Fully qualified name: ExtGpu::PxCreateAndPopulateParticleRigidBuffer
Defined in include/extensions/PxParticleExt.h
- PxParticleRigidBuffer *ExtGpu::PxCreateAndPopulateParticleRigidBuffer(
- const ExtGpu::PxParticleBufferDesc &desc,
- const ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidDesc &rigidDesc,
- PxCudaContextManager *cudaContextManager,
Creates and populates a particle rigid buffer.
Particle rigids are particles that try to keep their relative positions. They are a bit commpressible similar to softbodies.
- Deprecated:
Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.
- Parameters:
desc – [in] The particle buffer descriptor
rigidDesc – [in] The rigid descriptor
cudaContextManager – [in] A cuda context manager
- Returns:
A fully populated particle rigid buffer ready to use