
Defined in include/PxPBDParticleSystem.h

class PxPBDParticleSystem : public PxActor#

A particle system that uses the position based dynamics(PBD) solver.

The position based dynamics solver for particle systems supports behaviors like fluid, cloth, inflatables etc.

Environment ID

virtual bool setEnvironmentID(PxU32 envID) = 0#

Sets the environment ID for this actor.

The environment ID is an extra built-in filter group for the GPU broadphase. Actors will only collide with each-other if they have the same environment ID.

The default value is PX_INVALID_U32. Actors with this ID will collide with other actors, regardless of which environment they are a part of.

The environment ID must be set before adding the actor to a scene, and cannot change while the actor is in the scene.

If it is not PX_INVALID_U32, the environment ID must be smaller than 1<<24, i.e. the system does not support more than 1<<24 environments.

Default: PX_INVALID_U32


This is not available for CPU broadphases.


envID[in] Environment ID for this actor.


True if success.

virtual PxU32 getEnvironmentID() const = 0#

Returns the environment ID for this actor.


Environment ID for this actor.

void *userData#

user can assign this to whatever, usually to create a 1:1 relationship with a user object.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~PxPBDParticleSystem()#
virtual void setSolverIterationCounts(
PxU32 minPositionIters,
PxU32 minVelocityIters = 1,
) = 0#

Sets the solver iteration counts for the body.

The solver iteration count determines how accurately joints and contacts are resolved. If you are having trouble with jointed bodies oscillating and behaving erratically, then setting a higher position iteration count may improve their stability.

If intersecting bodies are being depenetrated too violently, increase the number of velocity iterations. More velocity iterations will drive the relative exit velocity of the intersecting objects closer to the correct value given the restitution.

Default: 4 position iterations, 1 velocity iteration

See getSolverIterationCounts()

  • minPositionIters[in] Number of position iterations the solver should perform for this body. Range: [1,255]

  • minVelocityIters[in] Number of velocity iterations the solver should perform for this body. Range: [1,255]

virtual void getSolverIterationCounts(
PxU32 &minPositionIters,
PxU32 &minVelocityIters,
) const = 0#

Retrieves the solver iteration counts.

See setSolverIterationCounts()

virtual PxFilterData getSimulationFilterData() const = 0#

Retrieves the collision filter settings.


The filter data

virtual void setSimulationFilterData(const PxFilterData &data) = 0#

Set collision filter settings.

Allows to control with which objects the particle system collides


data[in] The filter data

virtual void setParticleFlag(PxParticleFlag::Enum flag, bool val) = 0#

Set particle flag.

Allows to control self collision etc.

  • flag[in] The flag to set

  • val[in] The new value of the flag

virtual void setParticleFlags(PxParticleFlags flags) = 0#

Set particle flags.

Allows to control self collision etc.


flags[in] The flags to set

virtual PxParticleFlags getParticleFlags() const = 0#

Retrieves the particle flags.


The particle flags

virtual void setMaxDepenetrationVelocity(
PxReal maxDepenetrationVelocity,
) = 0#

Set the maximal depenetration velocity particles can reach.

Allows to limit the particles’ maximal depenetration velocity to avoid that collision responses lead to very high particle velocities


maxDepenetrationVelocity[in] The maximal depenetration velocity

virtual PxReal getMaxDepenetrationVelocity() const = 0#

Retrieves maximal depenetration velocity a particle can have.


The maximal depenetration velocity

virtual void setMaxVelocity(PxReal maxVelocity) = 0#

Set the maximal velocity particles can reach.

Allows to limit the particles’ maximal velocity to control the maximal distance a particle can move per frame


maxVelocity[in] The maximal velocity

virtual PxReal getMaxVelocity() const = 0#

Retrieves maximal velocity a particle can have.


The maximal velocity

virtual PxCudaContextManager *getCudaContextManager() const = 0#

Return the cuda context manager.


The cuda context manager

virtual void setRestOffset(PxReal restOffset) = 0#

Set the rest offset for the collision between particles and rigids or deformable bodies.

