Defined in include/extensions/PxSerialization.h
- PxXmlMiscParameter
Additional PxScene and PxPhysics options stored in XML serialized data.
class PxSerialization#
Utility functions for serialization.
See also
Public Static Functions
- static bool isSerializable(
- PxCollection &collection,
- PxSerializationRegistry &sr,
- const PxCollection *externalReferences = NULL,
Returns whether the collection is serializable with the externalReferences collection.
Some definitions to explain whether a collection can be serialized or not:
For definitions of requires and complete see PxSerialization::complete
A serializable object is subordinate if it cannot be serialized on its own The following objects are subordinate:
articulation links
articulation joints
A collection C can be serialized with external references collection D iff
C is complete relative to D (no dangling references)
Every object in D required by an object in C has a valid ID (no unnamed references)
Every subordinate object in C is required by another object in C (no orphans)
See also
PxSerialization::complete, PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToBinary, PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToXml, PxSerializationRegistry
- Parameters:
collection – [in] Collection to be checked
sr – [in] PxSerializationRegistry instance with information about registered classes.
externalReferences – [in] the external References collection
- Returns:
Whether the collection is serializable
- static void complete(
- PxCollection &collection,
- PxSerializationRegistry &sr,
- const PxCollection *exceptFor = NULL,
- bool followJoints = false,
Adds to a collection all objects such that it can be successfully serialized.
A collection C is complete relative to an other collection D if every object required by C is either in C or D. This function adds objects to a collection, such that it becomes complete with respect to the exceptFor collection. Completeness is needed for serialization. See PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToBinary, PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToXml.
Sdk objects require other sdk object according to the following rules:
joints require their actors and constraint
rigid actors require their shapes
shapes require their material(s) and mesh (triangle mesh, convex mesh or height field), if any
articulations require their links and joints
aggregates require their actors
If followJoints is specified another rule is added:
actors require their joints
Specifying followJoints will make whole jointed actor chains being added to the collection. Following chains is interrupted whenever a object in exceptFor is encountered.
See also
PxCollection, PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToBinary, PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToXml, PxSerializationRegistry
- Parameters:
collection – [inout] Collection which is completed
sr – [in] PxSerializationRegistry instance with information about registered classes.
exceptFor – [in] Optional exemption collection
followJoints – [in] Specifies whether joints should be added for jointed actors
- static void createSerialObjectIds(
- PxCollection &collection,
- const PxSerialObjectId base,
Creates PxSerialObjectId values for unnamed objects in a collection.
Creates PxSerialObjectId names for unnamed objects in a collection starting at a base value and incrementing, skipping values that are already assigned to objects in the collection.
See also
- Parameters:
collection – [inout] Collection for which names are created
base – [in] Start address for PxSerialObjectId names
- static PxCollection *createCollectionFromXml(
- PxInputData &inputData,
- const PxCookingParams ¶ms,
- PxSerializationRegistry &sr,
- const PxCollection *externalRefs = NULL,
- PxStringTable *stringTable = NULL,
- PxXmlMiscParameter *outArgs = NULL,
Creates a PxCollection from XML data.
- Deprecated:
Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.
See also
PxCollection, PxSerializationRegistry, PxInputData, PxStringTable, PxCooking, PxSerialization::PxXmlMiscParameter
- Parameters:
inputData – The input data containing the XML collection.
params – Cooking parameters used for sdk object instantiation.
sr – PxSerializationRegistry instance with information about registered classes.
externalRefs – PxCollection used to resolve external references.
stringTable – PxStringTable instance used for storing object names.
outArgs – Optional parameters of physics and scene deserialized from XML. See PxSerialization::PxXmlMiscParameter
- Returns:
a pointer to a PxCollection if successful or NULL if it failed.
- static PxCollection *createCollectionFromBinary(
- void *memBlock,
- PxSerializationRegistry &sr,
- const PxCollection *externalRefs = NULL,
Deserializes a PxCollection from memory.
Creates a collection from memory. If the collection has external dependencies another collection can be provided to resolve these.
The memory block provided has to be 128 bytes aligned and contain a contiguous serialized collection as written by PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToBinary. The contained binary data needs to be compatible with the current binary format version which is defined by “PX_PHYSICS_VERSION_MAJOR.PX_PHYSICS_VERSION_MINOR.PX_PHYSICS_VERSION_BUGFIX-PX_BINARY_SERIAL_VERSION”. For a list of compatible sdk releases refer to the documentation of PX_BINARY_SERIAL_VERSION.
See also
PxCollection, PxSerialization::complete, PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToBinary, PxSerializationRegistry, PX_BINARY_SERIAL_VERSION
- Parameters:
memBlock – [in] Pointer to memory block containing the serialized collection
sr – [in] PxSerializationRegistry instance with information about registered classes.
externalRefs – [in] Collection to resolve external dependencies
- static bool serializeCollectionToXml(
- PxOutputStream &outputStream,
- PxCollection &collection,
- PxSerializationRegistry &sr,
- const PxCookingParams *params = NULL,
- const PxCollection *externalRefs = NULL,
- PxXmlMiscParameter *inArgs = NULL,
Serializes a physics collection to an XML output stream.
