
Defined in include/vehicle2/drivetrain/PxVehicleDrivetrainParams.h

struct PxVehicleClutchParams#

The clutch connects two plates together.

One plate rotates with the speed of the engine. The second plate rotates with a weighted average of all wheels connected to the differential after accounting for the gear ratio. The difference in rotation speeds generates a restoring torque applied to engine and wheels that aims to reduce the difference in rotational speed. The restoring torque is proportional to the clutch strength and the clutch pedal position.

Public Functions

inline PxVehicleClutchParams transformAndScale(
const PxVehicleFrame &srcFrame,
const PxVehicleFrame &trgFrame,
const PxVehicleScale &srcScale,
const PxVehicleScale &trgScale,
) const#
inline bool isValid() const#

Public Members

PxVehicleClutchAccuracyMode::Enum accuracyMode#

The engine and wheel rotation speeds that are coupled through the clutch can be updated by choosing one of two modes: eESTIMATE and eBEST_POSSIBLE.


If eESTIMATE is chosen the vehicle sdk will update the wheel and engine rotation speeds with estimated values to the implemented clutch model.


If eBEST_POSSIBLE is chosen the vehicle sdk will compute the best possible solution (within floating point tolerance) to the implemented clutch model. This is the recommended mode.


The clutch model remains the same if either eESTIMATE or eBEST_POSSIBLE is chosen but the accuracy and computational cost of the solution to the model can be tuned as required.

PxU32 estimateIterations#

Tune the mathematical accuracy and computational cost of the computed estimate to the wheel and engine rotation speeds if eESTIMATE is chosen.


As estimateIterations increases the computational cost of the clutch also increases and the solution approaches the solution that would be computed if eBEST_POSSIBLE was chosen instead.


This has no effect if eBEST_POSSIBLE is chosen as the accuracy mode.


A value of zero is not allowed if eESTIMATE is chosen as the accuracy mode.