A particle and a rigid or deformable body will come to rest at a distance equal to the sum of their restOffset values.


restOffset[in] Range: (0, contactOffset)

virtual PxReal getRestOffset() const = 0#

Return the rest offset.

See setRestOffset()


the rest offset

virtual void setContactOffset(PxReal contactOffset) = 0#

Set the contact offset for the collision between particles and rigids or soft bodies.

The contact offset needs to be larger than the rest offset. Contact constraints are generated for a particle and a rigid or deformable below the distance equal to the sum of their contacOffset values.


contactOffset[in] Range: (restOffset, PX_MAX_F32)

virtual PxReal getContactOffset() const = 0#

Return the contact offset.

See setContactOffset()


the contact offset

virtual void setParticleContactOffset(PxReal particleContactOffset) = 0#

Set the contact offset for the interactions between particles.

The particle contact offset needs to be larger than the fluid rest offset and larger than the solid rest offset. Interactions for two particles are computed if their distance is below twice the particleContactOffset value.


particleContactOffset[in] Range: (Max(solidRestOffset, fluidRestOffset), PX_MAX_F32)

virtual PxReal getParticleContactOffset() const = 0#

Return the particle contact offset.

See setParticleContactOffset()


the particle contact offset

virtual void setSolidRestOffset(PxReal solidRestOffset) = 0#

Set the solid rest offset.

Two solid particles (or a solid and a fluid particle) will come to rest at a distance equal to twice the solidRestOffset value.


solidRestOffset[in] Range: (0, particleContactOffset)

virtual PxReal getSolidRestOffset() const = 0#

Return the solid rest offset.

See setSolidRestOffset()


the solid rest offset

virtual void addRigidAttachment(PxRigidActor *actor) = 0#

Creates a rigid attachment between a particle and a rigid actor.


Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

This method creates a symbolic attachment between the particle system and a rigid body for the purpose of island management. The actual attachments will be contained in the particle buffers.

Be aware that destroying the rigid body before destroying the attachment is illegal and may cause a crash. The particle system keeps track of these attachments but the rigid body does not.


actor[in] The rigid actor used for the attachment

virtual void removeRigidAttachment(PxRigidActor *actor) = 0#

Removes a rigid attachment between a particle and a rigid body.


Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

This method destroys a symbolic attachment between the particle system and a rigid body for the purpose of island management.

Be aware that destroying the rigid body before destroying the attachment is illegal and may cause a crash. The particle system keeps track of these attachments but the rigid body does not.


actor[in] The rigid body actor used for the attachment

virtual void enableCCD(bool enable) = 0#

Enable continuous collision detection for particles.


Replaced by particle flag,


enable[in] Boolean indicates whether continuous collision detection is enabled.

virtual PxParticleLockFlags getParticleLockFlags() const = 0#

Reads the particle lock flags.

See the list of flags PxParticleLockFlag


The values of the particle lock flags.

virtual void setParticleLockFlag(
PxParticleLockFlag::Enum flag,
bool value,
) = 0#

Raises or clears a particular particle lock flag.

See the list of flags PxParticleLockFlag

Default: no flags are set

  • flag[in] The PxParticleLockFlag to raise(set) or clear.

  • value[in] The new boolean value for the flag.

virtual void setParticleLockFlags(PxParticleLockFlags flags) = 0#

Set all particle lock flags.

virtual PxU32 createPhase(
PxPBDMaterial *material,
PxParticlePhaseFlags flags,
) = 0#

Creates combined particle flag with particle material and particle phase flags.

See PxParticlePhaseFlag

  • material[in] A material instance to associate with the new particle group.

  • flags[in] The particle phase flags.


The combined particle group index and phase flags.

virtual PxU32 getNbParticleMaterials() const = 0#

Returns number of particle materials referenced by particle phases.


The number of particle materials

virtual PxU32 getParticleMaterials(
PxPBDMaterial **userBuffer,
PxU32 bufferSize,
PxU32 startIndex = 0,
) const = 0#

Returns particle materials referenced by particle phases.


