Defined in include/pvd/PxPvdTransport.h
class PxPvdTransport#
PxPvdTransport is an interface representing the data transport mechanism.
This class defines all services associated with the transport: configuration, connection, reading, writing etc. It is owned by the application, and can be realized as a file or a socket (using one-line PxDefault<…> methods in PhysXExtensions) or in a custom implementation. This is a class that is intended for use by PVD, not by the application, the application entry points are PxPvd and PvdClient.
Public Functions
virtual bool connect() = 0#
Connects to the Visual Debugger application.
return True if success
virtual void disconnect() = 0#
Disconnects from the Visual Debugger application.
If we are still connected, this will kill the entire debugger connection.
virtual bool isConnected() = 0#
Return if connection to PVD is created.
virtual bool write(const uint8_t *inBytes, uint32_t inLength) = 0#
write bytes to the other endpoint of the connection.
should lock before witre. If an error occurs this connection will assume to be dead.
virtual PxPvdTransport &lock() = 0#
virtual void unlock() = 0#
virtual void flush() = 0#
send any data and block until we know it is at least on the wire.
virtual uint64_t getWrittenDataSize() = 0#
Return size of written data.
virtual void release() = 0#
Protected Functions
inline virtual ~PxPvdTransport()#
virtual bool connect() = 0#