Defined in include/solver/PxSolverDefs.h
struct PxTGSSolverBodyData
Public Functions
inline PxReal projectVelocity(
- const PxVec3 &linear,
- const PxVec3 &angular,
) const
Public Members
PxVec3 originalLinearVelocity
Pre-solver linear velocity.
PxReal maxContactImpulse
The max contact impulse.
PxVec3 originalAngularVelocity
Pre-solver angular velocity.
PxReal penBiasClamp
The penetration bias clamp.
PxReal invMass
Inverse mass.
PxU32 nodeIndex
The node idx of this solverBodyData. Used by solver to reference between solver bodies and island bodies. Not required by immediate mode.
PxReal reportThreshold
Contact force threshold.
PxU32 pad