
Defined in include/vehicle2/physxConstraints/PxVehiclePhysXConstraintStates.h

struct PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState#

PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState is a data structure used to write constraint data to the internal state of the associated PxScene.

See also


Public Functions

inline void setToDefault()#

Public Members

bool tireActiveStatus[PxVehicleTireDirectionModes::eMAX_NB_PLANAR_DIRECTIONS]#

a boolean describing whether to trigger a low speed constraint along the tire longitudinal and lateral directions.

PxVec3 tireLinears[PxVehicleTireDirectionModes::eMAX_NB_PLANAR_DIRECTIONS]#

linear component of velocity jacobian in world space for the tire’s longitudinal and lateral directions.

PxVec3 tireAngulars[PxVehicleTireDirectionModes::eMAX_NB_PLANAR_DIRECTIONS]#

angular component of velocity jacobian in world space for the tire’s longitudinal and lateral directions.

PxReal tireDamping[PxVehicleTireDirectionModes::eMAX_NB_PLANAR_DIRECTIONS]#

damping coefficient applied to the tire’s longitudinal and lateral velocities.

The constraint sets a target velocity of 0 and the damping coefficient will impact the size of the impulse applied to reach the target. Since damping acts as a stiffness with respect to the velocity, too large a value can cause instabilities.

bool suspActiveStatus#

a boolean describing whether to trigger a suspension limit constraint.

PxVec3 suspLinear#

linear component of velocity jacobian in the world frame.

PxVec3 suspAngular#

angular component of velocity jacobian in the world frame.

PxReal suspGeometricError#

the excess suspension compression to be resolved by the constraint that cannot be resolved due to the travel limit of the suspension spring.


The expected error value is the excess suspension compression projected onto the ground plane normal and should have a negative sign.

PxReal restitution#

restitution value of the restitution model used to generate a target velocity that will resolve the geometric error.

See also



A value of 0.0 means that the restitution model is not employed.