Defined in include/extensions/PxJointLimit.h
class PxJointLimitCone : public PxJointLimitParameters#
Describes an elliptical conical joint limit.
Note that very small or highly elliptical limit cones may result in jitter.
See also
Public Functions
inline PxJointLimitCone(PxReal yLimitAngle, PxReal zLimitAngle)#
Construct a cone hard limit.
See also
- Parameters:
yLimitAngle – [in] The limit angle from the Y-axis of the constraint frame
zLimitAngle – [in] The limit angle from the Z-axis of the constraint frame
- inline PxJointLimitCone( )#
Construct a cone soft limit.
See also
- Parameters:
yLimitAngle – [in] The limit angle from the Y-axis of the constraint frame
zLimitAngle – [in] The limit angle from the Z-axis of the constraint frame
spring – [in] The stiffness and damping of the limit spring
inline bool isValid() const#
Returns true if the limit is valid.
- Returns:
true if the current settings are valid
inline bool isSoft() const#
Public Members
PxReal yAngle#
the maximum angle from the Y axis of the constraint frame.
Unit: Angular: Radians Range: Angular: (0,PI)Default: PI/2
PxReal zAngle#
the maximum angle from the Z-axis of the constraint frame.
Unit: Angular: Radians Range: Angular: (0,PI)Default: PI/2
PxReal restitution#
Controls the amount of bounce when the joint hits a limit.
A restitution value of 1.0 causes the joint to bounce back with the velocity which it hit the limit. A value of zero causes the joint to stop dead.
In situations where the joint has many locked DOFs (e.g. 5) the restitution may not be applied correctly. This is due to a limitation in the solver which causes the restitution velocity to become zero as the solver enforces constraints on the other DOFs.
This limitation applies to both angular and linear limits, however it is generally most apparent with limited angular DOFs. Disabling joint projection and increasing the solver iteration count may improve this behavior to some extent.
Also, combining soft joint limits with joint drives driving against those limits may affect stability.
Range: [0,1]Default: 0.0
inline PxJointLimitCone(PxReal yLimitAngle, PxReal zLimitAngle)#