Defined in include/vehicle2/commands/PxVehicleCommandStates.h
struct PxVehicleEngineDriveTransmissionCommandState#
A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with engine drive.
Subclassed by PxVehicleTankDriveTransmissionCommandState
Public Types
enum Enum#
enumerator eAUTOMATIC_GEAR#
Special gear value to denote the automatic shift mode (often referred to as DRIVE).
When using automatic transmission, setting this value as target gear will enable automatic gear shifts between first and highest gear. If the current gear is a reverse gear or the neutral gear, then this value will trigger a shift to first gear. If this value is used even though there is no automatic transmission available, the gear state will remain unchanged.
enumerator eAUTOMATIC_GEAR#
Public Functions
inline void setToDefault()#
enum Enum#