Defined in include/foundation/PxBroadcast.h
class PxBroadcastingAllocator : public PxBroadcast<PxAllocationListener, PxAllocatorCallback>#
Abstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that allows an external listener to audit the memory allocations.
Public Functions
- inline PxBroadcastingAllocator(
- PxAllocatorCallback &allocator,
- PxErrorCallback &error,
The default constructor.
inline virtual ~PxBroadcastingAllocator()#
The default constructor.
- inline virtual void *allocate(
- size_t size,
- const char *typeName,
- const char *filename,
- int line,
Allocates size bytes of memory, which must be 16-byte aligned.
This method should never return NULL. If you run out of memory, then you should terminate the app or take some other appropriate action.
Threading: This function should be thread safe as it can be called in the context of the user thread and physics processing thread(s).
- Parameters:
size – Number of bytes to allocate.
typeName – Name of the datatype that is being allocated
filename – The source file which allocated the memory
line – The source line which allocated the memory
- Returns:
The allocated block of memory.
inline virtual void deallocate(void *ptr)#
Frees memory previously allocated by allocate().
Threading: This function should be thread safe as it can be called in the context of the user thread and physics processing thread(s).
- Parameters:
ptr – Memory to free.
inline void registerListener(PxAllocationListener &listener)#
Register new listener.
It is NOT SAFE to register and deregister listeners while allocations may be taking place. moreover, there is no thread safety to registration/deregistration.
- Parameters:
listener – Listener to register.
inline void deregisterListener(PxAllocationListener &listener)#
Deregister an existing listener.
It is NOT SAFE to register and deregister listeners while allocations may be taking place. moreover, there is no thread safety to registration/deregistration.
- Parameters:
listener – Listener to deregister.
inline uint32_t getNbListeners() const#
Get number of registered listeners.
- Returns:
Number of listeners.
inline PxAllocationListener &getListener(uint32_t index)#
Get an existing listener from given index.
- Parameters:
index – Index of the listener.
- Returns:
Listener on given index.
Public Static Attributes
static const uint32_t MAX_NB_LISTENERS#
Protected Attributes
physx::PxInlineArray<PxAllocationListener*, MAX_NB_LISTENERS, physx::PxAllocator> mListeners#