
Defined in include/foundation/PxMathUtils.h

inline PxReal PxSdfSample(
const PxReal *sdf,
const PxVec3 &localPos,
const PxVec3 &sdfBoxLower,
const PxVec3 &sdfBoxHigher,
const PxReal sdfDx,
const PxReal invSdfDx,
const PxU32 dimX,
const PxU32 dimY,
const PxU32 dimZ,
PxVec3 &gradient,
PxReal tolerance = PX_MAX_F32,

Samples the signed distance field (SDF) at a given local position with gradient computation (deprecated).


Please use PxSDFSample.

  • sdf[in] A pointer to the SDF data

  • localPos[in] The local position to sample the SDF

  • sdfBoxLower[in] The lower bound of the SDF box

  • sdfBoxHigher[in] The upper bound of the SDF box

  • sdfDx[in] The spacing between grid points in the SDF

  • invSdfDx[in] The inverse of the grid spacing

  • dimX[in] The number of grid points along the x-axis

  • dimY[in] The number of grid points along the y-axis

  • dimZ[in] The number of grid points along the z-axis

  • gradient[out] The resulting gradient vector

  • tolerance[in] The tolerance for clamping the grid points (default is PX_MAX_F32)


The sampled SDF value