Defined in include/PxArrayConverter.h
class PxArrayConverter#
Utility class to convert gpu arrays to a different memory layout.
Public Functions
- virtual void interleaveGpuBuffers(
- const PxVec4 *verticesD,
- const PxVec4 *normalsD,
- PxU32 length,
- PxVec3 *interleavedResultBufferD,
- CUstream stream,
Helper function to merge two separate PxVec4 arrays into one interleaved PxVec3 array.
- Parameters:
verticesD – [in] The vertices device memory buffer
normalsD – [in] The normals device memory buffer
length – [in] The number of vertices and normals
interleavedResultBufferD – [out] The resulting interleaved buffer containing 2*length elements with the format vertex0, normal0, vertex1, normal1…
stream – [in] The cuda stream on which the conversion is processed
inline virtual ~PxArrayConverter()#