Defined in include/PxImmediateMode.h
- PxU32 PxBatchConstraints(
- const PxSolverConstraintDesc *solverConstraintDescs,
- PxU32 nbConstraints,
- PxSolverBody *solverBodies,
- PxU32 nbBodies,
- PxConstraintBatchHeader *outBatchHeaders,
- PxSolverConstraintDesc *outOrderedConstraintDescs,
- PxArticulationHandle *articulations = NULL,
- PxU32 nbArticulations = 0,
Groups together sets of independent PxSolverConstraintDesc objects to be solved using SIMD SOA approach.
This method considers all bodies within the range [0, nbBodies-1] to be valid dynamic bodies. A given dynamic body can only be referenced in a batch once. Static or kinematic bodies can be referenced multiple times within a batch safely because constraints do not affect their velocities. The batching will implicitly consider any bodies outside of the range [0, nbBodies-1] to be infinite mass (static or kinematic). This means that either appending static/kinematic to the end of the array of bodies or placing static/kinematic bodies at before the start body pointer will ensure that the minimum number of batches are produced.
- Parameters:
solverConstraintDescs – [in] The set of solver constraint descs to batch
nbConstraints – [in] The number of constraints to batch
solverBodies – [inout] The array of solver bodies that the constraints reference. Some fields in these structures are written to as scratch memory for the batching.
nbBodies – [in] The number of bodies
outBatchHeaders – [out] The batch headers produced by this batching process. This array must have at least 1 entry per input constraint
outOrderedConstraintDescs – [out] A reordered copy of the constraint descs. This array is referenced by the constraint batches. This array must have at least 1 entry per input constraint.
articulations – [inout] The array of articulations that the constraints reference. Some fields in these structures are written to as scratch memory for the batching.
nbArticulations – [in] The number of articulations
- Returns:
The total number of batches produced. This should be less than or equal to nbConstraints.