- PxParticleFlag
Flags which control the behaviour of a particle system.
- PxParticleLockFlag
Collection of flags providing a mechanism to lock motion along a specific axis.
- PxParticlePhaseFlag
Identifies per-particle behavior for a PxParticleSystem.
- PxParticleRigidAttachment
Struct to specify attachment between a particle/vertex and a rigid.
- PxParticleRigidFilterPair
Struct for storing a particle/vertex - rigid filter pair with comparison operators.
- PxParticleSolverType
Identifies the solver to use for a particle system.
- PxParticleSpring
Holds all the information for a spring constraint between two particles.
- PxParticleVolume
Particle volume structure.
- PxPartitionedParticleCloth
Structure to describe the output of the particle cloth preprocessing.
- PxPrismaticJointFlag
Flags specific to the prismatic joint.
- PxPruningStructureType
Pruning structure used to accelerate scene queries.
- PxPvdInstrumentationFlag
types of instrumentation that PVD can do.
- PxPvdSceneFlag
PVD scene Flags.
- PxPvdUpdateType
Flags for determining how PVD should serialize a constraint update.
- PxQueryCache
single hit cache for scene queries.
- PxQueryFilterData
Scene query filtering data.
- PxQueryFlag
Filtering flags for scene queries.
- PxQueryHit
collection of set bits defined in PxHitFlag .
- PxQueryHitType
Classification of scene query hits (intersections).
- PxQueryThreadContext
A per-thread context passed to low-level query functions.
- PxRaycastBufferN
Returns touching raycast hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class.
- PxRaycastHit
- PxRepXInstantiationArgs
Arguments required to instantiate a serializable object from RepX.
- PxRepXObject
Helper class containing the mapping of id to object, and type name.
- PxResidual
Structure representing residual values.
- PxResiduals
Structure representing residual values.
- PxRevoluteJointFlag
Flags specific to the Revolute Joint.
- PxRigidBodyData
Structure to store rigid body properties.
- PxRigidBodyFlag
Collection of flags describing the behavior of a rigid body.
- PxRigidDynamicLockFlag
Collection of flags providing a mechanism to lock motion along/around a specific axis.
- PxSListImpl
- PxSceneFlag
flags for configuring properties of the scene
- PxSceneQueryUpdateMode
Scene query update mode.
- PxShapeFlag
Flags which affect the behavior of PxShapes.
- PxSolverBody
Struct that the solver uses to store velocity updates for a body.
- PxSolverBodyData
Struct that the solver uses to store the state and other properties of a body.
- PxSolverConstraintDesc
Constraint descriptor used inside the solver.
- PxSolverConstraintPrepDesc
Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
- PxSolverConstraintPrepDescBase
Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
- PxSolverContactDesc
Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
- PxSolverType
Enum for selecting the type of solver used for the simulation.
- PxSparseGridParams
Parameters to define the sparse grid settings like grid spacing, maximal number of subgrids etc.
- PxSpatialForce
Data structure to represent spatial forces.
- PxSpatialVector
Structure to store linear and angular components of spatial vector.
- PxSpatialVelocity
Data structure to represent spatial velocities.
- PxSphericalJointFlag
Flags specific to the spherical joint.
- PxStridedData
- PxSweepBufferN
Returns touching sweep hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class.
- PxSweepHit
- PxTGSSolverBodyData
- PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia
- PxTGSSolverBodyVel
- PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDesc
- PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDescBase
- PxTGSSolverContactDesc
- PxTaskType
Identifies the type of each heavyweight PxTask object.
- PxTetmeshSkinningGpuData
Structure for GPU data related to tetmesh skinning.
- PxTetrahedronMeshEmbeddingInfo
Structure for tetrahedron mesh skinning embedding information.
- PxTetrahedronMeshFlag
- PxThreadPriority
- PxTransformPadded
A generic padded & aligned transform class.
- PxTriangleMeshCookingResult
Result from triangle mesh cooking.
- PxTriangleMeshEmbeddingInfo
Structure for triangle mesh skinning embedding information.
- PxTriangleMeshFlag
Flags for the mesh geometry properties.
- PxTriangleMeshInternalData
- PxTriggerPair
Descriptor for a trigger pair.
- PxTriggerPairFlag
Collection of flags providing information on trigger report pairs.
- PxTrimeshSkinningGpuData
Structure for GPU data related to trimesh skinning.
