Defined in include/foundation/PxQuat.h
template<class Type>
class PxQuatT# This is a quaternion class.
For more information on quaternion mathematics consult a mathematics source on complex numbers.
Public Functions
inline PxQuatT()#
Default constructor, does not do any initialization.
inline PxQuatT(PxIDENTITY)#
identity constructor
inline explicit PxQuatT(Type r)#
Constructor from a scalar: sets the real part w to the scalar value, and the imaginary parts (x,y,z) to zero.
inline PxQuatT(Type nx, Type ny, Type nz, Type nw)#
Take note of the order of the elements!
inline PxQuatT(Type angleRadians, const PxVec3T<Type> &unitAxis)#
Creates from angle-axis representation.
Axis must be normalized!
Angle is in radians!
Unit: Radians
inline explicit PxQuatT(const PxMat33T<Type> &m)#
Creates from orientation matrix.
- Parameters:
m – [in] Rotation matrix to extract quaternion from.
inline bool isIdentity() const#
returns true if quat is identity
inline bool isFinite() const#
returns true if all elements are finite (not NAN or INF, etc.)
inline bool isUnit() const#
returns true if finite and magnitude is close to unit
inline bool isSane() const#
returns true if finite and magnitude is reasonably close to unit to allow for some accumulation of error vs isValid
inline bool operator==(const PxQuatT &q) const#
returns true if the two quaternions are exactly equal
- inline void toRadiansAndUnitAxis( ) const#
converts this quaternion to angle-axis representation
inline Type getAngle() const#
Gets the angle between this quat and the identity quaternion.
Unit: Radians
inline Type getAngle(const PxQuatT &q) const#
Gets the angle between this quat and the argument.
Unit: Radians
inline Type magnitudeSquared() const#
This is the squared 4D vector length, should be 1 for unit quaternions.
inline const PxVec3T<Type> rotate(const PxVec3T<Type> &v) const#
rotates passed vec by this (assumed unitary)
inline PxQuatT()#