Defined in include/foundation/PxSIMDHelpers.h
class PxMat33Padded : public PxMat33T<float>
A padded version of PxMat33, to safely load its data using SIMD.
Public Functions
inline explicit PxMat33Padded(const PxQuat &q)
inline ~PxMat33Padded()
inline void operator=(const PxMat33 &other)
inline bool operator==(const PxMat33T &m) const
returns true if the two matrices are exactly equal
inline const PxMat33T getTranspose() const
Get transposed matrix.
inline const PxMat33T getInverse() const
Get the real inverse.
inline float getDeterminant() const
Get determinant.
inline const PxMat33T operator-() const
Unary minus.
inline const PxMat33T operator-(const PxMat33T &other) const
inline const PxMat33T operator+(const PxMat33T &other) const
inline const PxMat33T operator*(float scalar) const
Scalar multiplication.
inline const PxVec3T<float> operator*(
- const PxVec3T<float> &vec,
) const
Matrix vector multiplication (returns ‘this->transform(vec)’)
inline const PxMat33T operator*(const PxMat33T &other) const
Matrix multiplication.
inline PxMat33T &operator+=(const PxMat33T &other)
inline PxMat33T &operator-=(const PxMat33T &other)
inline PxMat33T &operator*=(float scalar)
Equals scalar multiplication.
inline PxMat33T &operator*=(const PxMat33T &other)
Equals matrix multiplication.
inline float operator()(PxU32 row, PxU32 col) const
Element access, mathematical way!
inline float &operator()(PxU32 row, PxU32 col)
Element access, mathematical way!
inline const PxVec3T<float> transform(
- const PxVec3T<float> &other,
) const
Transform vector by matrix, equal to v’ = M*v.
inline const PxVec3T<float> transformTranspose(
- const PxVec3T<float> &other,
) const
Transform vector by matrix transpose, v’ = M^t*v.
inline const float *front() const
inline PxVec3T<float> &operator[](PxU32 num)
inline const PxVec3T<float> &operator[](PxU32 num) const
Public Static Functions
static inline const PxMat33T createDiagonal(
- const PxVec3T<float> &d,
Construct from diagonal, off-diagonals are zero.
static inline const PxMat33T outer(
- const PxVec3T<float> &a,
- const PxVec3T<float> &b,
Computes the outer product of two vectors.