Defined in include/PxFEMParameter.h
struct PxFEMParameters#
Set of parameters to control the sleeping and collision behavior of FEM based objects
- Deprecated:
See methods of PxDeformableBody.
Public Functions
inline PxFEMParameters()#
Public Members
PxReal velocityDamping#
Velocity damping value.
After every timestep the velocity is reduced while the magnitude of the reduction depends on velocityDamping Default: 0.05
PxReal settlingThreshold#
Threshold that defines the maximal magnitude of the linear motion a fem body can move in one second before it becomes a candidate for sleeping Default: 0.1.
PxReal sleepThreshold#
Threshold that defines the maximal magnitude of the linear motion a fem body can move in one second such that it can go to sleep in the next frame Default: 0.05.
PxReal sleepDamping#
Damping value that damps the motion of bodies that move slow enough to be candidates for sleeping (see settlingThreshold) Default: 10.
PxReal selfCollisionFilterDistance#
Penetration value that needs to get exceeded before contacts for self collision are generated.
Will only have an effect if self collisions are enabled. Default: 0.1