The particle materials

virtual void setParticleSystemCallback(
PxParticleSystemCallback *callback,
) = 0#

Sets a user notify object which receives special simulation events when they occur.

See PxParticleSystemCallback, getParticleSystemCallback()


Do not set the callback while the simulation is running. Calls to this method while the simulation is running will be ignored.


A call to fetchResultsParticleSystem() on the PxScene will synchronize the work such that the caller knows that all worke done in the callback completed.


callback[in] User notification callback. See PxSimulationEventCallback.

virtual PxParticleSystemCallback *getParticleSystemCallback(
) const = 0#

Retrieves the simulationEventCallback pointer set with setSimulationEventCallback().

See PxParticleSystemCallback, setParticleSystemCallback()


The current user notify pointer. See PxSimulationEventCallback.

virtual void addParticleBuffer(PxParticleBuffer *particleBuffer) = 0#

Add an existing particle buffer to the particle system.

See PxParticleBuffer.


particleBuffer[in] a PxParticleBuffer*.

virtual void removeParticleBuffer(PxParticleBuffer *particleBuffer) = 0#

Remove particle buffer from the particle system.

See PxParticleBuffer.


particleBuffer[in] a PxParticleBuffer*.

virtual PxU32 getGpuParticleSystemIndex() = 0#

Returns the GPU particle system index.


The GPU index, if the particle system is in a scene and PxSceneFlag::eENABLE_DIRECT_GPU_API is set, or 0xFFFFFFFF otherwise.

virtual void setWind(const PxVec3 &wind) = 0#

Set wind direction and intensity.


wind[in] The wind direction and intensity

virtual PxVec3 getWind() const = 0#

Retrieves the wind direction and intensity.


The wind direction and intensity

virtual void setFluidBoundaryDensityScale(
PxReal fluidBoundaryDensityScale,
) = 0#

Set the fluid boundary density scale.

Defines how strong of a contribution the boundary (typically a rigid surface) should have on a fluid particle’s density.


fluidBoundaryDensityScale[in] Range: (0.0, 1.0)

virtual PxReal getFluidBoundaryDensityScale() const = 0#

Return the fluid boundary density scale.

See setFluidBoundaryDensityScale()


the fluid boundary density scale

virtual void setFluidRestOffset(PxReal fluidRestOffset) = 0#

Set the fluid rest offset.

Two fluid particles will come to rest at a distance equal to twice the fluidRestOffset value.


fluidRestOffset[in] Range: (0, particleContactOffset)

virtual PxReal getFluidRestOffset() const = 0#

Return the fluid rest offset.

See setFluidRestOffset()


the fluid rest offset

virtual void setGridSizeX(PxU32 gridSizeX) = 0#

Set the particle system grid size x dimension.


gridSizeX[in] x dimension in the particle grid

virtual PxU32 getGridSizeX() const = 0#

Get the particle system grid size x dimension.

See setGridSizeX()


[in] the x dimension in the particle grid

virtual void setGridSizeY(PxU32 gridSizeY) = 0#

Set the particle system grid size y dimension.


gridSizeY[in] y dimension in the particle grid

virtual PxU32 getGridSizeY() const = 0#

Get the particle system grid size y dimension.

See setGridSizeY()


[in] the y dimension in the particle grid

virtual void setGridSizeZ(PxU32 gridSizeZ) = 0#

Set the particle system grid size z dimension.


gridSizeZ[in] z dimension in the particle grid

virtual PxU32 getGridSizeZ() const = 0#

Get the particle system grid size z dimension.

See setGridSizeZ()


[in] the z dimension in the particle grid

inline virtual const char *getConcreteTypeName(
) const final override#

Returns string name of dynamic type.


Class name of most derived type of this object.

virtual void release() = 0#

Deletes the actor.

Do not keep a reference to the deleted instance.

If the actor belongs to a PxAggregate object, it is automatically removed from the aggregate.

virtual PxActorType::Enum getType() const = 0#

Retrieves the type of actor.

