
Defined in include/PxDeformableAttachment.h

struct PxDeformableAttachmentTargetType#

Identifies the attachment target type for an actor involved in an attachment.

The target type provides actor related information about what kind of attachment should be created.

Public Types

enum Enum#


enumerator eVERTEX#

Attachment to vertex points of deformable mesh.

enumerator eTRIANGLE#

Attachment to points on triangles of deformable mesh.

enumerator eTETRAHEDRON#

Attachment to points in tetrahedrons of deformable mesh.

enumerator eRIGID#

Attachment to points in rigid actor local frame.

enumerator eWORLD#

Attachment to points in global frame.

enumerator eUNDEFINED#

Internal use only.