Defined in include/geometry/PxTriangleMeshGeometry.h
struct PxMeshGeometryFlag#
Flags controlling the simulated behavior of the triangle mesh geometry.
Used in PxMeshGeometryFlags.
Public Types
enum Enum#
enumerator eTIGHT_BOUNDS#
Use tighter (but more expensive to compute) bounds around the triangle mesh geometry.
enumerator eDOUBLE_SIDED#
Meshes with this flag set are treated as double-sided. This flag is currently only used for raycasts and sweeps. It is ignored for overlap queries and has no effect on contact generation, i.e. simulation. For detailed specifications of this flag for meshes and heightfields please refer to the Geometry Query section of the user guide. For double-sided collision meshes, consider duplicating their faces with flipped normals.
enumerator eTIGHT_BOUNDS#
enum Enum#