Fully qualified name: ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidBufferHelper
Defined in include/extensions/PxParticleExt.h
class PxParticleRigidBufferHelper#
Helper class to manage PxParticleRigidDesc buffers used for communicating particle based rigids to PxPaticleSystem.
- Deprecated:
Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.
Public Functions
virtual void release() = 0#
virtual PxU32 getMaxRigids() const = 0#
- Returns:
The maximum number of rigids this PxParticleRigidBufferHelper instance can hold.
virtual PxU32 getNumRigids() const = 0#
- Returns:
The current number of rigids in this PxParticleRigidBufferHelper instance.
virtual PxU32 getMaxParticles() const = 0#
- Returns:
The maximum number of particles this PxParticleRigidBufferHelper instance can hold.
virtual PxU32 getNumParticles() const = 0#
- Returns:
The current number of particles in this PxParticleRigidBufferHelper instance.
- virtual void addRigid(
- const PxVec3 &translation,
- const PxQuat &rotation,
- const PxReal coefficient,
- const PxVec4 *localPositions,
- const PxVec4 *localNormals,
- PxU32 numParticles,
Adds a rigid.
- Parameters:
translation – [in] The world-space location of the rigid.
rotation – [in] The world-space rotation of the rigid.
coefficient – [in] The stiffness of the rigid.
localPositions – [in] The particle positions in local space.
localNormals – [in] The surface normal for all the particles in local space. Each PxVec4 has the normal in the first 3 components and the SDF in the last component.
numParticles – [in] The number of particles in this rigid.
virtual PxParticleRigidDesc &getParticleRigidDesc() = 0#
Get the PxParticleRigidDesc for this buffer.
- Returns:
Protected Functions
inline virtual ~PxParticleRigidBufferHelper()#