Defined in include/extensions/PxSimpleFactory.h
- PxRigidDynamic *PxCreateDynamic(
- PxPhysics &sdk,
- const PxTransform &transform,
- const PxGeometry &geometry,
- PxMaterial &material,
- PxReal density,
- const PxTransform &shapeOffset = PxTransform(PxIdentity),
simple method to create a PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.
See also
- Parameters:
sdk – [in] the PxPhysics object
transform – [in] the global pose of the new object
geometry – [in] the geometry of the new object’s shape, which must be a sphere, capsule, box or convex
material – [in] the material for the new object’s shape
density – [in] the density of the new object. Must be greater than zero.
shapeOffset – [in] an optional offset for the new shape, defaults to identity
- Returns:
a new dynamic actor with the PxRigidBodyFlag, or NULL if it could not be constructed