Defined in include/vehicle2/PxVehicleParams.h
struct PxVehiclePhysXSimulationContext : public PxVehicleSimulationContext#
Public Functions
inline PxVehiclePhysXSimulationContext()#
inline void setToDefault()#
- inline PxVehiclePhysXSimulationContext transformAndScale(
- const PxVehicleFrame &srcFrame,
- const PxVehicleFrame &trgFrame,
- const PxVehicleScale &srcScale,
- const PxVehicleScale &trgScale,
inline PxVehicleSimulationContextType::Enum getType() const#
Public Members
const PxConvexMesh *physxUnitCylinderSweepMesh#
PxVehiclePhysXActorUpdateMode::Enum physxActorUpdateMode#
PxReal physxActorWakeCounterResetValue#
Wake counter value to set on the physx actor if a reset is required.
Certain vehicle states should keep a physx actor of a vehicle awake. This will be achieved by resetting the wake counter value if needed. The wake counter value is the minimum simulation time that a physx actor will stay awake.
Unit: time
See also
physxActorWakeCounterThreshold PxVehiclePhysxActorKeepAwakeCheck
PxReal physxActorWakeCounterThreshold#
Threshold below which to check whether the physx actor wake counter should get reset.
Unit: time
See also
physxActorWakeCounterResetValue PxVehiclePhysxActorKeepAwakeCheck
PxVehicleFrame frame#
PxVehicleScale scale#
PxVehicleTireSlipParams tireSlipParams#
PxVehicleTireStickyParams tireStickyParams#
PxReal thresholdForwardSpeedForWheelAngleIntegration#
Forward wheel speed below which the wheel rotation speed gets blended with the rolling speed.
The blended rotation speed is used to integrate the wheel rotation angle. At low forward wheel speed, the wheel rotation speed can get unstable (depending on the tire model used) and, for example, oscillate.
Unit: velocity = length / time
If brake or throttle is applied, there will be no blending.
PxVehiclePvdContext pvdContext#
Structure to support Omni PVD, the PhysX Visual Debugger.
Protected Attributes
inline PxVehiclePhysXSimulationContext()#