- Deprecated:
Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.
The collection to be serialized needs to be complete
See also
PxSerialization.complete. Optionally the XML may contain meshes in binary cooked format for fast loading. It does this when providing a valid non-null PxCooking pointer.
See also
PxCollection, PxOutputStream, PxSerializationRegistry, PxCooking, PxSerialization::PxXmlMiscParameter
Serialization of objects in a scene that is simultaneously being simulated is not supported and leads to undefined behavior.
- Parameters:
outputStream – Stream to save collection to.
collection – PxCollection instance which is serialized. The collection needs to be complete with respect to the externalRefs collection.
sr – PxSerializationRegistry instance with information about registered classes.
params – Optional pointer to cooking params. If provided, cooked mesh data is cached for fast loading.
externalRefs – Collection containing external references.
inArgs – Optional parameters of physics and scene serialized to XML along with the collection. See PxSerialization::PxXmlMiscParameter
- Returns:
true if the collection is successfully serialized.
- static bool serializeCollectionToBinary(
- PxOutputStream &outputStream,
- PxCollection &collection,
- PxSerializationRegistry &sr,
- const PxCollection *externalRefs = NULL,
- bool exportNames = false,
Serializes a collection to a binary stream.
Serializes a collection to a stream. In order to resolve external dependencies the externalReferences collection has to be provided. Optionally names of objects that where set for example with PxActor::setName are serialized along with the objects.
The collection can be successfully serialized if isSerializable(collection) returns true. See isSerializable.
The implementation of the output stream needs to fulfill the requirements on the memory block input taken by PxSerialization::createCollectionFromBinary.
See also
PxCollection, PxOutputStream, PxSerialization::complete, PxSerialization::createCollectionFromBinary, PxSerializationRegistry
Serialization of objects in a scene that is simultaneously being simulated is not supported and leads to undefined behavior.
- Parameters:
outputStream – [out] into which the collection is serialized
collection – [in] Collection to be serialized
sr – [in] PxSerializationRegistry instance with information about registered classes.
externalRefs – [in] Collection used to resolve external dependencies
exportNames – [in] Specifies whether object names are serialized
- Returns:
Whether serialization was successful
- static bool serializeCollectionToBinaryDeterministic(
- PxOutputStream &outputStream,
- PxCollection &collection,
- PxSerializationRegistry &sr,
- const PxCollection *externalRefs = NULL,
- bool exportNames = false,
Serializes a collection to a binary stream.
- Deprecated:
Deterministic binary serialization is deprecated. PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToBinary might become deterministic in the future.
Convenience function that serializes a collection to a stream while rebasing memory addresses and handles to achieve a deterministic output, independent of the PhysX runtime environment the objects have been created in.
The same functionality can be achieved by manually
creating a binary data stream with PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToBinary
producing the binary meta data of the current runtime platform with PxSerialization::dumpBinaryMetaData
converting the binary data stream with the PxBinaryConverter, using the binary meta for both source and destination
- static void dumpBinaryMetaData(
- PxOutputStream &outputStream,
- PxSerializationRegistry &sr,
Dumps the binary meta-data to a stream.
- Deprecated:
Binary conversion and binary meta data are deprecated.
A meta-data file contains information about the SDK’s internal classes and about custom user types ready for serialization. Such a file is needed to convert binary-serialized data from one platform to another (re-targeting). The converter needs meta-data files for the source and target platforms to perform conversions.
Custom user types can be supported with PxSerializationRegistry::registerBinaryMetaDataCallback (see the guide for more information).
See also
- Parameters:
outputStream – [out] Stream to write meta data to
sr – [in] PxSerializationRegistry instance with information about registered classes used for conversion.
static PxBinaryConverter *createBinaryConverter()#
Creates binary converter for re-targeting binary-serialized data.
- Deprecated:
Binary conversion and binary meta data are deprecated.
- Returns:
Binary converter instance.
- static PxSerializationRegistry *createSerializationRegistry(
- PxPhysics &physics,
Creates an application managed registry for serialization.
See also
- Parameters:
physics – [in] Physics SDK to generate create serialization registry
- Returns:
PxSerializationRegistry instance.
struct PxXmlMiscParameter#
Additional PxScene and PxPhysics options stored in XML serialized data.
- Deprecated:
Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.
The PxXmlMiscParameter parameter can be serialized and deserialized along with PxCollection instances (XML only). This is for application use only and has no impact on how objects are serialized or deserialized.
Public Functions
inline PxXmlMiscParameter()#
- inline PxXmlMiscParameter(
- PxVec3 &inUpVector,
- PxTolerancesScale inScale,
Public Members
PxTolerancesScale scale#
Tolerances scale to be used for the scene.