
Defined in include/PxParticleBuffer.h

struct PxParticleClothDesc#

Structure to describe the set of particle cloths in the same PxParticleClothBuffer.

Used an input for the cloth preprocessing.


Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Public Functions

inline PxParticleClothDesc()#

Public Members

PxParticleCloth *cloths#

List of PxParticleCloth s, describes the individual cloths.

PxU32 *triangles#

List of triangle indices, 3 consecutive PxU32 that map triangle vertices to particles.

PxParticleSpring *springs#

List of PxParticleSpring s.

PxVec4 *restPositions#

List of rest positions for all particles.

PxU32 nbCloths#

The number of cloths in described using this cloth descriptor.

PxU32 nbSprings#

The number of springs in this cloth descriptor.

PxU32 nbTriangles#

The number of triangles in this cloth descriptor.

PxU32 nbParticles#

The number of particles in this cloth descriptor.