Defined in include/vehicle2/commands/PxVehicleCommandParams.h
struct PxVehicleCommandResponseParams#
A description of the per wheel response to an input command.
Subclassed by PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams, PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseParams, PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams
Public Members
PxVehicleCommandNonLinearResponseParams nonlinearResponse#
A nonlinear response to command value expressed as a lookup table of normalized response as a function of command value and longitudinal speed.
The effect of the default state of nonlinearResponse is a linear response to command value that is independent of longitudinal speed.
PxReal wheelResponseMultipliers[PxVehicleLimits::eMAX_NB_WHEELS]#
A description of the per wheel response multiplier to an input command.
PxVehicleCommandNonLinearResponseParams nonlinearResponse#