Defined in include/PxParticleBuffer.h
struct PxPartitionedParticleCloth#
Structure to describe the output of the particle cloth preprocessing.
Used as an input to specify cloth data for a PxParticleClothBuffer. All the pointers point to pinned host memory.
- Deprecated:
Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.
See PxParticleClothPreProcessor
Public Functions
- void allocateBuffers(
- PxU32 nbParticles,
- PxCudaContextManager *cudaManager,
allocate all the buffers for this PxPartitionedParticleCloth.
- Parameters:
nbParticles – [in] the number of particles this PxPartitionedParticleCloth will be generated for.
cudaManager – [in] a cuda context manager.
Public Members
PxU32 *accumulatedSpringsPerPartitions#
The number of springs in each partition. Size: numPartitions.
PxU32 *accumulatedCopiesPerParticles#
Start index for each particle in the accumulation buffer. Size: numParticles.
PxU32 *remapOutput#
Index of the next copy of this particle in the next partition, or in the accumulation buffer. Size: numSprings * 2.
PxParticleSpring *orderedSprings#
Springs ordered by partition. Size: numSprings.
PxU32 *sortedClothStartIndices#
The first particle index into the position buffer of the PxParticleClothBuffer for each cloth. Cloths are sorted by start particle index. Size: numCloths.
PxParticleCloth *cloths#
The PxParticleCloth s sorted by start particle index.
PxCudaContextManager *mCudaManager#
A cuda context manager.