See also



The actor type of the actor.

virtual PxScene *getScene() const = 0#

Retrieves the scene which this actor belongs to.

See also



Owner Scene. NULL if not part of a scene.

virtual void setName(const char *name) = 0#

Sets a name string for the object that can be retrieved with getName().

This is for debugging and is not used by the SDK. The string is not copied by the SDK, only the pointer is stored.

Default: NULL

See also



name[in] String to set the objects name to.

virtual const char *getName() const = 0#

Retrieves the name string set with setName().

See also



Name string associated with object.

virtual PxBounds3 getWorldBounds(float inflation = 1.01f) const = 0#

Retrieves the axis aligned bounding box enclosing the actor.

See also



It is not allowed to use this method while the simulation is running (except during PxScene::collide(), in PxContactModifyCallback or in contact report callbacks).


inflation[in] Scale factor for computed world bounds. Box extents are multiplied by this value.


The actor’s bounding box.

virtual void setActorFlag(PxActorFlag::Enum flag, bool value) = 0#

Raises or clears a particular actor flag.

See the list of flags PxActorFlag

Sleeping: Does NOT wake the actor up automatically.

  • flag[in] The PxActor flag to raise(set) or clear. See PxActorFlag.

  • value[in] The boolean value to assign to the flag.

virtual void setActorFlags(PxActorFlags inFlags) = 0#

Sets the actor flags.

See the list of flags PxActorFlag

virtual PxActorFlags getActorFlags() const = 0#

Reads the PxActor flags.

See the list of flags PxActorFlag


The values of the PxActor flags.

virtual void setDominanceGroup(PxDominanceGroup dominanceGroup) = 0#

Assigns dynamic actors a dominance group identifier.

PxDominanceGroup is a 5 bit group identifier (legal range from 0 to 31).

The PxScene::setDominanceGroupPair() lets you set certain behaviors for pairs of dominance groups. By default every dynamic actor is created in group 0.

Default: 0

Sleeping: Changing the dominance group does NOT wake the actor up automatically.


dominanceGroup[in] The dominance group identifier. Range: [0..31]

virtual PxDominanceGroup getDominanceGroup() const = 0#

Retrieves the value set with setDominanceGroup().


The dominance group of this actor.

virtual void setOwnerClient(PxClientID inClient) = 0#

Sets the owner client of an actor.

This cannot be done once the actor has been placed into a scene.


See also

PxClientID PxScene::createClient()

virtual PxClientID getOwnerClient() const = 0#

Returns the owner client that was specified at creation time.

This value cannot be changed once the object is placed into the scene.

See also

PxClientID PxScene::createClient()

virtual PxAggregate *getAggregate() const = 0#

Retrieves the aggregate the actor might be a part of.

See also



The aggregate the actor is a part of, or NULL if the actor does not belong to an aggregate.

template<class T>
inline T *is()#
template<class T>
inline const T *is() const#
inline PxType getConcreteType() const#

Returns concrete type of object.

See also



PxConcreteType::Enum of serialized object

inline void setBaseFlag(PxBaseFlag::Enum flag, bool value)#

Set PxBaseFlag

  • flag[in] The flag to be set

  • value[in] The flags new value

inline void setBaseFlags(PxBaseFlags inFlags)#

Set PxBaseFlags

See also



inFlags[in] The flags to be set

inline PxBaseFlags getBaseFlags() const#

Returns PxBaseFlags.

See also




inline virtual bool isReleasable() const#

Whether the object is subordinate.

A class is subordinate, if it can only be instantiated in the context of another class.


Whether the class is subordinate

Protected Functions

inline PxPBDParticleSystem(
PxType concreteType,
PxBaseFlags baseFlags,
inline PxPBDParticleSystem(PxBaseFlags baseFlags)#
inline virtual bool isKindOf(const char *name) const override#

Returns whether a given type name matches with the type of this instance.

template<class T>
inline bool typeMatch() const#

Protected Attributes

PxType mConcreteType#
PxBaseFlags mBaseFlags#
PxU32 mBuiltInRefCount#