
Defined in include/vehicle2/suspension/PxVehicleSuspensionStates.h

struct PxVehicleSuspensionForce#

The force and torque for a single suspension to apply to the vehicle’s rigid body.

Public Functions

inline void setToDefault()#

Public Members

PxVec3 force#

The force to apply to the rigid body.

Unit: mass * length / (time^2)


force is expressed in the world frame.

PxVec3 torque#

The torque to apply to the rigid body.

Unit: mass * (length^2) / (time^2)


torque is expressed in the world frame.

PxReal normalForce#

The component of force that lies along the normal of the plane under the wheel.

Unit: mass * length / (time^2)


normalForce may be used by the tire model as the tire load.