- PxTypeInfo
a structure containing per-type information for types inheriting from PxBase
- PxTypeInfo< PxActor >
- PxTypeInfo< PxAggregate >
- PxTypeInfo< PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate >
- PxTypeInfo< PxArticulationLink >
- PxTypeInfo< PxArticulationReducedCoordinate >
- PxTypeInfo< PxBVH33TriangleMesh >
- PxTypeInfo< PxBVH34TriangleMesh >
- PxTypeInfo< PxBase >
- PxTypeInfo< PxConstraint >
- PxTypeInfo< PxConvexMesh >
- PxTypeInfo< PxDeformableAttachment >
- PxTypeInfo< PxDeformableElementFilter >
- PxTypeInfo< PxDeformableSurface >
- PxTypeInfo< PxDeformableSurfaceMaterial >
- PxTypeInfo< PxDeformableVolume >
- PxTypeInfo< PxDeformableVolumeMaterial >
- PxTypeInfo< PxHeightField >
- PxTypeInfo< PxMaterial >
- PxTypeInfo< PxPBDMaterial >
- PxTypeInfo< PxPBDParticleSystem >
- PxTypeInfo< PxParticleAndDiffuseBuffer >
- PxTypeInfo< PxParticleBuffer >
- PxTypeInfo< PxParticleClothBuffer >
- PxTypeInfo< PxParticleRigidBuffer >
- PxTypeInfo< PxPruningStructure >
- PxTypeInfo< PxRigidActor >
- PxTypeInfo< PxRigidBody >
- PxTypeInfo< PxRigidDynamic >
- PxTypeInfo< PxRigidStatic >
- PxTypeInfo< PxShape >
- PxTypeInfo< PxTetrahedronMesh >
- PxTypeInfo< PxTriangleMesh >
- PxTypedBoundedData
- PxTypedStridedData
- PxUnConst
- PxUnConst< const T >
- PxVehicleAckermannParams
A description of a single axle that is to be affected by Ackermann steer correction.
- PxVehicleAntiRollForceParams
The purpose of the anti-roll bar is to generate a torque to apply to the vehicle's rigid body that will reduce the jounce difference arising between any pair of chosen wheels.
- PxVehicleAntiRollTorque
The anti-roll torque of all anti-roll bars accumulates in a single torque to apply to the vehicle's rigid body.
- PxVehicleArrayData
Helper struct to pass array type data to vehice components and functions.
- PxVehicleAutoboxParams
- PxVehicleAutoboxState
- PxVehicleAxes
- PxVehicleAxleDescription
- PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams
Distribute a brake response to the wheels of a vehicle.
- PxVehicleClutchAccuracyMode
Choose between a potentially more expensive but more accurate solution to the clutch model or a potentially cheaper but less accurate solution.
- PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseParams
Specifies the maximum clutch strength that occurs when the clutch pedal is fully disengaged and the clutch is fully engaged.
- PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseState
- PxVehicleClutchParams
The clutch connects two plates together.
- PxVehicleClutchSlipState
The clutch is modelled as two spinning plates with one connected to the wheels through the gearing and the other connected to the engine.
- PxVehicleCommandResponseParams
A description of the per wheel response to an input command.
- PxVehicleCommandState
A description of the state of commands that are applied to the vehicle.
- PxVehicleCommandValueResponseTable
Each command value may be associated with a table specifying a normalized response as a function of longitudinal speed.
- PxVehicleComponentSequence
- PxVehicleComponentSequenceLimits
- PxVehicleDifferentialState
- PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseParams
Distribute a throttle response to the wheels of a direct drive vehicle.
- PxVehicleDirectDriveTransmissionCommandState
A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with direct drive.
- PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseState
- PxVehicleEngineDriveTransmissionCommandState
A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with engine drive.
- PxVehicleEngineParams
- PxVehicleEngineState
- PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialLegacyParams
- PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams
PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams specifies the wheels that are to receive drive torque from the differential and the division of torque between the wheels that are connected to the differential.
- PxVehicleFrame
- PxVehicleGearboxParams
- PxVehicleGearboxState
- PxVehicleLimits
- PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams
PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams specifies the wheels that are to receive drive torque from the differential and the division of torque between the wheels that are connected to the differential.
- PxVehiclePhysXActor
A description of the PhysX actor and shapes that represent the vehicle in an associated PxScene .
