
Defined in include/PxParticleGpu.h

struct PxGpuParticleData#

Structure that holds simulation parameters of a PxGpuParticleSystem.

Public Members

PxReal mGridCellWidth#

Grid cell width, derived from particle contact offset * neighborhood scale.

PxU32 mGridSizeX#

Size of the x-dimension of the background simulation grid. Translates to an absolute size of mGridSizeX * mGridCellWidth.

PxU32 mGridSizeY#

Size of the y-dimension of the background simulation grid. Translates to an absolute size of mGridSizeY * mGridCellWidth.

PxU32 mGridSizeZ#

Size of the z-dimension of the background simulation grid. Translates to an absolute size of mGridSizeZ * mGridCellWidth.

PxReal mParticleContactDistance#

Two particles start interacting if their distance is lower than mParticleContactDistance.

PxReal mParticleContactDistanceInv#

1.f / mParticleContactDistance.

PxReal mParticleContactDistanceSq#

mParticleContactDistance * mParticleContactDistance.

PxU32 mNumParticles#

The number of particles in this particle system.

PxU32 mMaxParticles#

The maximum number of particles that can be simulated in this particle system.

PxU32 mMaxNeighborhood#

The maximum number of particles considered when computing neighborhood based particle interactions.

PxU32 mMaxDiffuseParticles#

The maximum number of diffuse particles that can be simulated using this particle system.

PxU32 mNumParticleBuffers#

The number of particle buffers that are simulated in this particle system.