
Defined in include/PxArticulationFlag.h

class PxArticulationCacheFlag#

These flags determine what data is read or written to the internal articulation data via cache.

Public Types

enum Enum#


enumerator eVELOCITY#

The joint velocities, see PxArticulationCache::jointVelocity.

enumerator eACCELERATION#

The joint accelerations, see PxArticulationCache::jointAcceleration.

enumerator ePOSITION#

The joint positions, see PxArticulationCache::jointPosition.

enumerator eFORCE#

The joint forces, see PxArticulationCache::jointForce.

The link velocities, see PxArticulationCache::linkVelocity. Link velocities cannot be set except for the root link velocity via PxArticulationCache::rootLinkData.

The link accelerations, see PxArticulationCache::linkAcceleration.

enumerator eROOT_TRANSFORM#

The root link transform, see PxArticulationCache::rootLinkData.

enumerator eROOT_VELOCITIES#

The root link velocities (read/write) and accelerations (read), see PxArticulationCache::rootLinkData.

The link incoming joint forces, see PxArticulationCache::linkIncomingJointForce.


The joint target positions, see PxArticulationCache::jointTargetPositions.


The joint target velocities, see PxArticulationCache::jointTargetVelocities.

The link forces, see PxArticulationCache::linkForce.

The link torques, see PxArticulationCache::linkTorque.

enumerator eALL#