Defined in include/foundation/PxSync.h
template<typename Alloc = PxReflectionAllocator<PxSyncImpl>>
class PxSyncT : protected PxReflectionAllocator<PxSyncImpl># Implementation notes:
Calling set() on an already signaled Sync does not change its state.
Calling reset() on an already reset Sync does not change its state.
Calling set() on a reset Sync wakes all waiting threads (potential for thread contention).
Calling wait() on an already signaled Sync will return true immediately.
NOTE: be careful when pulsing an event with set() followed by reset(), because a thread that is not waiting on the event will miss the signal.
Public Functions
inline ~PxSyncT()#
inline bool wait(uint32_t milliseconds = PxSyncImpl::waitForever)#
Wait on the object for at most the given number of ms.
Returns true if the object is signaled. Sync::waitForever will block forever or until the object is signaled.
inline void set()#
Signal the synchronization object, waking all threads waiting on it.
inline void reset()#
Reset the synchronization object.
Public Static Attributes
static const uint32_t waitForever = PxSyncImpl::waitForever#