Defined in include/geometry/PxTetrahedronMesh.h
class PxTetrahedronMesh : public PxRefCounted#
A tetramedron mesh, also called a ‘tetrahedron soup’.
It is represented as an indexed tetrahedron list. There are no restrictions on the tetrahedron data.
To avoid duplicating data when you have several instances of a particular mesh positioned differently, you do not use this class to represent a mesh object directly. Instead, you create an instance of this mesh via the PxTetrahedronMeshGeometry and PxShape classes.
To create an instance of this class call PxPhysics::createTetrahedronMesh(), and release() to delete it. This is only possible once you have released all of its PxShape instances.
Public Functions
virtual PxU32 getNbVertices() const = 0#
Returns the number of vertices.
See also
- Returns:
number of vertices
virtual const PxVec3 *getVertices() const = 0#
Returns the vertices.
See also
- Returns:
array of vertices
virtual PxU32 getNbTetrahedrons() const = 0#
Returns the number of tetrahedrons.
See also
- Returns:
number of tetrahedrons
virtual const void *getTetrahedrons() const = 0#
Returns the tetrahedron indices.
The indices can be 16 or 32bit depending on the number of tetrahedrons in the mesh. Call getTetrahedronMeshFlags() to know if the indices are 16 or 32 bits.
The number of indices is the number of tetrahedrons * 4.
See also
getNbTetrahedron() getTetrahedronMeshFlags() getTetrahedraRemap()
- Returns:
array of tetrahedrons
virtual PxTetrahedronMeshFlags getTetrahedronMeshFlags() const = 0#
Reads the PxTetrahedronMesh flags.
See the list of flags PxTetrahedronMeshFlags
- Returns:
The values of the PxTetrahedronMesh flags.
virtual const PxU32 *getTetrahedraRemap() const = 0#
Returns the tetrahedra remapping table.
The tetrahedra are internally sorted according to various criteria. Hence the internal tetrahedron order does not always match the original (user-defined) order. The remapping table helps finding the old indices knowing the new ones:
remapTable[ internalTetrahedronIndex ] = originalTetrahedronIndex
See also
getNbTetrahedron() getTetrahedrons() PxCookingParams::suppressTriangleMeshRemapTable
- Returns:
the remapping table (or NULL if ‘PxCookingParams::suppressTriangleMeshRemapTable’ has been used)
virtual PxBounds3 getLocalBounds() const = 0#
Returns the local-space (vertex space) AABB from the tetrahedron mesh.
- Returns:
local-space bounds
virtual void release() = 0#
Decrements the reference count of a tetrahedron mesh and releases it if the new reference count is zero.
See also
virtual PxU32 getReferenceCount() const = 0#
Returns the reference count of the object.
At creation, the reference count of the object is 1. Every other object referencing this object increments the count by 1. When the reference count reaches 0, and only then, the object gets destroyed automatically.
- Returns:
the current reference count.
virtual void acquireReference() = 0#
Acquires a counted reference to this object.
This method increases the reference count of the object by 1. Decrement the reference count by calling release()
virtual const char *getConcreteTypeName() const = 0#
Returns string name of dynamic type.
- Returns:
Class name of most derived type of this object.
inline PxType getConcreteType() const#
Returns concrete type of object.
See also
- Returns:
PxConcreteType::Enum of serialized object
inline void setBaseFlag(PxBaseFlag::Enum flag, bool value)#
Set PxBaseFlag
- Parameters:
flag – [in] The flag to be set
value – [in] The flags new value
inline void setBaseFlags(PxBaseFlags inFlags)#
Set PxBaseFlags
See also
- Parameters:
inFlags – [in] The flags to be set
inline PxBaseFlags getBaseFlags() const#
Returns PxBaseFlags.
See also
- Returns:
inline virtual bool isReleasable() const#
Whether the object is subordinate.
A class is subordinate, if it can only be instantiated in the context of another class.
See also
- Returns:
Whether the class is subordinate
Protected Functions
inline PxTetrahedronMesh(PxType concreteType, PxBaseFlags baseFlags)#
inline PxTetrahedronMesh(PxBaseFlags baseFlags)#
inline virtual ~PxTetrahedronMesh()#
inline virtual bool isKindOf(const char *name) const#
Returns whether a given type name matches with the type of this instance.
inline virtual void onRefCountZero()#
template<class T>
inline bool typeMatch() const#