- PxVehiclePhysXActorUpdateMode
Determine whether the PhysX actor associated with a vehicle is to be updated with a velocity change or an acceleration change.
- PxVehiclePhysXConstraintLimits
A description of the number of PxConstraintConnector instances per vehicle required to maintain suspension limit and sticky tire instances.
- PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState
PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState is a data structure used to write constraint data to the internal state of the associated PxScene .
- PxVehiclePhysXConstraints
A mapping between constraint state data and the associated PxConstraint instances.
- PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFriction
A mapping between PxMaterial and a friction value to be used by the tire model.
- PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFrictionParams
A mappping between PxMaterial instance and friction for multiple PxMaterial intances.
- PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryParams
A description of type of PhysX scene query and the filter data to apply to the query.
- PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryState
- PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryType
PhysX scene queries may be raycasts or sweeps.
- PxVehiclePhysXSimulationContext
- PxVehiclePhysXSteerState
A description of the previous steer command applied to the vehicle.
- PxVehiclePhysXSuspensionLimitConstraintParams
A description of the PhysX models employed to resolve suspension limit constraints.
- PxVehiclePvdContext
Structure to support Omni PVD, the PhysX Visual Debugger.
- PxVehicleRigidBodyParams
The properties of the rigid body.
- PxVehicleRigidBodyState
- PxVehicleRoadGeometryState
- PxVehicleScale
- PxVehicleSimulationContext
- PxVehicleSimulationContextType
- PxVehicleSizedArrayData
- PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams
Distribute a steer response to the wheels of a vehicle.
- PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceParams
Compliance describes how toe and camber angle and force application points are affected by suspension compression.
- PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState
The effect of suspension compliance on toe and camber angle and on the tire and suspension force application points.
- PxVehicleSuspensionForce
The force and torque for a single suspension to apply to the vehicle's rigid body.
- PxVehicleSuspensionForceLegacyParams
Suspension force is computed by converting suspenson state to suspension force under the assumption of a linear spring.
- PxVehicleSuspensionForceParams
Suspension force is computed by converting suspenson state to suspension force under the assumption of a linear spring.
- PxVehicleSuspensionJounceCalculationType
- PxVehicleSuspensionParams
- PxVehicleSuspensionState
- PxVehicleSuspensionStateCalculationParams
- PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialParams
A description of a tank differential.
- PxVehicleTankDriveTransmissionCommandState
A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with tank drive.
- PxVehicleTireAxisStickyParams
The low speed regime often presents numerical difficulties for the tire model due to the potential for divide-by-zero errors.
- PxVehicleTireCamberAngleState
Camber angle of the tire relative to the ground plane.
- PxVehicleTireDirectionModes
Tires have two important directions for the purposes of tire force computation: longitudinal and lateral.
- PxVehicleTireDirectionState
PxVehicleTireDirectionState stores the world frame lateral and longtidinal axes of the tire after projecting the wheel pose in the world frame onto the road geometry plane (also in the world frame).
- PxVehicleTireForce
The longitudinal/lateral forces/torques that develop on the tire.
- PxVehicleTireForceParams
- PxVehicleTireGripState
The load and friction experienced by a tire.
- PxVehicleTireSlipParams
Tire slip values are computed using ratios with potential for divide-by-zero errors.
- PxVehicleTireSlipState
The lateral and longitudinal tire slips.
- PxVehicleTireSpeedState
PxVehicleTireSpeedState stores the components of the instantaneous velocity of the rigid body at the tire contact point projected along the lateral and longitudinal axes of the tire.
- PxVehicleTireStickyParams
For each tire, the forces of the tire model may be replaced by velocity constraints when the tire enters the "sticky tire" regime.
- PxVehicleTireStickyState
Prolonged low speeds in the lateral and longitudinal directions may be handled with "sticky" velocity constraints that activate after a speed below a threshold has been recorded for a threshold time.
- PxVehicleWheelActuationState
It is useful to know if a brake or drive torque is to be applied to a wheel.
- PxVehicleWheelConstraintGroupState
Specify groups of wheels that are to be constrained to have pre-determined angular velocity relationship.
- PxVehicleWheelLocalPose
- PxVehicleWheelParams
- PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState
- PxVisualizationParameter
Debug visualization parameters.
- PxsParticleMaterialData
Common material properties for particles.