Defined in include/geometry/PxMeshScale.h
class PxMeshScale#
A class expressing a nonuniform scaling transformation.
The scaling is along arbitrary axes that are specified by PxMeshScale::rotation. Specifically, PxMeshScale::rotation describes the rotation from the scaling-axes frame to the mesh-local frame, i.e. PxMeshScale::rotation.rotate(v) transforms the coordinates of vertex v from the mesh-local frame to the scaling-axes frame.
Negative scale values are supported for PxTriangleMeshGeometry with absolute values for each component within [PX_MIN_ABS_MESH_SCALE, PX_MAX_ABS_MESH_SCALE] range. Negative scale causes a reflection around the specified axis, in addition PhysX will flip the normals for mesh triangles when scale.x*scale.y*scale.z < 0.
Only positive scale values are supported for PxConvexMeshGeometry with values for each component within [PX_MIN_ABS_MESH_SCALE, PX_MAX_ABS_MESH_SCALE] range).
Public Functions
inline PxMeshScale()#
Constructor initializes to identity scale.
inline PxMeshScale(const PxVec3 &s)#
Constructor to initialize to arbitrary scale and identity scale rotation.
inline PxMeshScale(const PxVec3 &s, const PxQuat &r)#
Constructor to initialize to arbitrary scaling.
inline bool isIdentity() const#
Returns true if the scaling is an identity transformation.
inline PxMeshScale getInverse() const#
Returns the inverse of this scaling transformation.
inline bool hasNegativeDeterminant() const#
Returns true if combination of negative scale components will cause the triangle normal to flip.
The SDK will flip the normals internally.
inline bool isValidForTriangleMesh() const#
inline bool isValidForConvexMesh() const#
inline PxMeshScale()#