Defined in include/PxQueryFiltering.h
struct PxQueryFlag#
Filtering flags for scene queries.
See also
Public Types
enum Enum#
enumerator eSTATIC#
Traverse static shapes.
enumerator eDYNAMIC#
Traverse dynamic shapes.
enumerator ePREFILTER#
Run the pre-intersection-test filter (see PxQueryFilterCallback::preFilter())
enumerator ePOSTFILTER#
Run the post-intersection-test filter (see PxQueryFilterCallback::postFilter())
enumerator eANY_HIT#
Abort traversal as soon as any hit is found and return it via callback.block. Helps query performance. Both eTOUCH and eBLOCK hitTypes are considered hits with this flag.
enumerator eNO_BLOCK#
All hits are reported as touching. Overrides eBLOCK returned from user filters with eTOUCH. This is also an optimization hint that may improve query performance.
Run with legacy batch query filter behavior. Raising this flag ensures that the hardcoded filter equation is neglected. This guarantees that any provided PxQueryFilterCallback will be utilised, as specified by the ePREFILTER and ePOSTFILTER flags.
Same as eBATCH_QUERY_LEGACY_BEHAVIOUR, more explicit name making it clearer that this can also be used with regular/non-batched queries if needed.
enumerator eRESERVED#
Reserved for internal use.
enumerator eSTATIC#
enum Enum#