Defined in include/solver/PxSolverDefs.h
struct PxSolverContactDesc : public PxSolverConstraintPrepDescBase#
Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
Public Types
Public Members
PxU8 *frictionPtr#
InOut: Friction patch correlation data. Set each frame by solver. Can be retained for improved behavior or discarded each frame.
const PxContactPoint *contacts#
The start of the contacts for this pair.
bool hasMaxImpulse#
Defines whether this pairs has maxImpulses clamping enabled.
bool disableStrongFriction#
Defines whether this pair disables strong friction (sticky friction correlation)
bool hasForceThresholds#
Defines whether this pair requires force thresholds.
PxReal restDistance#
A distance at which the solver should aim to hold the bodies separated. Default is 0.
PxReal maxCCDSeparation#
A distance used to configure speculative CCD behavior. Default is PX_MAX_F32. Set internally in PhysX for bodies with eENABLE_SPECULATIVE_CCD on. Do not set directly!
PxU32 startFrictionPatchIndex#
Start index of friction patch in the correlation buffer. Set by friction correlation.
PxU32 numFrictionPatches#
Total number of friction patches in this pair. Set by friction correlation.
PxU32 startContactPatchIndex#
The start index of this pair’s contact patches in the correlation buffer. For internal use only.
PxU16 axisConstraintCount#
Axis constraint count. Defines how many constraint rows this pair has produced. Useful for statistical purposes.
PxConstraintInvMassScale invMassScales#
In: The local mass scaling for this pair.
PxSolverConstraintDesc *desc#
Output: The PxSolverConstraintDesc filled in by contact prep.
const PxSolverBody *body0#
In: The first body. Stores velocity information. Unused unless contact involves articulations.
const PxSolverBody *body1#
In: The second body. Stores velocity information. Unused unless contact involves articulations.
const PxSolverBodyData *data0#
In: The first PxSolverBodyData. Stores mass and miscellaneous information for the first body.
const PxSolverBodyData *data1#
In: The second PxSolverBodyData. Stores mass and miscellaneous information for the second body.
PxTransform bodyFrame0#
In: The world-space transform of the first body.
PxTransform bodyFrame1#
In: The world-space transform of the second body.
void *writeback#
Pointer to constraint writeback structure. Reports back joint breaking. If not required, set to NULL.
void *shapeInteraction#
Pointer to shape interaction. Used for force threshold reports in solver. Set to NULL if using immediate mode.
union PxSolverConstraintPrepDescBase::[anonymous] [anonymous]#
PxU8 *frictionPtr#