
Defined in include/geometry/PxTriangleMeshGeometry.h

class PxTriangleMeshGeometry : public PxGeometry#

Triangle mesh geometry class.

This class unifies a mesh object with a scaling transform, and lets the combined object be used anywhere a PxGeometry is needed.

The scaling is a transform along arbitrary axes contained in the scale object. The vertices of the mesh in geometry (or shape) space is the PxMeshScale::toMat33() transform, multiplied by the vertex space vertices in the PxTriangleMeshGeometry object.

Public Functions

inline PxTriangleMeshGeometry(
PxTriangleMesh *mesh = NULL,
const PxMeshScale &scaling = PxMeshScale(),
PxMeshGeometryFlags flags = PxMeshGeometryFlags(),


By default creates an empty object with a NULL mesh and identity scale.

  • mesh[in] Mesh pointer. May be NULL, though this will not make the object valid for shape construction.

  • scaling[in] Scale factor.

  • flags[in] Mesh flags.

inline PxTriangleMeshGeometry(const PxTriangleMeshGeometry &that)#

Copy constructor.


that[in] Other object

inline void operator=(const PxTriangleMeshGeometry &that)#

Assignment operator.

inline bool isValid() const#

Returns true if the geometry is valid.


A valid triangle mesh has a positive scale value in each direction (scale.scale.x > 0, scale.scale.y > 0, scale.scale.z > 0). It is illegal to call PxPhysics::createShape with a triangle mesh that has zero extents in any direction.


True if the current settings are valid for shape creation.

inline PxGeometryType::Enum getType() const#

Returns the type of the geometry.


The type of the object.

Public Members

PxMeshScale scale#

The scaling transformation.

PxMeshGeometryFlags meshFlags#

Mesh flags.

PxPadding<3> paddingFromFlags#

padding for mesh flags

PxTriangleMesh *triangleMesh#

A reference to the mesh object.

float mTypePadding#

Protected Attributes

PxGeometryType::Enum mType#