Defined in include/PxSimulationEventCallback.h
struct PxContactPairExtraDataIterator#
A class to iterate over a contact pair extra data stream.
See also
Public Functions
- inline PxContactPairExtraDataIterator( )#
- Parameters:
stream – [in] Pointer to the start of the stream.
size – [in] Size of the stream in bytes.
inline bool nextItemSet()#
Advances the iterator to next set of extra data items.
The contact pair extra data stream contains sets of items as requested by the corresponding PxPairFlag flags PxPairFlag::ePRE_SOLVER_VELOCITY, PxPairFlag::ePOST_SOLVER_VELOCITY, PxPairFlag::eCONTACT_EVENT_POSE. A set can contain one item of each plus the PxContactPairIndex item. This method parses the stream and points the iterator member variables to the corresponding items of the current set, if they are available. If CCD is not enabled, you should only get one set of items. If CCD with multiple passes is enabled, you might get more than one item set.
Even though contact pair extra data is requested per shape pair, you will not get an item set per shape pair but one per actor pair. If, for example, an actor has two shapes and both collide with another actor, then there will only be one item set (since it applies to both shape pairs).
- Returns:
True if there was another set of extra data items in the stream, else false.
Public Members
const PxContactPairVelocity *preSolverVelocity#
Pointer to the current pre solver velocity item in the stream.
NULL if there is none.
See also
const PxContactPairVelocity *postSolverVelocity#
Pointer to the current post solver velocity item in the stream.
NULL if there is none.
See also
const PxContactPairPose *eventPose#
Pointer to the current contact event pose item in the stream.
NULL if there is none.
See also