Defined in include/vehicle2/drivetrain/PxVehicleDrivetrainFunctions.h
- void PxVehicleDifferentialStateUpdate(
- const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription,
- const PxVehicleArrayData<const PxVehicleWheelParams> &wheelParams,
- const PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialParams &diffParams,
- const PxReal thrustCommand0,
- PxReal thrustCommand1,
- PxVehicleDifferentialState &diffState,
- PxVehicleWheelConstraintGroupState &wheelConstraintGroupState,
Compute the fraction of available torque to be delivered to each wheel and gather a list of all wheels connected to the differential.
- Parameters:
axleDescription – [in] is a decription of the axles of the vehicle and the wheels on each axle.
wheelParams – [in] is an array that describes the wheel radius of each wheel.
diffParams – [in] specifies the operation of a tank differential.
thrustCommand0 – [in] is the state of one of the two thrust controllers.
thrustCommand1 – [in] is the state of one of the two thrust controllers.
diffState – [out] contains the fraction of available drive torque to be delivered to each wheel connected to the differential.
wheelConstraintGroupState – [out] describes the groups of wheels connected by sharing a tank track.