Defined in include/PxParticleGpu.h
class PxGpuParticleSystem#
Container class for a GPU particle system.
Used to communicate particle system parameters and simulation state between the internal SDK simulation and the particle system callbacks.
See PxPBDParticleSystem, PxParticleSystemCallback.
Public Functions
inline PxU32 getNumCells()#
Returns the number of cells of the background simulation grid.
- Returns:
PxU32 the number of cells.
inline PxNeighborhoodIterator getIterator(PxU32 particleId) const#
Get a PxNeighborhoodIterator initialized for usage with this particle system.
- Parameters:
particleId – An initial particle index for the initialization of the iterator.
- Returns:
An initialized PxNeighborhoodIterator.
Public Members
float4 *mUnsortedPositions_InvMass#
GPU pointer to unsorted particle positions and inverse masses.
float4 *mUnsortedVelocities#
GPU pointer to unsorted particle velocities.
PxU32 *mUnsortedPhaseArray#
GPU pointer to unsorted particle phase array. See PxParticlePhaseFlag.
float4 *mSortedPositions_InvMass#
GPU pointer to sorted particle positions.
float4 *mSortedVelocities#
GPU pointer to sorted particle velocities.
PxU32 *mUnsortedToSortedMapping#
GPU pointer to the mapping from unsortedParticle ID to sorted particle ID.
PxU32 *mSortedToUnsortedMapping#
GPU pointer to the mapping from sorted particle ID to unsorted particle ID.
PxsParticleMaterialData *mParticleMaterials#
GPU pointer to the particle materials used in this particle system.
PxGpuParticleData mCommonData#
Structure holding simulation parameters and state for this particle system. See PxGpuParticleData.
inline PxU32 getNumCells()#