
Fully qualified name: ExtGpu::PxParticleAttachmentBuffer

Defined in include/extensions/PxParticleExt.h

class PxParticleAttachmentBuffer : public PxUserAllocated#

Holds user-defined attachment data to attach particles to other bodies.


Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Public Functions

PxParticleBuffer &particleBuffer,
PxPBDParticleSystem &particleSystem,
void addRigidAttachment(
PxRigidActor *rigidBody,
const PxU32 particleID,
const PxVec3 &localPose,
PxConeLimitedConstraint *coneLimit = NULL,
bool removeRigidAttachment(
PxRigidActor *rigidBody,
const PxU32 particleID,
void addRigidFilter(PxRigidActor *rigidBody, const PxU32 particleID)#
bool removeRigidFilter(
PxRigidActor *rigidBody,
const PxU32 particleID,
void copyToDevice(CUstream stream = 0)#
inline void *operator new(size_t, void *address)#
template<typename Alloc>
inline void *operator new(
size_t size,
Alloc alloc,
const char *fileName,
int line,
template<typename Alloc>
inline void *operator new(
size_t size,
Alloc alloc,
const char *fileName,
int line,
inline void operator delete(void*, void*)#
template<typename Alloc>
inline void operator delete(
void *ptr,
Alloc alloc,
const char *fileName,
int line,
inline void operator delete(void *ptr)#
template<typename Alloc>
inline void *operator new[](
size_t size,
Alloc alloc,
const char *fileName,
int line,
template<typename Alloc>
inline void *operator new[](
size_t size,
Alloc alloc,
const char *fileName,
int line,
template<typename Alloc>
inline void operator delete[](
void *ptr,
Alloc alloc,
const char *fileName,
int line,
inline void operator delete[](void *ptr)#