
Defined in include/solver/PxSolverDefs.h

struct PxTGSSolverBodyData#

Public Functions

inline PxReal projectVelocity(
const PxVec3 &linear,
const PxVec3 &angular,
) const#

Public Members

PxVec3 originalLinearVelocity#

Pre-solver linear velocity.

PxReal maxContactImpulse#

The max contact impulse.

PxVec3 originalAngularVelocity#

Pre-solver angular velocity.

PxReal penBiasClamp#

The penetration bias clamp.

PxReal invMass#

Inverse mass.

PxU32 nodeIndex#

The node idx of this solverBodyData. Used by solver to reference between solver bodies and island bodies. Not required by immediate mode.

PxReal reportThreshold#

Contact force threshold.

PxU32 pad#