Defined in include/extensions/PxSimpleFactory.h
- PxRigidDynamic *PxCreateKinematic(
- PxPhysics &sdk,
- const PxTransform &transform,
- const PxGeometry &geometry,
- PxMaterial &material,
- PxReal density,
- const PxTransform &shapeOffset = PxTransform(PxIdentity),
simple method to create a kinematic PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.
See also
unlike PxCreateDynamic, the geometry is not restricted to box, capsule, sphere or convex. However, kinematics of other geometry types may not participate in simulation collision and may be used only for triggers or scene queries of moving objects under animation control. In this case the density parameter will be ignored and the created shape will be set up as a scene query only shape (see PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE)
- Parameters:
sdk – [in] the PxPhysics object
transform – [in] the global pose of the new object
geometry – [in] the geometry of the new object’s shape
material – [in] the material for the new object’s shape
density – [in] the density of the new object. Must be greater than zero if the object is to participate in simulation.
shapeOffset – [in] an optional offset for the new shape, defaults to identity
- Returns:
a new dynamic actor with the PxRigidBodyFlag::eKINEMATIC set, or NULL if it could not be constructed