
Defined in include/solver/PxSolverDefs.h

struct PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDesc : public PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDescBase#

Public Members

Px1DConstraint *rows#

The start of the constraint rows.

PxU32 numRows#

The number of rows.

PxReal linBreakForce#
PxReal angBreakForce#

Break forces.

PxReal minResponseThreshold#

The minimum response threshold.

bool disablePreprocessing#

Disable joint pre-processing. Pre-processing can improve stability but under certain circumstances, e.g. when some invInertia rows are zero/almost zero, can cause instabilities.

bool improvedSlerp#

Use improved slerp model.

bool driveLimitsAreForces#

Indicates whether drive limits are forces.

bool extendedLimits#

Indicates whether extended limits are used.

bool disableConstraint#

Disables constraint.

PxVec3p body0WorldOffset#

Body0 world offset.

PxVec3p cA2w#

Location of anchor point A in world space.

PxVec3p cB2w#

Location of anchor point B in world space.

PxConstraintInvMassScale invMassScales#

In: The local mass scaling for this pair.

PxSolverConstraintDesc *desc#

Output: The PxSolverConstraintDesc filled in by contact prep.

const PxTGSSolverBodyVel *body0#

In: The first body. Stores velocity information. Unused unless contact involves articulations.

const PxTGSSolverBodyVel *body1#

In: The second body. Stores velocity information. Unused unless contact involves articulations.

const PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia *body0TxI#

In: The first PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia. Stores the delta body to world transform and sqrtInvInertia for first body.

const PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia *body1TxI#

In: The second PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia. Stores the delta body to world transform and sqrtInvInertia for second body.

const PxTGSSolverBodyData *bodyData0#

In: The first PxTGSSolverBodyData. Stores mass and miscellaneous information for the first body.

const PxTGSSolverBodyData *bodyData1#

In: The second PxTGSSolverBodyData. Stores mass and miscellaneous information for the second body.

PxTransform bodyFrame0#

In: The world-space transform of the first body.

PxTransform bodyFrame1#

In: The world-space transform of the second body.

PxSolverContactDesc::BodyState bodyState0#

In: Defines what kind of actor the first body is.

PxSolverContactDesc::BodyState bodyState1#

In: Defines what kind of actor the second body is.

void *writeback#

Pointer to constraint writeback structure. Reports back joint breaking. If not required, set to NULL.

void *shapeInteraction#

Pointer to shape interaction. Used for force threshold reports in solver. Set to NULL if using immediate mode.

union PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDescBase::[anonymous] [anonymous]#